32. Talking To Dragons

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Viserys felt silly but he was sure that Mouse would tell Avalon in the way that he did that Viserys did not tell him that they had a son and Avalon would shake her head and be very disappointed. So Viserys headed down to the pits. To have a talk with a dragon. 

Mouse grumbled when he saw Viserys but Viserys had to be brave. 

"Hello Mouse... I come with news." Viserys remarked. "This is ridiculous." He murmured as he got closer. Mouse stared down at him expectantly. "Your mother, my Avalon and I had a baby... I'm sure you recall our flight yesterday and the sudden- why am I explaining this to you?" Viserys mumbled. "We had a son, his name is Aegon. Avalon wanted you to be the first to meet him but she is resting." Viserys finished. Was that a long enough talk with a dragon? Avalon would ask why he was back so soon. What did Mouse have to say? How did he seem? 

But Viserys, no one really had a connection like Avalon did with the dragons. It was as though she truly understood them. Like she was one of them. 

"I will tell Avalon... you say congratulations?" Viserys offered and Mouse blinked back at him. "Great talk." Viserys agreed as he headed to leave but Mouse huffed out a breath at him. 

"Yes? Mouse... Gods I'm going mental." Viserys muttered. He huffed out another breath. "You love her and... can't wait to meet the babe." Viserys decided as he headed out. 


A boy. Aegon. Rhaenyra was being replaced. She saw it now. she saw herself becoming obsolete.

"Rhaenyra come meet Aegon." Avalon requested. "He's so cute, isn't he?" Rhaenyra took hesitant steps forward. "Don't worry, you are the heir." Avalon assured.

"I wasn't-" Rhaenyra lied. "I wasnt worried at all."

"You are, but you need not worry." Avalon assured. "I don't want Aegon to be king. Never." Avalon assured. "The thought of you being queen and taking over the throne scares me to but I know that you want it." Avalon confirmed and Rhaenyra nodded taking Aegon from Avalon. "You avoided me since I became a melon of a person about to give birth." Avalon added softly. "I wish you wouldn't. things don't need to change between us." Avalon assured. "I am still your biggest supporter."

"Thank you Auntie... you are going to be a great mother. I can tell." Rhaenyra told her kissing avalon's head.

"I hope so. I want him to be like you, brave and strong and confident. Empowered." Avalon told Rhaenyra honestly.

"Thank you... I will try my best to guide him." Rhaenyra told her.

"I would really like that." Avalon agreed. "I'm not trying to replace anyone." She added. 

"I know." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"I just..." Avalon sighed as Rhaenyra handed Aegon back to her, he snuggled into her contently falling right back asleep. "You know I was really worried about giving birth." Avalon remarked. 

"You were?"

"I was terrified." Avalon agreed. "My mother... then your mother... its common and I..." Avalon's lips twisted as she ran a hand over Aegon's back. "I love you Rhaenyra, I love Aegon... I know how fragile life can be. I dont want to take any day I have with either of you, Viserys and Daemon included for granted. Because you never know when... the day would be the last." Avalon sighed closing her eyes. "No ones know when it will be their last breath."

"I spoke to Mouse on request and I think he's happy about it." Viserys remarked and Rhaenyra burst out laughing. "What?"

"You spoke to Mouse?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"I asked him to." Avalon agreed. "They wont let me leave the bed chambers, claiming I need rest but... Mouse is family too." 

"Yes... it was a great talk." Viserys offered sitting beside Avalon. 

"Oh father, Avalon has you wrapped around her finger." 

"She does." Viserys agreed and Avalon smiled softly back at him. "No place I would rather be." Viserys agreed pulling her closer. 

Rhaenyra saw real and true love in her fathers eyes as he looked at Avalon, something she hadnt seen when he looked at her own mother in a long time. It was nice to see them so happy.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now