109. Tiger Lily

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Cregan was doing well, Avalon should not have been surprised, he was his fathers son. Organized and responsible which meant Avalon could spend some more time with Daemon knowing that the realms were safe in his hands for a few hours.

Avalon missed viserys but he had been fading for a while and she glad to wake up and not have her face blotchy from tears anymore. Not have to force a smile when she wanted to brave for her children. She knew it was coming but she missed her brother.

She liked having davina around liked that daemon really took charge with the children. Aemond felt like he had a father again.

Daemon saw when Avalon got sad about Viserys though, he was her brother long before he was her husband and history proved to be harder to ignore, to move on at times. 

"Everybody dies, Avalon." Daemon declared and Avalon looked up from her desk confused.  "And few die at the perfect time ... if there is such a thing. You want to talk about thievery? Let me introduce you to a little monster called regret."

"Daemon-" Avalon cut in. But he rose a hand waving it dismissively, Avalon chuckled leaning back in her chair. 

"The last thing regret wants is for you to be happy. If you let it, it will ravage your soul. Ravage Avalon." Daemon went on. 

"Thank you I'm-"

"There's always more to be said, one last kiss, one last hug. Don't go to bed angry. Don't walk out the door with anything unsettled. Don't fucking blink. Don't be human. If you live your life in fear, it's not a real life. Fear will rob your joy. Regret will cripple your happiness. Let. It. Go." Daemon declared. Avalon got up moving to him and Daemon watched her. 

"I love you." Avalon said kissing him gently. "But if I get sad every now and again missing Viserys, you have to let me be sad." 

"I just dont want you to never really move on." Daemon offered. 

"I love you. This is your own insecurity talking." Avalon decided and Daemon scoffed. "Insecurity will rob you-"

"I get it, I get it." Daemon agreed. 

"You are mine Daemon. But Viserys was mine too, him being gone doesnt just make my memories go away too." Daemon nodded kissing her. 

"You think I'm insecure?" Daemon countered. 

"Very." Avalon agreed. "Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do-" she moved back to her desk but Daemon grabbed her hand. 

"Let Stark handle it, come on, I'm needy." Daemon begged. 

"You are needy." Avalon agreed. 

"Mama look!" Alyssa declared running in with a fire lily in her hand.

"Thats pretty." Daemon remarked as Alyssa ran to Avalon. She smiled back at him. "What kind is it?" Daemon liked Avalon's children, of course he did, they were part Avalon, all the sweetness that Avalon just radiated so easily. 

"Fire lily," Alyssa answered. "The flowers branch off from the main stem, producing fiery red or orange blooms with yellow edges. Six yellow stamens radiate from the bottom of the flower." Alyssa told him and Avalon thought Alyssa's mind was a book of herbology some days. 

"Never heard of it." Daemon admitted. 

"They are also called flame lily, glory lily, or tiger claw." Alyssa informed him. 

"Not tiger lily?" Daemon mused. 

"Thats from peter pan." Daeron cut in. Avalon pressed a kiss to his cheek as he leaned up against her. "Didnt your mama read you stories uncle Daemon?" 

"She did, but she wasnt as good a storyteller as your mama." Daemon remarked. 

Avalon was proud of her children, she loved them and thought herself a good mother. Considering she was raised by her brothers it only made sense that her brothers would help her raise her children. 

"I think Avalon needs to start telling me bedtime stories." Daemon mused kissing her neck she giggled back into him. 

"I can do it." Daeron declared. 

"Oh, that's-" Daemon began. 

"I will find you tonight and we will read a story together." Daeron decided before heading off. 

"He likes you." Avalon coed. 

"I was thinking a different kind of story." Daemon reminded  her. 

"I know." Avalon agreed kissing him. He licked at his lips watching her head back to her desk. "Love you." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now