69. Man The Fort

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State of Grace / Ned Stark out now!

"Oh no, I can't fit!" Avalon declared as the blanket fork crumbled down around them. 

"Mama!" Aegon laughed out. Aemond stared back at them from the 

"We can rebuild." Avalon assured as they tied ends to Aemond's crib bars and used stools as supports. Alyssa smiled back at her clapping happily as her and Aegon crawled inside. "Beautiful!" 

"Excuse me..." Criston knocked on the door. 

"Oh, Ser Criston, what do you think?" Avalon questioned and Aegon did jazz hands from inside the fort. 

"It's... amazing." Criston admitted. 

"What do you say to ser Criston?" Avalon questioned. 

"Thank... YOU!" Alyssa declared pointing a finger at Criston and he honestly forgot why he was here seeing their smiling faces. 

"You needed me?" Avalon pondered and Criston looked to the scroll in his hands. 

"yes, a raven came in for you." Criston recalled. 

"Thank you." Avalon took it from him. 

"Thank... YOU!" Alyssa declared again. Avalon chuckled as Criston headed out. The support was falling and Avalon put down the scroll fixing it before getting comfortable again beside Alyssa. 

Finally when Avalon opened it she read it over confused. She read it again. Avalon had received a raven from the iron islands. A distress call. Viserys came in sitting on the couch when Avalon jumped up. 

''Viserys man the fort.'' Avalon declared


''The literal fort viserys.'' Avalon pointed at aegon and alyssa playing under the sheets. Little Aemond was staring at them from his crib reaching through the bars wanting to join in too.

''Where are you going?'' Viserys questioned.

''To save the day.'' Avalon told him.


''I love you and I will be back so soon.'' Avalon assured kissing him before tying up her laces and heading out.

"Avalon where are you going?" Viserys called after her.

''Mouse. Time to go.'' Avalon declared and she heard him rumbling as he got out claws digging into the ground as he approached her. ''I know the dragon masters say dragons cant smile''. Avalon remarked as she rubbed at his scales. ''But they dont know you like I do.'' She coed kissing him. ''Iron islands mouse. Iron islands. Fly.'' Mouse took off running before he took to the skies.

Dalton Greyjoy. The red Kracken. Avalon slid off Mouse and took purposeful steps to their castle. 

"I need to see Alicent Hightower.' Avalon requested

''Your grace-''

'I need to speak with Alicent Hightower.'' Avalon told him again

''Your grace we were not expecting you.'' Lord Greyjoy stammered

'No,' she agreed 'because i didnt tell you I was going. Funny how things work out. Where is she?''

''Busy. With her husband, Dalton. They have yet to make a baby. They try tirelessly.'' Lord greyjoy informed her and avalon glared back at him.

''They can take a break for their queen.'' Avalon informed him stiffly she heard a whimpered cry from a back room and pushed open the door.

''Avalon!'' Alicent cried out. She was tied up body bare little scars littered her body. Avalon spared a glance back at the Greyjoys as she marched across the room.

''It's okay. I'm taking you home.' Avalon assured

''She is my property. '' Dalton corrected.

''Men.'' Avalon groaned getting alicent down and wrapping a blanket around her. ''Pack up and get dressed. We are leaving. Your union is done.''

''You cant do that!'' Dalton screamed out.

''What did you say?'' Avalon questioned incredulously

''You cant-'' Dalton began confidently. Sure Avalon was a little spit of a thing but she was a dragon.

''I'm the queen. I can and I will do whatever I want.'' Avalon spat. Alicent dressed but didnt need to pack anything she didnt have anything she cared for here.

''I'm ready,'' alicent whimpered.

''Good. Lets go.'' Avalon grabbed her hand leading her out. The greyjoys followed.

''You cant take her!'' Dalton spat.

''The union is done. By order of the king and queen of the seven kingdoms.'' Avalon told them.

''No its not. '' Dalton corrected and Avalon turned around to look him in the eyes.

"What is your house motto?" Avalon questioned a mischievous smile on her lips. "We do not sow." Avalon recalled taking a step towards him. "Sounds very threatening, is that why you hurt little girls?" Avalon countered. "Your house is weak so you take and take and build yourself up, make yourself feel powerful. But you are done."

"You can't." Dalton demanded.

''Fire and blood.'' Avalon spoke clearly, her brow rose slowly and Dalton took a step back as she pulled a shaking alicent behind her.

''You cant just take my wife!'' Dalton's words shook though as Mouse stepped forward.

''DRACARYS!'' Avalon shouted and Mouse burned them to ash with a single blow. She felt alicent shivering against her. ''It's alright. ''

''You came for me'. Alicent whimpered

''Of course. Im taking care of you now.'' Avalon offered her a hand to help her get up but alicent hugged her tight.

''Thank you,'' she whispered avalon felt hot tears on her shoulder as alicents whole body shook in avalons arms.

''Your father wanted you to seduce viserys. Didnt he?'' Avalon questioned softly as she ran her fingers gently through her hair.

''I never wanted it or him. But he made me!'' Alicent told her. ''He just wanted more power. I was scared if I didnt do what he said but then....''

''What?'' Avalon urged.

''He... sent me away anyways. Married me off for the greyjoys, Dalton Greyjoy the red Kracken... for ships and... your grace i was so scared." Alicent whimpered.

''They beat you. ''

''They made a game of it''. Alicent whimpered. ''They- they-''

''I understand.'''  Avalon told her softly. ''Don't worry. You dont have to worry about them anymore. You are my ward. I will keep you safe.'' Avalon assured. ''Come on. Lets go home.''

Alicent didnt think flying would be so freeing she thought it would be terrifying and awful but she had never felt so alive.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now