Chapter 77: Reasons Unknown

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Fun fact: Kota being a first year when izuku and the gang became second years has been in the back of my mind since early 2022 when I first started this story. Over a year and a half later it came to fruition in chapter 47.

"This place is really nice!" Camie said as she followed Bakugo into a restaurant.

"Yeah, I'm into spicy food and sea food and this place has both of them." He chuckled as he opened the door letting Camie in first.

"I also like spicy food." Camie laughed to herself as Bakugo walked up next to her.

"This place was one of my favorites when I was younger. My parents would only take me on special occasions though." Bakugo said as they both neared a booth.

Once they sat down a waiter walked over and dropped off two menu's. He greeted the two before leaving to continue work.

" do we do this?" Camie asks Bakugo who laughs.

"I'll start, what's your favorite color?" Bakugo asks the girl who chuckles.

She looks at Bakugo's eyes and smiles. "Red." She answers.

Bakugo shakes his head while chuckling. "You're very flirtatious Camie, that's for sure." Bakugo looked at the girl who giggled.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." She agreed with the boy.

"Anyways what about you?" Camie asked him.

"Hazel." He replies with a grin and the girl giggles and shakes her head.

"Guess you're quite flirtatious yourself huh." Camie says with Bakugo nodding, proud of himself.

A buzz comes from Camie's phone and she pulls it out of her pocket. She clicks her tongue as she opens the message.

*where are you* Inasa had texted the girl.

*im out* She replies before putting the phone down on the table.

"Who's that?" Bakugo asks wondering why the girl seemed so annoyed.

"Inasa, he's just being irritating." She replies as another vibration is felt on the table.

Camie grabs her phone and puts it on do not disturb.

"Is he like, a close friend or something?" Bakugo asks the girl who sighs.

"We were close in our first year. But something happened in the middle of it and he left school. He was gone for so long that he had to redo his first year." Camie seemed to become a little sad.

"Since then he's just been different...I don't know if he has an inferiority complex or something but he can't stand not being the best at everything he does. Even if it means cheating to do it." Camie frowned as she twiddled her thumbs.

"Is that why he was such an asshole to Deku?" Bakugo asked as a waiter came up and dropped off two cups of water.

"I'm not sure what that was all about...maybe since he was technically a first year at that point, but seeing Midoriya being so good at football maybe pissed him off since Midoriya was new to the sport?" Camie proposed and Bakugo looked at the girl before shaking his head.

"How would he know that Deku was new to the sport? For all he knew he could've been like me and the other guys who played in middle school." Bakugo asks the girl who shrugs.

"Word spreads. Like I knew at the opening game last year that he only joined the team like a week before. Meanwhile everyone else joined in late July early August." Camie told the boy who nodded.

"That makes sense." Bakugo says and Camie nods as well.

"It really got bad when Midoriya hit Inasa. And then got away with it too. Inasa hates being bitched around, so when someone who was like 9 inches shorter than him and over a year younger clocked him onto the ground in assuming that just fueled his hatred." Camie said as she remembered the boy walked into school the next day without saying anything which was anything but normal.

"I mean yeah that does sound like an ego check if I've ever heard. But even so I don't think Inasa had any right to hurt Deku after that incident. Especially not break his arm." Bakugo says to Camie who nods in agreement.

"That's when things got worse between me and him, we were close beforehand but when he broke Midoriya's arm he completely changed. Seemed like he saw me as a servant to do his bidding for him instead of his friend." Camie rolled her eyes.

"So that's why you threatened Deku that day, Inasa put you up to it." Bakugo said to the girl who nodded.

"Yup, but I can only blame myself for going alone with him. Even since then he's just treated me even worse. He even tried to hookup with me once but I flat out rejected him." Camie sighed and put her elbow on the table before leaning onto her hand.

"Oh so he's like, too far gone?" Bakugo asks the girl who looks conflicted.

"I wouldn't say that but...I'm not sure what he's gonna do when I graduate. A lot of kids say he's a lot worse when I'm not around." Camie looked like she felt guilty.

"It's not your fault, whatever shit he does is his decision. Just because he wants to lean on you doesn't mean anything." Bakugo reassures the girl while taking a sip of water.

Camie smiled. "Thanks Bakugo I appreciate that." She closes her eyes and looks down.

Bakugo smiles and nods. "No problem." He replies.

"Okay I know this is random but when is your birthday?" Camie asks Bakugo as she opens her eyes again.

"April 20th." Bakugo answers.

"Ah, so you'll be 18 when I graduate. Cool." Camie smiles and Bakugo does as well.

"It kinda sucks we met this late into high school to be honest. I wish you went to Shiketsu with me, it would be much more fun." Camie sighs as she picks up her glass of water and takes a sip.

"Everything happens for a reason." Bakugo shrugs. "Guess we were just meant to meet this way." He continues and the girl laughs.

"You know, you come off hotheaded but you really seem down to earth." Camie leaned her head onto her hand again and inched closer to bakugo.

"It's's like seeing an unreleased version of a tv show." She giggles and Bakugo smiles while shaking his head.

"What an analogy." He says and the girl nods.

A waiter walked up to their table.

"Hello guys, what may I get you two?"

Bakugo looked at Camie and Beckoned her to order first. She quickly shuffled through the menu and Bakugo smiled and shook his head while looking back to the waiter.

"I'll have the spiciest thing on the menu please." Bakugo smiled at himself.

"And you ma'm?" The waiter asked and Camie closed the menu and looked at the waiter.

"I'll do the same!" She said and bakugo raised a brow while smirking.

"Okay! I'll have that to you in a little bit." The waiter said before walking away.

Bakugo looked to the girl and shook his head.

"Oh you're gonna regret that."

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