80. Strength

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Mirrorball / Sansa Stark Out now!


Vulnerable / Daeron Targaryen out now!

Avalon pulled her knees up to her chest as she waited for Criston to tell her everything was okay and that the castle was safe, it was fluke nothing like this would happen again. But her heart stilled in her chest as his expression changed. The blood drained from her face. It's bad. Whatever's happened was bad. Fuck. Her heart squeezed into a painful knot.

"Avalon, you're bleeding." Criston declared and Avalon looked up at him then down to herself. Blood stained her dress and she wept. 

The maester and Viserys were called immediately and they ran to Avalon as she was helped out of her top dress and left in her under gown.  

The maester examined her and Viserys held tight to her hand, kissing her forehead. Avalon whimpered out. Alicent tended to the children telling them everything would be okay but she was worried too, she loved Avalon, Avalon had taken such good care of her, treated her as her own and now she was in pain and there was nothing Alicent could do to help. 

"How could this happen?" Viserys demanded. 

"The tunnels." Avalon offered. "The passageways." 

"I want them sealed." Viserys demanded. "Now! ALl of them."

"That would take ages, there are too many." Avalon corrected. 

"How did you know about the tunnels?" Viserys questioned. 


"Daemon, of course Daemon." Viserys agreed. 

"Viserys, I'm feeling much better." Avalon lied. 

"You look pale my love." Viserys corrected. 

"It was a busy day." She offered. 

"I'm sorry I wasnt there, I should have been-" Viserys turned to Criston. "Where were you Ser?"

"He was with Aegon, training, dont blame him I gave him leave." Avalon informed him. 

"I should have been here." Criston agreed. 

"Someone should have." Viserys declared. 

"I'm okay, Aemond is okay... Alicent has Aegon and Alyssa now please, Maester tell me... is my baby okay?"

"Not enough blood for a miscarriage but I think its best you stay in bed rest for a while so we can further determine if the baby was hurt."  The maester remarked. "If you can carry this child to term." 

"I want to, I feel fine I mean, I'm sure the baby... you think..."

"Lets not worry just yet, lets see how you feel over the next few days." The maester instructed and Viserys nodded along. 

"Yes, whatever she needs." Viserys agreed. "Avalon when they said-"

"I'm okay Viserys, I promise." Avalon whispered. 

"Avalon, my love I thought I lost you." Viserys rasped kissing her temple again. 

"I'm right here." 

Avalon thought it best to keep the I flew a man off the balcony with my super human, super dragon kick to herself. He didnt need to worry about that. She didnt know herself what that was. The railing was faulty, the man wasnt as strong as he seemed, Avalon was stronger than her little self seemed. She smiled but she didnt feel weak, her hand went to her stomach and she shouldnt have been able to feel her baby in there but she did. She really did. 

SHe kept a hand on her stomach as a bath was drawn to help her clean off the blood. She felt her baby in her, her baby was going to be fighter. SHe could tell. 

"I'm okay Viserys. I promise." Avalon assured as she stepped into the warm water, letting it envelop her in warmth. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now