59. Right Where You Left Me

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Speak Now/ Rhaegar Targaryen out now!

"Daemon? Why are you so far away?" 

Daemon looked around confused and dazed, blinding blue skies around him. 

"Daemon, do you not love me anymore?"

He knew the voice, it was his avalon and yet he couldnt see her. 

"Daemon, Daemon, Daemon, come back don't leave me."

"Avalon? Where are you?" Daemon called out. 

"Help me. Help me. Save me, please Daemon, please." 

"Avalon!" Daemon shouted spinning around. 

"Why did you leave me? Do you not love me anymore?" Avalons voice echoed. 

"Come out and I can help you. I dont know where you are." Daemon demanded. 

"You know exactly where I am. I'm right where you left me." 

Daemon spun around and Avalon was staring back at him. Angel wings on her back, hair a mess, a tilted little crown sparkling on her head. 

"Daemon come back, save me, save me please

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"Daemon come back, save me, save me please." Avalon whispered. "I need you and you left me." 

"Where-" he reached out to her but she was fading away. 

"Help me Daemon... I'm drowning over here. I can't pull myself back up..." She whimpered. "Help me Daemon."

"Come back Avalon, come back." 

"I'm not the one that left." Avalon corrected and her crown fell to the ground. "You left me." He sighed reaching out for her. "I'm right here, I'm right where you left me."

Daemon woke in a sweat, after a dream of avalon it was so real she was calling out to him. Said she needed help. Daemon didnt know why he was running from his family, from Avalon. He didnt want to. Avalon was his world, how could he run from his world. 


"Is it awful that I wish Daemon was here right now?" Avalon whispered glancing back at Criston.

"No." he answered immediately.

"I just... I want him to tell me everything will be alright. That... Daemon used to... it used to be the three of us." Avalon informed criston as Alyssa sat in her sat. Avalon weaved her fingers through the little silver locks. "Daemon, viserys and I were connected at the hip. I had them. My mother died giving birth to me and my father didnt know what to do with a girl." Avalon informed him.

Criston stared at her a moment confused to why she was telling him this.

"Daemon... he told me he would always be there for me but he kept leaving." Avalon remarked. "He left to start a war and then he came back and now he left again. He should be here. i'm family and he just... left me. he swore he wouldnt." Avalon whimpered.

"Prince Daemon is..." Criston sighed taking a knee before her. "I dont think he can be the most trustworthy... not for stability." Criston remarked gently.

"I just-" Avalon heard wings flapping and rushed to the window. "No offense ser criston but you are wrong and I know Caraxes wings anywhere."

"I could tell you were missing me already." Daemon remarked.

"In other words you didnt get runestone?" Avalon questioned as Daemon pulled her to him.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I'm sorry I left you." Daemon whispered.

"You came back." Avalon whispered into him. "Daemon... Viserys... he isnt doing good." Avalon told him. "I'm trying but I think he needs one of your pep talks."

"How are you doing trouble?" Daemon asked kissing her forehead.

"I'm alright Dae. I'm just worried about Viserys."

"I will talk to him then. For you."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now