79. Power, Panic, Pain

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Avalon was missing Daemon already, she wanted him to stay forever, didnt understand why he would willingly leave her. She was pregnant again and she wanted him here but he was so far away, so damn stubborn.

She walked around her chambers tiding up. Aemond waved back at her from his mound of toys on the ground around him. 

She moved to the balcony and swung on her swing, Viserys had made for her. Alyssa was napping, Aegon was trying to take Criston down, and failing miserably. She swung back and forth, her hand running over her stomach, her little baby, another baby, she was so very excited. She was also sad because Aemond clearly loved being the baby.

Aemond pulled himself up and ran out to her. Avalon couldnt stop smiling as she stopped swinging and pulled him into her lap. Aemond giggled out. 

"You like the swing daddy made for us?" Avalon coed. Aemond kept giggling he lifted his hands up laughing out. 

He giggled himself out and whimpered and yawned. Avalon stopped again and held him to her. ANother yawn left his lips and she pressed a kiss to his cheek as she tucked him into his crib in her chambers. 


Avalon was reading, a hand to her pregnant stomach, she wondered if it was a boy or a girl, she thought it was a boy, Aemond gave a little sleepy gurgle. Avalon rose up with a heavy sigh, Viserys was in meetings and Avalon was having cramps, she was worried about her baby so the maesters told her to take it easy. 

A man breeching the capital, sneaking into her chambers was not taking it easy. She was walking to her bookshelf when she heard the creek of the floor behind her, she wasnt worried, she thought it was viserys, or maybe Daemon was back. 

But it wasnt Viserys, it was an intruder, it was something that wanted to hurt her. He wrapped a blade around her neck, not pushing enough to draw blood but enough to make her suck in a breath. 

"Dont scream." He demanded in her ear. Avalon froze her eyes darting to Aemond in his crib. 

"What do you want?" Avalon whimpered out. His hand moved down her back, grabbing her ass. But she moved his free hand to her stomach. "You want to kill me?" 

"Not yet." 

"You kill me, you hurt me... you kill my baby too." Avalon rasped.

"Fucking hell."

"Dont hurt my baby." Avalon whimpered.

Drawing in a shaky breath, she covered his hands with hers, squeezing them as a tear slipped down her cheek. One tear he would never see. She should have tried to run, to fight, but she was too busy being scared out of her mind because she had this feeling ... a terrible feeling that he wasn't simply going to kill her, he was going to have his fun with her first and then, then he would kill her. 

"Please," Avalon whispered. "Please..."

"No, no, no!" Aemond shouted and started throwing his toys at the man. 

"Shut up kid!" 

"Dont hurt my baby! What do you want?" Avalon demanded. 

"You dont look pregnant." 

"Dont mess with a mother." Avalon warned and she sent an elbow back to his gut and he was not expecting it. He jerked back and growled at her. Aemond kept throwing things, mainly missing but Avalon loved his spirit. 

"Fucking hell." He bit back. 

"Leave now before I have you killed." Avalon warned. 

"Not until I have had my fun." 

Avalon didnt know the strength that came over her, but she grabbed his arm pulling him away from Aemond and they tussled, she fought against him pushing him towards the window, he got tangled in the swing and one side broke, he landed with a harsh thud on his ass. Avalon looked around screamed down to the courtyard for help seeing Criston and Aegon down there. 

"You shouldnt have done that bitch." He grumbled. 

"You are the intruder here, this is my home." Avalon corrected as he got up and she sent a kick, a kick that surely wouldnt have done anything and yet he went flying back, breaking the balcony railing and landed on the hard ground. Aegon screamed as the mans blood seeped around him in the courtyard. Criston was already running up to Avalon's chambers Harwin picked up Aegon keeping him back. Avalon felt a wave of what she could only describe as power flow through her, something she had never felt so strongly before. 

Then she felt weakness and pain, pure pain, she stumbled back into her chambers and picked up Aemond, he cried into her and she coed softly to him. She curled up on the ground Aemond snuggled into her. 

She didnt know how long or short she sat there panic and pain flooding her when Criston came through the door. 

Avalon pulled her knees up to her chest as she waited for Criston to tell her everything was okay and that the castle was safe, it was fluke nothing like this would happen again. But her heart stilled in her chest as his expression changed. The blood drained from her face. It's bad. Whatever's happened was bad. Fuck. Her heart squeezed into a painful knot. 

"Avalon, you're bleeding." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now