99. Our Girl

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Avalon felt bad when she wasnt tending to Viserys but she had to take care of her children, she couldnt ignore them. They were young and healthy and needed their mother. She apologized over and over but they said they understood.

Daeron was only seven, Avalon was proud of her kids looking out for him, taking care of him while Avalon tending to Viserys but she missed her baby boy. 

So when Daeron woke up and Avalon was laying beside him his smile grew as he hugged her. 

"Hi baby!" Avalon declared snuggling him to her. "I missed my Daeron!" 

"Aly said father is sick and you were taking care of him." Daeron remarked. 

"Thats right." Avalon agreed. "But I should have been taking care of you too." 

"Yeah." Daeron agreed. "Can we go on a ride today together?" Daeron questioned. 

"Oh, I know Mouse would love that." Avalon agreed. "Shall we get ready for the day and get on out there." 

"Adventure waits!" Daeron agreed. Aemond held tight to Avalon's hand as they walked to the pits. Aegon was still sleeping, Alyssa was in the library sketching a new creature she found. She hoped she would be able to name a creature if she was the first to find it but so far everything she found had already been discovered. One of these days...

"Mama, I ride with you?" Daeron questioned as Avalon got Mouse out. Vhagar was too big for the pits, some might say too big for this world but Aemond loved his dragon. Avalon looked to Meleys and Moondancer, they slept soundly in the caves. Meleys was her mothers dragon, she never knew how Rhaenys got her. But she supposed Caraxes was Rhaenys father's dragon and now he belonged to Daemon. 

"Of course." Avalon agreed. Tessarion was a little she dragon and Avalon thought she was just the cutest. 

Avalon helped Daeron up and stared down at her hands as she griped the reigns, Mouse seemed to smile up at her as Aemond boarded Vhagar. 

Avalon had magic inside her, she had stopped them from hurting Aemond, she did something. a mothers magic she had offered but there was more to it, she knew it. There was something about her, she always had a way with dragons, Viserys and Daemon told her often. She was special, but if she couldnt save Viserys what good were these feelings inside her... this connection with dragons if she couldnt use them to save Viserys. 


"Did you see her?" Viserys questioned. 

"She was with Aemond, flying." Daemon corrected. 

"She will be happy to see you." Viserys remarked. 

"She better." Daemon mused. "You dont look good viserys." 

"I'm fit as a fiddle." Viserys choked out reaching for his tea. Daemon held him handing it to him and propping a pillow. 

"Fit as a broken fiddle with a few missing strings, warped from the sun and a rat chewed a hole through it maybe." Daemon agreed. 

"Just the flu." Viserys rasped even though Daemon didnt believe him for a moment. 'Yell at me." 

"What?" Daemon laughed back. 

"I know you want to. I stole Avalon from you... yell at me." Visreys requested and Daemon huffed a breath. 

"You want me to start a fight with you while you are dying? What kind of brother do you think i am?" Daemon mused. 

"One that will do it." Viserys requested. 

"Alright." Daemon gave in easily.  "Biggest mistake of my life was not fighting harder for Avalon all those years ago." Daemon remarked and Viserys choked out a breath. "You know you both ruined my life by not letting Avalon be mine. She ruined my life by not being mine." Daemon declared.

"If I've learned one lesson from all that's happened to me, it's that there is no such thing as the biggest mistake of your life. There's no such thing as ruining your life. Life's a pretty resilient thing, it turns out." Viserys remarked softly. "Take care of her."

"I will." Daemon agreed. 

"I missed you brother." Viserys whispered. 

"You are going soon arent you." Daemon realized.

"Take care of our girl." Viserys begged. "Take care of the children."

"I promise." Daemon agreed. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now