81. Non- Negotiable

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Avalons stomach was growing the baby was going to be okay. Aemond pressed a kiss to her stomach before running off to play with Alyssa.

Avalon moved to Mouse. He smiled when she approached. She reached out a hand but Mouse brought his face down to hers and she rested her forehead against his. The warm scales making her clammy skin feel better.

"I missed you baby. Viserys has been keeping under house arrest." Avalon remarked. "Its for my good he says but Mouse im itching for a flight." Mouse got up nodding happily. "Alright I agree lets go," avalon climbed up and she always felt more at peace like the world wouldnt- couldnt hurt her in the air. She climbed up and Mouse seemed to smile as she ran her hands over his back nails scratching soothingly over his scales.

"Lets go baby." Avalon whispered pressing a long kiss to his neck and Mouse took flight.

Viserys watched from the ground as he saw a dragon fly off.

"Mouse... ser Criston-" viserys demanded. "Why are you not with avalon?"

"Ser Harrold-" criston corrected turning to the king. "-hes on the queens watch while I train-" aegon whacked him with a wooden sword in the back of the legs and criston stumbled forward falling to one knee.

"Harold!" Viserys demanded.

"She's surprisingly fast." Harold offered.

"The maesters said-"

"Im sorry your grace but when the queen has a mission on her mind she is unstoppable."  Viserys sighed knowing he was right.

"I can get mama!" Aegon declared.

"Sunfyre is too little." Viserys corrected. "But thats really sweet of you bud. You know that your mama and Mouse are safe." He didnt know if he was telling aegon or himself. Mouse protected Avalon. She was safe.

"Mouse slow down!" Avalon giggled out.

Avalon was still smiling when she landed

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Avalon was still smiling when she landed. Mouse purred happily as she slid down his back.

"Thanks for the ride handsome."

"Avalon..." she turned to face viserys and Alyssa. Alyssa ran from viserys side and hugged avalon.

"Hey, you having fun with daddy?" Avalon questioned.

"Yeah he got me a new book of herbology mama! We were finding all the matching flowers while you were flying!" Alyssa agreed.

"Thats so lovely!" Avalon agreed.

"I thought we talked about you flying while pregnant-"

"We did. When I was engaged to you. Remember?" Avalon corrected.


'Hello Avalon.' Viserys had said smiling down at her. She sat down on his bed and pulled the covers up around her. 'What are you doing love?' He questioned walking over to her.

'We need to talk and i thought here was better than with your council staring at us.' Avalon told him as she lay down in bed, she pat the spot next to her.

'You know you used to do this when you were little.' viserys remarked sliding in next to her. She curled up into him.

'I know.' she answered softly. 'You made the nightmares go away.' She told him

'And now I'm becoming your nightmare, the irony.' Viserys remarked dryly.

'No you're not,' avalon assured. 'I wanted to set some ground rules and they might sound a bit bitchy which is why i didnt want to say them in front of the council.' Avalon went on.

'Of course you have rules.' viserys laughed

'Well more like guidelines things to which I won't be saying or doing.' Avalon told him

'Fire away.' Viserys told her as he ran a hand along her shoulder blade and up into her white hair she leaned her head against him.

'I'm not calling you your grace or any form of that.' Avalon told him

'You never have I wouldn't expect you start now.' viserys remarked kissing her forehead.

'I'm not giving up dragon riding.' Avalon informed him. 'Not ever.' He stared down at her. Rhaenyra was so much like Avalon. Strong fearless and hot headed at times.

'When you get pregnant that wouldn't be save for the baby my dear.' Viserys reminded her. Avalon stared up at him defiantly. 'Avalon dragon riding is ridiculously dangerous sweetheart. I wont allow that to continue once we are wed.'

'Non negotiable.' Avalon told him firmly.


'Non. Negotiable.' She said slowly and viserys let out a sigh. He knew she would fight him on something tonight and it had to be dragons.

'Can we table that discussion?' Viserys suggested

'No.' She told him immediately.

'What other rules or conditions are there?' Viserys pondered.

'That's it.' Avalon told him and his hand froze on her back

'That's it?' He questioned staring down at her but she wasnt looking up at him

'That's it.' She confirmed

'No your grace and yes to dragon riding?' Viserys clarified

'Yes'. Avalon agreed. 'For a king you really dont pay attention.' She teased smirking up at him.


'Non negotiable.' Avalon reminded him

'Dragon riding-'

'Is dangerous. But brother I already love. Not how I assume a wife loves her husband but I love you and if you think I will be good a good queen for you than those are my terms and I'm yours. I sign on the line and everything.' avalon mused

'Avalon...' she looked up to him then. She always had the prettiest of eyes. When she was little she would look up at him pout and bat her eyelashes and he would give her the moon. He brushed her hair behind her ear and held her cheek in his hand. 'Alright.' he agreed.

'Alright.' she confirmed.

'Can I kiss you?' 


"Viserys im okay." She assured but she took another step towards him and she did feel a bit dizzy.  Viserys reached out for her.

"Lets get something to eat... yeah?" Viserys begged keeping an arm around her. She nodded bringing a hand to her stomach.

"Maybe it was too much on an empty stomach." Avalon agreed.

She found herself getting more lightheaded though as her baby grew.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now