2. Perfect

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Sweet Nothing & Bitter Sweet - Davina's extended stories!!

The first few moons were difficult. For the whole family. Baelon started isolating himself and went back to the capital. He was hand of the king, Viserys, Daemon and Avalon's grandfather, Jaehaerys was the king. Baelon looked down at Avalon and saw so much of Alyssa in her little eyes. He couldn't stand it. So Viserys and Daemon took it upon themselves to take care of Avalon.

Avalon was the perfect child. Truly perfect.

Somehow, Viserys thought that Avalon knew they were struggling. She never cried, never fussed, never made a peep. She stared up at them, quiet as a mouse. She drank her milk and sat, observing quietly in Viserys lap as he did his studies. He would point out some of the illustrations and Avalon would stare up at him. Big beautiful eyes and a little smile. She already had his heart. 

"Stop boring her!" Daemon declared picking up Avalon from Viserys lap. 

"Daemon, she was content!" Viserys countered. 

"She was not." Daemon mused and Avalon stared back at Daemon silently as he hugged her to him. "She was bored out of her mind." Daemon informed him and Viserys rolled his eyes. "Werent you my little angel?" Daemon coed leading her outside. 

"Where are you going?" Viserys questioned. 

"For a ride." Daemon remarked. 

"Daemon, not with Avalon!" Viserys told him chasing after him. 

"Yes with Avalon." Daemon countered. 

"Daemon stop!" Viserys demanded. "While father is gone, I'm in charge of you two." Viserys reminded him. 

"Mother took us riding." Daemon reminded him. "Why can't I take Avalon?" 

"Because you are not as skilled as mother." Viserys offered. 

"I'm great. I'm awesome." Daemon countered. 

"I say no." Viserys decided and reached out for Avalon. she looked between them her head tipping back unable to hold it up. Viserys grabbed her holding her correctly. "You dont even know how to hold her, her head it going to snap right off!" Viseyrs warned and Daemon's eyes went wide. 

"WHAT!" He shouted taking a step back. "I didnt know they could do that?"

"If you hold her wrong." Viserys remarked. "She isnt strong enough yet." Viserys remarked and Daemon stared back at them as Viserys cradled her little head to him. 

"Fine." Daemon agreed. "When she is bigger." Daemon told him as he walked off. Viserys rolled his eyes as he brought avalon back inside. 

"Okay," viserys said settling back in. "Where were we?" He scanned the page, his finger running down the worn book before a satisfied sigh escaped him. "Here we are." Viserys began reading as Avalon slumped falling asleep in his lap. 

"You really are perfect." Viserys told her as he transferred her to her crib. Avalon's little eyes opened as she felt the shift in position and she stared silently up at Viserys. "Goodnight, Avalon..." He whispered hypnotized by her eyes before she blinked a few times and went back to sleep. 

It wasnt until her first name day that her personality really started to form. She was still perfect but now she was vocal and adventurous, who knew what trouble their perfect little angel would get up to. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now