75. Spotlight

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Kill 'em with kindness / Gregor Clegane out now!

It was nice to see Rhaenyra and Alicent getting along. Like old times. Alicent still had yet to tell anyone of her father and hers true betrayal, she was worried, she was terrified that once she told them the truth they would send her away. She would be shipped off. She knew it was selfish. She knew is was disrespectful to keep such things from the king and queen. After all Avalon had done for her and she was keeping this secret. It ate away at her most nights but then during the light of day when they were all smiles and happy, Alicent felt like she was family, like she had a family.

"I'm..." Rhaenyra cleared her throat, this was the third attempt to tell Avalon and Viserys. "I... have... news." She offered. Avalon waited patiently as she danced Aegon around the room. 

"Yes you said that already." Viserys agreed. 

"I'm... I am..." Rhaenyra just needed to blurt it out. "I'm pregnant." Avalon perked up. 

"Congratulations my girl." Viserys declared. 

"Thank you father." 

"Oh Rhaenyra thats wonderful news why were you hesitant to tell us?" Avalon pondered as she hugged Rhaenyra. 

"I'm just... its new and scary." Rhaenyra offered. 

"I understand that." Avalon assured. "Hey I saw you and Alicent together this morning thats really wonderful. I'm glad you two are getting along. It's nice to have friends especially when you are going through a pregnancy." 

"Thank you Avalon, I'm glad I have you too." Rhaenyra agreed. 

Moons passed and Rhaenyra was pregnant, Laenor was thrilled and Rhaenyra was confident that the child would not be looking like her husband. He had been away fighting at the tides, how could it be his?

Avalon was late herself but knew that everyone was excited for Rhaenyra and the moment the news of her pregnancy hit everyone would forget about Rhaenyra's child and move on to her. She didnt want that. She wanted Rhaenyra to have her moment in the sunshine. Also that Avalon thought herself an introvert and liked to avoid the spotlight of the lords and ladies but she was sure the ladies of court about be saying any week now that the queen has really let herself go. The king can't be expected to love a queen so round. Avalon could hear them now, as though they were skinny minis and flawless. No. 

But it was easier for them to point the finger at Avalon at Rhaenyra, at the crown then point it back at themselves. But if you point the finger at someone three fingers are pointing back at yourself. So Avalon walked with her head high. She didnt care what they said about her, but this was Rhaenyra's time to have the spotlight on her and her future baby. The heirs heir. How wonderful. 

"Are you alright Avalon?" Viserys questioned that night as she wiped at her lips. 

"Yes," Avalon assured forcing a smile. Lucky for her men were not the most observant with pregnancy symptoms. She loved Viserys but she could probably go 5 moons before he noticed if she didnt tell him. Maybe longer with the carrot cake consumption. 

"You need something? Are you nauseous?" Viserys offered. 

"I'm fine..." She felt another wave and barfed in the chamber pot.

"I will get you something." Viserys declared as he headed out. He came back with tea and ginger candies. 

"Thank you Viserys." Avalon whispered leaning into him. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now