111. She Said Yes

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Rich Man / Tyland Lannister /Aislynn Hightower out now!!

''I swear if you were doing this because you want a crown I'm gonna snap your neck and the children have already lost too much for me to do that don't make me do that.'' Avalon warned.

''Avalon... Shut up.'' Daemon said bringing his lips to hers. She melted into him. ''Better than our first kiss.' He remarked

''My first kiss. What full circle it has been.' Avalon remarked ''you were my first kiss and I hopefully you'll be my last.'' Avalon told him sweetly

''I would like that very much.'' Daemon agreed kissing her again. ''So that's a yes?''

''Yes Daemon. I will marry you.'' Avalon agreed.


"That doesnt count." Aegon informed Daemon over breaking fast the next morning. 

"She said yes. So it counts." Daemon countered. 

"You tricked her you have to get down on one knee and do it right." Alyssa agreed. Daemon nodded looking around at Avalon's children and she smirked. 

"The children have spoken, make it good you have an audience." Avalon teased. He pulled her from her seat and brought her body flush to his. 

"I won't get down on one knee," he whispered over her lips. "I'll get down on both knees because I won't ask you to marry me, I'll beg you to marry me." Feathering his lips down her neck, he continued to whisper, "Now, know that when I marry you, I don't want to share you with your past. I want it to only be us and our future but we have kids how unfortunate." Avalon slapped at his chest. "So I will love them better than I did my own. If you agree again to marry me. I will prove to you everyday that you are the one for me. That I will work hard to be the man you deserve until my last breath." Daemon declared and avalons breath hitched.

''Yes.'' Avalon agreed kissing him. Daemon held her to him as he looked to the kids. 

"Was that acceptable my princes and my princess?" Daemon pondered. 

"I liked it." Alyssa agreed smiling back at him. Daeron moved to Avalon hugging her. 

"You will love me more right?" Daeron questioned. 

"Of course, of course I will!" Avalon declared. "I love you all more than Daemon, forever." she assured and Daemon huffed a breath bringing a hand to his heart. 

"Wow, thank you Avalon. I give you my grand dramatic declarations and you so easily-" Daemon teased and Avalon spun around kissing him shutting him up. "Only shut me up like that." Daemon requested. 

So they were preparing a wedding. Daemon liked that he could kiss Avalon anytime he wanted and she arched into his touch. 

Her lips were just as soft as the other night. Maybe even softer, more plush, more perfect Daemon decided. Something about her always seemed better each time he had her. She did not hesitate, she moaned, and her lips began to move against his. Her tongue flicked against the seam of his lips, and he obediently opened, needing to taste her. He held his eyes open and focused on her face when her hands moved to his neck and then into his hair.

He stared at the way her lashes cast shadows on her soft cheeks as his hands moved to her face cradling her face to his. Then he moved his hands to her waist to remind himself that she was his, they would be man and wife, Queen and King.

He watched her delicate features shift with each move of her mouth against his. The sweet taste of frosting mixed with her own unique taste intoxicated him. She had been taste testing she already knew what flavor she wanted but hell make all the flavors why not. So Avalon tasted extremely sweet today. 

 He became so lost in her kiss that he hadn't even realized when his eyes slid closed and every feeling became amplified. the feeling of about to burst, explode for she was almost his that had been lingering on the edge since her hands had become buried in his hair. 

A few more days and Daemon would have claimed her officially. Avalon would be his. 

He felt the sting of her teeth nipping at his lips. He felt the rush of air against his cheek when she breathed without removing her mouth from his. He felt the fine bones of her ribcage expand and contract beneath his long thin fingers. She consumed him and before he knew it, his fingers were bunching up her dress to pull it over her head. Avalon smiled into him as his hands molded to her soft breasts as his thumbs stroked back and forth across her nipples. He tugged the flimsy lace out of the way and trailed his lips down her neck to latch and suck at the tight bud.

An incoherent whimper left her lips as her fingers gripped his hair. Her hands around him. He had been so enthralled with the feel of her in his mouth, he barely noticed himself pulling them to the bed. 

He quickly became desperate to fill with her. He needed to feel more. More of her against him. He pulled back just enough to tug his shirt overhead and then went back to kissing her. Her bare chest pressed to his sent shockwaves of lust rocketing through him.

He had thought he would be so buried in her, nothing could break through. Then her hands were on his shoulders pushing him back on the bed, and he fell. Fell back into his nightmare that this wasnt real, just a dream or delusion and he was still in pentos with a woman he didnt love. But it was like Avalon knew and her hands pressed hard against his shoulders and she began climbing on top of him. 

"I'm right here." Avalon whispered and he kissed her getting lost from reality, and drowning in her touch. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now