56. The Uncontrollable Tears

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Champagne Problems// Laena Velaryon out now!

There was nothing Avalon could do but wait. It seemed like hours of tears and hours of waiting.

"Your grace." 

She had been trying to clear her head, she was a nervous wreck. She couldnt lose Viserys. She couldnt. He was her big brother, she loved him to much, he couldnt just be gone. Why were they taking so long?

"Your grace?"

She didnt know how many times her title was called before she turned to the maester. 

"A word your grace?" She nodded following him to Viserys chambers.

''You can come in your grace.'' the maester said as he pulled open the door Avalon nodded slowly but she didnt move. Her feet rooted to the ground terrified. 

''Is he...'' her voice barely a rasp, she didnt want him to be dead. He had to be fine. 

''We took the kings arm but he is stable.''

"His arm?" Avalon whimpered. 

"Yes, the infection spread... it was the only way." The maester remarked. 

"Of course, I trust your knowledge but... he... he was getting treatments and... I thought he was doing better, he seemed better." Avalon remarked. 

"I'm sorry your grace."

''Why does this keep happening i thought he was doing better, less sores and-" Avalon whimpered as she licked at dry nervous lips. "-that you got it all that you... that he was fine, that he was going to be... okay."

''We thought so at the time but the kings ailments have progressed.''

"Clearly." Avalon agreed through a choked breath as tears dribbled down her cheeks. 

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''Is he going to be okay?'' Harwin whispered coming up to her and Avalon held tight to his hand.

''We hope and pray to the old gods and the new that he gets stronger every day.'' He informed them.

''Thank you.'' Avalon answered her voice breaking as she moved to viserys.

''He is highly sedated he might not wake for hours.''

''That's okay. I'll stay with him.'' Avalon assured and the maesters left and Avalon sobbed.

"I dont want to lose him Harwin." Avalon remarked through uncontrollable tears.


Avalon felt a hand move slightly clutching at the fabric of her dress and she wiped at her eyes sitting upright on the bed. She smiled softly down at Viserys.

"Avalon." He rasped.

"Hi honey." She whispered.


"I'm right here... Aegon and Alyssa are very worried about you but Mellos told us that you would be fine." Avalon assured kissing him gently.

"Love... what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Avalon whimpered. Viserys shook his head ever so slightly. "You collapsed."


"Viserys... Rhaenyra wed Laenor... and you... at their union... you..." Avalon touched his shoulder gently and he looked down feeling a tinge of pain he looked to the nub.

"Avalon." He rasped.

"Your arm... they took it Vis... they saved your life but they took your arm..." Viserys stared at his shoulder willing an arm to appear. "You are going to be okay... don't worry. I love you. I'm not going anywhere." Avalon assured. "Two arms are over rated anyways." Avalon remarked and Viserys stared at her. "Are you in much pain? Do you need any milk of the poppy?" Avalon offered moving to the night stand but Viserys reached for her, phantom limb though. She moved grabbing the vial and coming back to him. He stared at his armless arm.


"I'm here." She assured. "I'm right here." She grabbed his hand

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now