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Dance Away my broken heart / Podrick Payne out now!!!

It was no surprise that when the twins were only 11 moons old that Avalon gave birth to another child. A little girl. 

She had the biggest violet eyes and the smallest little nose. 

"Shes so little." Daeron whispered. 

"Yes she is," Daemon agreed. 

"Littler than Kaida and I thought she was the littlest person ever." 

"Your mama has always been a little thing." Daemon reminded her. 

"But I dont have to be a little thing, right? Thats not manly." Daeron corrected. 

"What would you know about being a man?" Daemon countered. Daeron shrugged. 

"Thats why I'm asking. Keep up, dad," Daeron instructed and a smile curved Daemon's lips. 

"You got it, son." Daemon agreed patting Daeron's back. Avalon loved when the kids called Daemon dad or father. Daemon loved it too, he didnt think he would but he did. He loved it. He loved being their father. 

"Thank you Cregan, I hate leaving her- its not that I dont trust Daemon its just that his breasts dont work for feeding her." Avalon remarked. 

"Avalon dont talk to stark about your breasts." Daemon instructed moving to the door. 

"Technically she is talking about your breasts my prince." Cregan mused. 

"Fuck off Stark." Daemon corrected calmly. 

"Whats the little princess's name?" Cregan countered. 

"Vaera." Avalon answered. 

"Thats beautiful." Cregan remarked. "Congratulations again and let me know if you need-"

"She wont." Daemon cut in. 

"As my hand, I thank you." Avalon nudged Daemon back. "As my friend I also thank you." Avalon added. "I know the realms are secure with you while I deal with this man child as well." She sent a playful elbow back into Daemon. 

"Me?" Daemon questioned. 

"Of course your grace." Cregan agreed with a chuckle as he headed off. She looked over the stack of parchment in her hand before looking at Daemon. 

"What? I'm the one with my hormones all out of whack, why are you being moody?" Avalon questioned. 

"I'm needy. I thought that was established." Daemon offered kissing her. 

"I know." Avalon assured. "Oh daeron honey, support her neck!" Avalon declared running to him and vaera. She fixed his hand and he smiled sheepishly back at her. 

"Sorry mum." daeron whispered. 

"Oh its okay now you know." Avalon remarked. "Shes too little to hold up her head on her own, so just make sure- yes perfect, just like that." 

It was a lot, running the kingdoms, an now having three children all under 1. ONE! Avalon felt like superwoman some days. 

Kaida and Draco were sleeping through the night but Vaera was night a owl, and was constantly watching them. Avalon noticed that when she had more sweets that day Vaera sucked her dry. COokies in particular. 

"I know it sounds strange but the days I eat salads, health greens, the things that are good for me and her," Avalon began. "Vaera doesnt want to eat. But when I eat cake for breakfast and snack on cookies she drinks me dry." 

"Give her a cookie to suck on." Davina suggested. 

"She's 2 moons old." Avalon corrected. 

"Yeah, I give snapper a cookie and he bites my hand off still." Davina remarked. "I can't imagine someone on my chest, gnawing away at me." 

"It's not bad when they are little and dont have teeth." Avalon corrected. "It is tiring though." 

"Of course it is, hey you want Snapper for a while?" Davina questioned. 

"Did you not just hear the part where I said I'm tired and have too much on my plate right now?" Avalon countered. 

"Yeah but... I need a break, rabid kids are hard work, yours are easy." Davina offered. 

"Go away." Avalon begged. 

"I'm just saying, I will take however many children it is you have now and you can take snapper." 

"Give him to daemon and Harwin to train." Avalon suggested. 

"Thats a great idea!" Davina declared getting up. She moved to the hall. "SNapper thats not food- sorry dude." Davina offered pulling Snapper from a knight, he ran off with indentions in his armor. "Damn kid. Come on we are going to get you trained properly." Snapper wrapped himself around Davina's leg as she walked. "You know this leg is going to be really fucking strong." 

Avalon sighed flopping back on the couch, was she irrational for thinking she could have it all? When Viserys was king, he was the king, sure she handled a lot but it wasnt all on her. Maybe Daemon would want some more responsibilities. 

Avalon felt herself slipping off the deep end of I'm not good enough, I can't handle all this, its just too much when Daemon came in. 

Daemon would look her way and no matter what was going through her mind, no matter the capital drama, some of it seemed to ease knowing she had a man like Daemon in her life. 

Daemon looked at Avalon the way all women want to be looked at by a man.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now