11. Snaps

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"What are you doing?" Avalon asked staring back at Daemon.

"I'm trying to read your mind." Daemon told her and Avalon got up standing in front of him placing her hands on his cheeks.

"Better?" Avalon asked and Daemon chuckled wrapping his arms around her.

"Much." He agreed.


"Well what?" Daemon countered.

"What am I thinking?"

"You don't know?" Daemon mused and Avalon tried to take a step back but he held her to him. He snapped his fingers thinking. "Carrot cake."

"I wasn't but now I am." Avalon told him.

"Okay think of something else." Daemon instructed. 

"Mouse." She declared. 

"Don't tell me love." Daemon laughed kissing her cheeks. "Think of something else, don't tell me love, don't tell me this time. Just think." Avalon nodded as he rested his head against hers. He snapped his fingers and Avalon chuckled her eyes drifting to his hand. 

"Snaps." Daemon declared and Avalon laughed out as he pulled her into his lap. 

"Snaps is the game." Avalon declared. "My turn." She said getting up. "Snaps..." she tried to snap her fingers. she stared down at her hands as she tried to snap but couldnt figure it out. "Daemon." Avalon said with a pout. "Help." Avalon held out her hand. "Help." 

He sat her back down in his lap and snapped his fingers. She watched his fingers. He held her hand in his and positioned her own fingers. She tried again and again. Daemon wrapped his arms around her and snapped his fingers back and forth, left hand and right. Her eyes darted between his hands with every snap. 

"Snaps is the name of the game the name of the game is snaps. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isnt. This time it is." Daemon told her. She snapped once and jumped up but Daemon held her to him. 

"I did it!" Avalon declared. "Okay. I'm ready." she stood and rested her forehead against Daemon's. He snapped his fingers focusing on Avalon. She focused on her fingers as she tried to snap again. It was soft but she did it. She twisted her lips as she focused on Daemon. Then a smirk crossed her little face. 

"Snaps is the name of the game the name of the game is snaps. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isnt. This time it is." Daemon repeated. 

"Me." Avalon said confidently. Daemon smiled kissing her cheek. 

"Always." Daemon agreed. 

"So can we get cake?" Avalon asked happily. 

"Always." He agreed again as she tried to help him up. 


"Mouse looks great." Daemon remarked coming up behind Avalon. 

"He does." She said happily.

"No longer little like a mouse." Daemon remarked. 

"He is always my mouse." Avalon corrected. 

"And you are always my mouse." Daemon remarked and Avalon rooted her hands on her hips confused. 

"I'm not a mouse, I'm a girl." Avalon corrected. 

"Yet your mouse is a dragon but a mouse." Daemon countered. Avalon opened her mouth to correct him but closed her mouth even more confused. 

"Are we all mouses?" Avalon asked seriously. 

"Nope." Daemon answered picking her up. "Lets go for a ride love." 

"But you just said-" Avalon declared as she grabbed Mouse's reigns. "-you like to confuse me." Avalon remarked. 

"I love seeing your little face in deep concentration trying to figure out my bullshit." Daemon countered. 

"You said a bad word." Avalon whispered. 

"I did." Daemon agreed. 'I know more too, should I say them?"

"Noooo," Avalon declared shaking her head. "Vis says you shouldnt say those words." Avalon remarked still whispering as though talking about it was bad as well. 

"Viserys is a pussy." 

"A what?" Avalon asked as Mouse headed out of the pit. 

"A pussy." 

"Like a cat?" Avalon remarked. "A pussy cat? Can we get a cat?" Avalon asked hopefully. 

"I dont think that's a good idea." Daemon remarked smiling back at her. 

"Why not? I think I would love a kitty cat." 

"Can you say kitty cat in high velaryian?" Daemon countered and Avalon pursed her lips. 

"Kitttttt-" Avalon huffed out a breath. "Let me think about it." Avalon declared. 

"You want to say it?" Daemon asked nodding to the clouds. 

"Sōvegon!" Avalon declared and Daemon started laughing as they took off. "What?" Avalon called through the wind whipping around them. 

"I remember you calling it so gone and Mouse took of knowing what you meant when you were little." Daemon informed her. "You are still little."

"It sounds similar." Avalon called back. 

"It does." Daemon agreed racing Caraxes ahead of Mouse. "Catch me gorgeous." Daemon called to her. 

"Come on Mouse. Go, go, go!" Avalon exclaimed. "aderī!" 

"Quickly!" Daemon chuckled back at her. 

"aderī." She repeated. "Was that wrong?" She shouted. 

"No, no, love you are doing great." Daemon assured. 

'Kēlītsos!" Avalon shouted to him. 


"Kitty cat!" Avalon remarked as Mouse whipped right past Caraxes. 

"ērinis iā." Daemon told her fondly. 

"I win." She repeated. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now