83. Dragon Shit

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After all the fuss and bed rest it was finally time to start pushing. She lost a lot of blood she was weaker than after her other births but when Daeron was born. He was littler than Aemond was and seemed so delicate. But he cried out when he was pulled free and kicked his little legs.

"Hes okay. Hes okay- check the queen-"

"Im fine. Give me my baby." Avalon insisted.

The realms had been praying for the queen, everyone gave avalon the false pleasantries she had grown used to but seeing Alicent and Rhaenyra doting over little Daeron made Avalon's heart really happy. 

"Jace isnt even a year yet, they will be the best of friends." ALicent remarked. "Like you and I were." 

"Yeah, I think they will." Rhaenyra agreed. Alicent's gaze shifted though as Criston came into the room and she tried to hide her blush when he smiled back at them. ALicent looked to Daeron snuggled in her arm and Avalon rose a brow looking between them. 

When were these two going to kiss and get the awkward tension over with? That was what avalon thought every time Criston and Alicent were in the same room. 

"Alicent, Rhaenyra, would you be willing to take the kids to the pits and look for an egg for Daeron?" Avalon requested. "Ser Criston could go with you, I have Viserys here to protect me." She reminded him before Criston could object. 

"YES!" Aemond declared jumping up. ALicent passed off Daeron and looked to Criston. 

"I will get... ALyssa.'' Alicent offered. "I think she was painting in her chambers." 

"I will fetch Prince Aegon." Criston offered. Rhaenyra looked between them as they headed out. Aemond was jumping up and down happily. 

"Aemond, you say hello to your baby brother?" Viserys questioned as he tipped his head into Avalon. 

"I did!" Aemond agreed as he reached up trying to pull himself up. Avalon smiled down at him as Rhaenyra picked him up putting him on the bed. "Ello! Ello!" 

"You are going to be the best big brother, right Aemond? YOu had Aegon as a good role model." Avalon offered. 

"He's okay." Aemond corrected as he pressed a kiss to Daeron's little head and then to Avalon's cheek. 

"Oh, my sweet boy." Avalon coed wrapping an arm around him. "Thank you, I love your kisses."

"Are they magical like yours?" Aemond questioned. 

"THey most certainly are." Avalon agreed. Aemond smiled back at her when Aegon came in. 

"Alright, lets get an egg!" Aegon declared, hands rooted on his hips. 

"After you, my lady," Criston said gesturing for Alicent to go first and she felt a flutter in her chest as her arm brushed against him. 

"Avalon, my love, what are you up to?" Viserys questioned. 

"I want Alicent and Criston together, they are the sweetest people and I know that Alicent has been through a lot but I think a good and honest man, one with a big heart could be the one to help her open her own heart again, to the chance at real love." 

"Criston is of the queens guard." Viserys corrected. "He can't-"

"I can make an exception." Avalon cut him off. 

"Avalon-" Viserys tsked. 

"I just had a baby, what I said goes." Avalon reminded him. 

" That applies to every day, my love." Viserys corrected kissing her temple. 

"Auntie Alicent doesnt like dragons." Alyssa was saying as Aemond and Aegon ran ahead. 

"They are big and dangerous creatures." Alicent agreed. She loved when Alyssa called auntie. 

"I think I found one..." Aegon declared. "GROSS!" He corrected. "I touched shit!" He shook his hand wildly trying to get the remnants off. 

"This is going great." Criston agreed as Aemond rolled his eyes, at least tried to, he marched past Aegon he was going to find an egg, he knew he was supposed to be a dragon rider, it was in his blood. 

"GROSS!" Aegon kept screaming. 

"Aegon stop shouting." Alyssa instructed. "you will scare away the bugs!" 

"I dont care about your bugs I just grabbed a piece of dragon shit!" Aegon countered. 

"I found one!" Aemond declared holding it up like a trophy, "a real egg!" 

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