103. Heartbroken

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Bad dreams/ Sandor Clegane out now!

When Avalon woke in the morning Viserys was cold.

''Viserys?'' Avalon questioned wiping the sleep from her eyes. ''Viserys? Vis... oh my... no. No,'' avalon whimpered. ''Viserys.''

Criston found Avalon that morning sobbing into Viserys, she couldnt lose him, he wasnt just her husband, Viserys was her brother, she hadnt known life without him. He was always there for her and now... now he was just gone and Avalon couldnt fathom it.

But since it was the king, everything had to happen quickly and all Avalon wanted to do was crawl up under the covers and cry.

"I dot know how to say this so I'm just going to say it." Avalon remarked through a shaky breath, she gathered her children in her bed while the sisters of the sept tended to Viserys body. Wrapping him up and preparing him for the burning.

"It's father." Aegon realized. Avalon nodded just slightly and more tears fell down her cheeks.

"Your father," Avalon ran a hand through Aemond's hair. "He passed in his sleep... you all know he was sick for a while so at least-" it didnt matter how much she cried she kept crying, the tears wouldnt stop. ".... he was in pain a lot of pain and now he isnt in pain anymore." Avalon informed them. "He loved you all very much and... I know... I know that whatever the future holds we will get through it together." Daeron turned in Avalons lap hugging her.

"Thank you baby." Avalon whimpered.

Davina came flying in on fury and Avalon sobbed into her, she couldnt stop the tears. viserys was dead and Avalon was heartbroken.

"I am to be queen." Rhaenyra realized. She smiled a broken smile back at Harwin. "Avalon was right, I should have spoken to him... now its too late."

"Avalon is usually right." Harwin agreed. "But she's not going anywhere. She is a smart woman to keep on your council."

"We should be preparing for the upcoming coronation." Tyland remarked as he passed with Beesbury, "two days after the funeral-"

"We need more time, she needs more time." Beesbury corrected.

"I'm fine." Rhaenyra corrected and Beesbury offered a sympathetic look.

"She doesnt know?" Tyland murmured as they walked.

"Viserys was going to announce it today I believe." Beesbury whispered back.

"Mama?" Daeron questioned. She nodded into him. "Dont be sad, aunt Davina said he is looking down at us from the stars."

"His ashes turn to stardust." Avalon recalled. "Thats right..." she choked out. "Thank you baby... I needed that hug."

"I dont think I want to fall in love."

"Dont fall in love." Avalon agreed. "Not for a while, stay my baby boy."

"Love seems painful." Daeron corrected.

"It is but it is also magical." Avalon informed him. "Love is magical... and heartbreaking."


Avalon watched as Mouse stood at the top of the hill. She couldnt burn Viserys. She couldnt. They were supposed to have more years together. Aemond leaned back into her as she stared at Viserys wrapped up body.

''Daemon.'' Avalon whispered. ''Mouse can't I can't-'' she whimpered. Daemon kissed her temple.

''I will get Caraxes.'' He offered and avalon nodded as he stepped back but Rhaenyra ground out in pain Avalon turn back to her. Harwin grabbed her arm stabling her.

''It's coming. The baby it's coming.'' Rhaenyra shouted doubling over.

''What do we do your grace?''

''Rhaenyra is alive we tend to her now.'' Avalon told them confidently holding back more tears. ''Get her off her feet. Get her situated.'' Avalon told them she couldn't pull her eyes away from mouse. Daemon came back with caraxes to see Rhaenyra being led away

'' What's going on?''

''The babies coming.'' Avalon told him as Harwin carried Rhaenyra away. Daemon nodded but didnt leave avalons side. "I can't leave him." Avalon said. "Go be with her.'' Avalon whispered

''Men don't know what to do in a birthing chamber.'' he told her as he wrapped his arms around her. ''But here by your side I know exactly what you need.' And he held her as she cried into him

''I don't want to be gone.'' Avalon whimpered

''I'm sorry Avalon. But I'm here for you.'' Daemon told her. 'I'm never going to leave you again.'' Avalon didn't know how long he held her there it could've been minutes it could've been hours it could have been days for all she knew the sun was setting and Viserys body lay before them still unburnt and lifeless.

''Daemon I missed you.'' Avalon whimpered. 'Don't go away again.'

''Never again.'' Daemon promised.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now