102. Zebra's

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Willing Heart / Ser Duncan the tall out now!

"He doesnt do well on boats." 

That was the first excuse for the fortnight Viserys spent in bed after coming back from driftmark. Avalon had started getting to work though. The kingdoms didnt wait. 

Rhaenyra and Harwin returned pregnant and in love. Avalon didnt enforce any of her declarations she had made on driftmark just yet, she was too focused on Viserys. 

"I want Jace as a cup bearer." Avalon remarked. "He should learn, lord of Harenhal one day." Jace smiled back at Harwin. 

"I would like that." Jace agreed. Avalon nodded hugging her grandsons to her. 

Jace felt really important, Rhaenyra smirked as he poured her a glass. She had been her fathers cup bearer, how the time had passed.  If felt like forever ago and now Avalon sat in viserys spot. But Rhaenyra she didnt want the throne. 


'Rhaenyra, you're late. The King's cupbearer must not be late. Leaves people wanting for cups.' Viserys had mused. 

'I was visiting Mother.' Rhaenyra told him as she continued pouring. But her father smelt the smoke on her.

'On dragon back?' Viserys questioned Rhaenyra kept her mouth shut. 'You and Avalon.' He murmured with a small smile.

'Is she coming?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"She better be. I am her favorite brother after all.' Viserys told his daughter. Rhaenyra loved when her aunt Avalon came, she was the life of the party, a free spirit and the world adored her. Rhaenyra didn't care what people thought of her, she did as she pleased and the consequences be damned. Yet somehow, Avalon could do the same thing and get away with it. So Rhaenyra knew if she rode her dragon, did barrel rolls in the sky with her aunt, no one would give her a stern look.

Avalon was beautiful but she was slim and little she didnt look like a force to be reckoned with but she was fiercely protective of her family and white hair in waves down her back she was feared and loved and got away with everything that Rhaenyra wanted to do. Avalon wasn't married and wasn't planning on it, Rhaenyra thought that was wonderful as well. She had no interest in marriage so for as long as Avalon was around Rhaenyra knew she had an advocator of fun and danger.

'Your Grace, at Prince Daemon's urging, the crown has invested significant capital in the re-training and re-equipping of his City Watch. I thought you might urge your brother to fill his seat on the council and provide an assessment of his progress as commander of the Watch.' Lyman Beesbury told him.

'Do you think Daemon is distracted by his present tasks? And that his thoughts and energies are occupied?' Viserys questioned, he thought giving his brother such a role would keep him occupied and when Daemon was busy he wasn't causing trouble.


"Seems like forever ago." Avalon remarked, Rhaenyra hadnt realized that the rest of the council cleared out. "Since you were a cup bearer." Avalon clarified. 

"You were a cup bearer before that." Rhaenyra recalled. 

"I was the royal cup spiller." Avalon corrected. 

"And now look at you. My father is so proud of you, we all are." Rhaenyra assured. 

"I'm happy you and Harwin are having a child, right this time." Avalon remarked. 

"I'm glad I dont have to hide my love for him." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"You are going to be due soon enough, I wish you didnt stay away for so long." Avalon remarked. "I fear... Viserys... he's..."

'the maesters will think of something." Rhaenyra assured with a shrug. 

"Rhaenyra, I dont think they will." Avalon corrected. "I think you should see him." 

"It's hard." Rhaenyra countered. 

"I know it is which is why you should see him before its too late." Avalon begged. But Rhaenyra was never good with confrontation and seeing her father sick, well she avoided that when she was younger and he lost an arm, Avalon shouldnt have been surprised Rhaenyra avoided him now. But she expected more from her. Maybe she shouldnt have though. Clearly Viserys saw that and changed his mind about his heir a long time ago. 


''Viserys... its been moons my love. Almost a year since we left Driftmark and you started on this descent... Are you not feeling any better?'' Avalon asked fixing his pillows.

''Just the flu love.'' Viserys told her weakly.

''It doesn't seem like the flu you've been sick for too long it's not going away whatever Mellos is doing is obviously not working. We need to try something else you look like death. And you were supposed to live a very long time remember?''

Daemon had left that night, slipped out and into the night. Avalon tried to push his handsome face out of her mind. She loved Viserys. She would tend to him and be a good wife and queen. Her fingers moved to the scroll again. She had yet to talk to him about it. She gnawed at her lip. She didn't deserve it. Especially not after what she almost did.

''I'm so tired my love I'm so tired.'' he told her ''could you pull the curtains?' Avalon sighed deeply but she moved to close the curtains.

''I'm getting a different maester in here. They're going to work on something else I don't like this. I miss you and all you do is sleep obviously the treatments are not working.''

''Just the flu.'' he said softly

''It doesn't look like the flu it doesn't feel like the flu. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck why are we calling it a zebra!'' Avalon demanded

He couldn't help but chuckle.

''Viserys this is serious! I'm really worried about you.'' Avalon told him.

''I'm alright love.'' Viserys assured. 'I'm alright.'' He grabbed her hand and kissed it gently.

''All right...'' She knew he was not fine she knew this was not the flu she knew. Avalon knew how serious this was but he needed to pretend that everything was going to be OK.

"Can we talk about this?" Avalon countered and Viserys peered over at her.

"You will do well." Viserys told her. "Rhaenyra is not ready. She will never be ready." Viserys told her.

"You dont know that."

"I do." Viserys corrected and she hadn't seen him with this much clarity in a long time. "Rhaenyra was ready to run at rumors, you don't run from danger. She has been running her whole life, running from her responsibilities, she wanted the crown but she didn't understand, she still doesn't understand." Viserys told her. 'You do."

"Viserys Rhaenyra-"

"You. Avalon. You are-"

"Daemon kissed me." Avalon blurted out. "I might have kissed him back. I did kiss him back its all a blur still." Avalon said quickly and Viserys chuckled. "Are you not mad?" Avalon asked. "I'm mad at myself."

"Avalon... I love you. I know I haven't been...' he let out a sigh.

"Its not-" Avalon countered.

"Daemon is still young and handsome, my ailments have left me less than for a while." Viserys told her. "I know Daemon has loved you for forever." Viserys remarked. "He was furious when I got to call you mine." Avalon let out a shaky breath. "I love you Avalon. This is what is right. I know you will do well. I know you will lead us into the future." Avalon nodded softly. "I told the council... tomorrow. I want it done tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Avalon questioned.

"I love you so much. I couldn't have asked for a better wife, a better queen."

"I love you Viserys."

She kissed him gently before laying down next to him closing her eyes she fell into a restless sleep meanwhile he took a few deep breaths his heart slowed...

When Avalon woke in the morning Viserys was cold.

''Viserys?'' Avalon questioned wiping the sleep from her eyes. ''Viserys? Vis... oh my... no. No,'' avalon whimpered. ''Viserys.''

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now