22. Probably

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At age 13 Avalon was very close to giving up on talking to boys. She was better with dragons she had decided but her cousins Davina and Taelon came to the capital and Davina made it her mission to help Avalon get out of her shell and into the real world. Taelon was a bit older than Davina and Avalon thought them so worldly and wonderful. Adventurous. 

They were all sat together for a midday meal when Davina's father Newt spoke up.  

''Davina why cant you be more like your cousin avalon?''

Avalon had been stuck in a book most of the morning and really wanted to finish, the guy almost got the girl and saved the day. She thought it was sweet, saving the damsel in distress, his princess risking his life for her because she was the person he was meant to be with. Avalon wanted that. That fairytale ending but talking to boys still scared her so she stuck to romance on the pages. 

"What do you mean?" Davina countered as Taelon filled her cup. 

"Viserys tells me she is well studied and doesnt spend her time roaming around westeros chasing after boys." Newt declared and Davina stared back at him. 

"I don't chase." Davina corrected. "If anything they are chasing after me." Davina remarked taking a long sip of her wine. 

"No?" Newt countered. "You and your brother should take note from Avalon. She is focused on her leaning and bettering herself."

"She is also a dragon rider." Taelon remarked. "You should come riding with us, Rok needs the exercise, Davina keeps calling him fat. But he is big boned." 

"I would love that." Avalon agreed. 

"Davina, I wish you would could be more like Avalon. Dear Gods, be glad your daughter is young and your sister is perfect. I caught Davina making the tea, the tea." Newt declared. Viserys looked to his cousin, Davina didnt look ashamed or embarrassed at all. 

''Davina has realistic expectations of the male species.'' Avalon spoke up. ''My ideal man lives on the pages of my books currently.''

They all stared back at avalon a moment longer.

''She also has the inability to talk to men.'' Davina added.

''I told you that in secrecy!'' Avalon declared. Davina smirked back at her.

"It's hardly her fault she didn't have a sister to teach her and guide her." Davina offered.

"I love my Avalon just the way she is." Daemon assured.

"Yes Davina please don't corrupt Avalon." Viserys agreed.

"Corrupt?" Davina scoffed. "it's like you don't know me at all."

"Or only too well." Newt muttered. 

Davina smirked as grabbed Avalons hand pulling her up from the table.

"Where are you taking her?" Viserys demanded. 

"Showing her some fun!" Davina declared. 

"What kind of fun?" Viserys demanded but Davina was already dragging her away. 

"Where are we going?" Avalon asked. 

"Not talking to boys, don't worry." Davina mused and Avalon scoffed. 

"I can talk to Taelon and my brothers." Avalon informed her. 

"You still hung up on the blonde?" Davina asked and Avalon groaned out. 

"That was forever ago." Avalon declared. Davina glanced back at her. "He got married and his wife his beautiful and can probably speak in complete sentences around him and I wish them the best." Avalon murmured. 

"Oh you sweet summer child." Davina laughed out. 

"Where are we going?" Avalon requested. 

"Chasing freedom, getting release."

"What?" Avalon questioned confused. She looked out over the cliffside. "Davina what are we doing?" 

"Cliff jumping." she answered simply. 

"That doesnt sound safe." Avalon corrected. 

"It's a rush." Davina corrected. "It's probably safe, I did it at dragonstone, whats the difference?"

"Rocks?" Avalon suggested peering over the ledge. 

"Yeah but its probably safe." Davina assured. 

"Probably? You are risking my life for a probably?" Avalon countered taking a step back. 

"Shoes off or they will weigh you down." Davina instructed pulling off her shoes. 

"I'm not jumping." Avalon corrected. 

"You are going to be begging to come back up here and jump again... if we survive." 

"DAVINA!" Avalon shouted in a panic. 


"I'm not-"

"On three." Davina declared grabbing her hands. 

"Davina I'm not jumping!" Avalon exclaimed nervously. 

"Three." Davina remarked and Avalon froze as Davina hugged Avalon to her and sent them both over the edge. Avalon screamed out as Davina laughed. Davina's back hit the water first before letting Avalon go. She popped up for breath and stared back at Davina as she pushed her silver hair out of her face. 

"You are crazy!" Avalon declared. 

"You want to go again?" Davina countered. 


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