117. Little Dragons

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"You're doing great," Daemon kept saying. He had one arm over her shoulders and a hand in hers, cringing when she squeezed.

"You're a goddess, love. Isn't she a goddess?" he asked the maesters and nurses in the room. They all eagerly nodded, half mooning over the sexy Daemon Targaryen. They didnt do this with viserys, they didnt look at him like he was a God sent from heaven. Avalon honestly didn't blame them. She was a sweaty mess, and hair in a messy bun, while he looked devastating in his crisp red shirt, the sleeves rolled up and that handsome sex on a stick vibes just by breathing.

She went to go push again, the nurse counting down for her. When she said one, but Avalon fell back on the bed, breathing hard. Daemon took a cold washcloth and wiped her forehead. She had only been pushing for a little while, but it'd been a long day, and she was so tired. This was the fifth, fifth! It was supposed to come right out, what the literal hell was this kid doing in there?

"Come out!" Avalon begged. "Come on baby come out and let me meet you!" she whined giving a halfhearted push.  

"Come on, baby. You can push harder than that," he joked.

"Daemon," Avalon growled out through clenched teeth.

"Totally kidding. That was sufficient pushing." Daemon assured when she continued to glare, he rushed to correct again. "It was the best pushing I've ever seen. You're the pushing queen."

The nurse told her it was time to push again, and the doctor announced the baby was crowning. Only a few more pushes. In the middle of a push, she saw her loving and doting husband trying to look past her legs, and she released a hand to slap it over his eyes.

"Don't you dare look down there," she almost shouted. His eyes shot to the ceiling, but a smile stretched his lips, distracting her from the pain. No one wanted to see the massacre that was her cunt right now.

"I want to catch the baby." Daemon corrected. 

"It's gross down there." Avalon corrected. 

"I'm a man I can handle it. I want to catch our baby." Daemon requested. 

"Dont blame me if you no longer find me attractive." Avalon countered. 

"Never." Daemon corrected kissing her sweaty head before dropping between her legs, her eyes pinched closed. 

After one more push, the most beautiful sound in the world filled the room. Their baby's first cry.

Then Avalon sobbed out, it was over. 

"Oh Avalon, she's beautiful." Daemon declared. "Perfect like you." 

"She? A little girl?" Avalon whispered. 

"Your grace, I'm feeling-"

Avalon cringed out, her face pinched and she grabbed her stomach. 

"Whats wrong?" Daemon demanded. 

"Twins your grace." 

"Twins?" Avalon repeated. "I thought I was done." 

"Keep pushing your grace, already crowning." 

Avalon knew that the pain of childbirth was worth it because she had such perfect children but it was still a pain getting them out. 

"It's done, he's here." Avalon whispered feeling the squish and pop and pain subside. 

"He?" Daemon questioned looking to the maester.

"She's right my prince, it's a boy."

"A boy." Daemon repeated. They held up the baby like he was the golden one. He wailed out but Daemon reached for him. "Avalon he's perfect too." Daemon whispered kissing her forehead. 

A sob broke free, and she relaxed back against the pillows. 

"You did it. Damn, woman. You fucking did it." Daemon brushed her  hair back and kissed her forehead. He stood tall when the maester laid their baby girl to rest on Avalon's chest. She screamed for all she was worth, and Avalon shushed her and held her close, taking in her scrunched up tiny nose, and tiny mouth stretched wide. Daemon held their son smiling down at him. 

Becoming a mother again, having another child was like nothing Avalon could express, she felt every emotion possible, the overwhelming flood of love consuming her. 

Tears burned the backs of her eyes as she looked down at her baby girl. Avalon's whole world shifted once again, it clicked perfectly into place, nothing compared to how perfect it was to have Daemon by her side, watching him experience the same emotion.

 "My prince? You want to cut the cords?"

Daemon blinked a few times, brushing his watery eyes. Avalon loved that he was getting emotional. He passed off their son to Avalon and she smiled weakly down at them. 

 "Yeah. Definitely." The nurse passed the blade and directed him what to do. Before he cut, he looked to our little girl, our little boy. 

"Sorry, if this hurts, little nugget." Daemon whispered.  The nurse laughed and assured him little nugget couldn't feel that. It was kind of adorable that he thought it would and cared so much. Avalon smiled as her children settled on her chest. She kissed their little heads.

"Daeron is a big brother." Avalon whispered. 

"What are we going to name them?" Daemon whispered touching his daughters head. He was a father, yes he was a father to Avalon's children but these were his. He didnt have to share a past with Viserys with them. 

"Our little dragons." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now