112. Deal With It

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They wedding would be done as their ancestors did. As was the valyrian way. The council had wanted a traditional wedding, considering most thought the Targaryen incestuous traditions were ridiculous they didnt add to the theatrics besides the fact that Avalon was nervous.

This time they were both older and grown enough to know it didnt matter what anyone else wanted. Just them.

"Hen lantoti ānogar  (Blood of two)" The septon began. "Va sȳndroti vāedroma (Joined as one)" Their hands were cut, their lips as well, tracing their blood on each others forehead. Bloody palms waiting for unity. 

One hand of each of them was tied together binding the blood, then they drank from the goblet staring into each others eyes. 

"Mēro perzot gīhoti (Ghostly flame) Elēdroma iārza sīr (And song of shadows) Izulī ampā perzī (Two hearts as embers) Prūmī lanti sēteksi (Forged in fourteen fires)" The septon went on, they couldnt hide their smiles, their outfits pure white on the top, with a golden inlay, bleeding down to an ombre red, the end of her gown the darkest of reds. 
"Hen jenȳ māzīlarion (A future promised in glass) Qēlossa ozūndesi (The stars stand witness) Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo (The vow spoken through time) Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi (Of darkness and light)"

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No more words need be spoken, Daemon leaned forward kissing Avalon with everything he had, she was his wife, the love of his life. This life and any life after, Avalon was his. 

"We are married." Avalon whispered against his lips. 

"Always my little queen." Daemon agreed. 

"My king." 

It was bittersweet to think of moving on, to marry again but she wasnt marrying for duty but love. She loved Daemon, she knew that when the time came after Viserys death that she would want Daemon. 

Daemon always held a special place in her heart and she knew that Viserys - although they had their ups and downs the brothers did- they always agreed on one thing. Avalon. 

"Cake." Avalon declared. The kids ran around dancing happily. Avalon didnt care for a proper supper, she just wanted carrot cake. Which Daemon promptly shoved in her face. SHe threw a piece back at him, it Thwacked at him. She laughed out as he licked at his lips. 

"Come here gorgeous." Daemon instructed. "You got something on your face."

"Do I?" avalon mused her tongue waggling.

"I got it." Daemon assured licking along her neck she giggled into him. 

"You get it?" 

"MMM," Daemon agreed kissing down her chest, where the bodice of her dress stopped. 

"The kids are here!" Avalon remarked him giving him a nudge back. He bit his lip staring back at her. "Gods what will people think?"

"That this husband, loves his wife so much." Daemon agreed. 

"Yes." Avalon agreed. "I should-" Daemon picked her up though. 

"NIght kids." Daemon called out keeping a hand on Avalon's ass  as he carried her off. 

"I have a great view of your ass." Avalon remarked reaching down and giving it a smack. daemon squeezed her ass as they walked. "I have to tuck them in."

"They are not babies, they got it for one night." Daemon corrected. 

"Joffrey is-"

"Harwin can handle his children." Daemon assured. 


"Is 8, Does he need you to tuck him in?" Daemon countered. 

"I like it, hes my baby." Avalon reminded him. Daemon plopped her down in their bed chambers and Avalon stared back at him. 

"I'm just letting you know now that I'm very needy." Daemon remarked. 

"I know, trust me I know." Avalon assured kissing him. She took a step out and Aegon was helping bring Daeron to his chambers. 

"Night mama!" Daeron called waving back at her. 

"Night my babies." Avalon declared blowing him a kiss.  she came back into the room and Daemon smiled back at her. "How much did you bribe Aegon?"

"What? No, he did it out of the goodness of his... dont worry about it." Daemon corrected. 

Then he did what no one in her life had ever done before not like this at least... he exposed her. All of her. It felt different it felt like a revival, like a rebirth. His right hand slid along her cheek, fingers threading in her hair as he brought his lips to her opposite cheek, depositing a soft but deeply intimate kiss near her ear before whispering.

"I love you, so damn much... deal with it."

Avalon laughed out. 

"Deal with it." She agreed bringing his lips to hers. "Husband."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now