123. Mouse

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Mouse was feeling neglected. Mouse had met the children, Kadia and Draco loved him but Vaera really loved him.

"Mou! Mou!" Kaida declared waving from their chambers. Mouse landed on the wall staring back at Avalon in the courtyard.

"Hi honey!" Avalon coed up at him. "I missed you," He lowered his perfect white head to her and he shimmered in the daylight. "You want to go for a ride?"

"Mou!" Vaera whispered beaming back at him. "Oh, mmm Mou," Vaera sighed dreamily up at Mouse. Mouse seemed proud at his ability to woe the children with his beauty. 

"Alyssa you want to join us for a ride?" Avalon questioned glancing back at her but she was gushing over Newt. 

"Yes, yes, thats right! A niffler it was called a niffler!" Alyssa declared laughing out. Avalon smiled content back at her. Young love, it was a magical thing. 

"I want to mum." Aemond and Daeron remarked. 

"Wonderful," Avalon agreed. 

"Ae, Ae, AEM!" Kaida demanded reaching for him. "AEM!"  

"Little love wants her big brother." Avalon said, Aemond picked her up and she sighed leaning into him.  Aemond was almost 14 and very much a ladies man. Aemond didnt really care for girls yet. He was still too busy with his dragon to care about marriage and kissing girls. Aegon however was making his way through the ladies.

"My prince," a few girls coed as they passed Aegon, he turned to them, sweat glistening off his shirtless chest as he propped his sword on his shoulder. Avalon thought he looked a bit like Viserys did when Viserys was a young man. Daemon was already looking like Daemon. Alyssa was definitely a mini Avalon and Daeron was his own little person. A good mix of Viserys and Avalon. Small nose, big eyes, smart cookie he was but he didnt want to be nerd like his father he wanted to be a warrior like Daemon. 

"Hello ladies,"  Aegon purred watching them walk away. 

"Hate it when they go, love to watch them walk away." Daemon mused coming up behind him.  Aegon stumbled forward. "Nothing wrong with a bit of fun." Daemon assured. 

"Daeron do you think you can take Draco or should steal Daemon?" Avalon questioned as she strapped Vaera to her chest. 

"I...." Daeron looked so confident before he shook his head. "Get Daemon." Daeron agreed. "I like to let my hands fly!" He lifted his arms up waving them above his head. 

"Flying is the best feeling." Avalon remarked. Daeron ran off getting Tessarion, Avalon helped get Kaida strapped to Aemond. "Thank you baby, for being such a good big brother. Kaida loves you the most I think." Kaida smiled back at aemond reaching out for his hair. 

"I like her." Aemond agreed patting her head. The twin seemed like could have been fine without the other most of the time but for naps they always needed to be pressed together. They played together, all of viserys figurines were going to good use for the kids, but Kaida liked Aemond and Draco liked bossing Vaera around. Vaera would laugh out tipping back laughing, shaking her head, babbling and Draco would try again. Babbling a command. 

Kaida giggled sticking her tongue out at Aemond. He chuckled, saying he would meet her at the pit. He called out for Vhagar. 

Avalon knew that Vhagar wouldnt live forever, she was already the largest and oldest dragon. Dragons kept growing until the day they died, so lifting themselves off the ground at such an old age became harder and harder but Vhagar was still a beast. she loved to fly, she loved racing through the air. Avalon thought she would start slowing down but maybe it was having a new master that kept Vhagar going. Her new rider was her boy, he needed a dragon, hoped when the time came for Vhagar to move on that Aemond found the courage to claim another. But she hoped that wouldnt be for a long time. 

"Daemon, honey," Avalon coed, he pulled away from Aegon and kissed along her jaw as soon as he closed the distance between them. "You want to go for a ride?" She passed off Draco. Vaera reached out for Daemon. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"With my favorite people? Always." Daemon agreed. 

"Family ride!" Avalon declared. Mouse grumbled from the wall. "I'm coming, I'm coming I'm sorry baby!" Avalon declared. 

"Are you going on a ride your grace?" Criston questioned. Alicent appeared behind him. 

"Yes, have fun on the ground while we are gone." Avalon agreed. Criston smiled that charming smile of his as Alicent grabbed his hand pulling him along. Not so young love, Avalon thought watching them head off. But everyone seemed like Avalon's children these days. 

"MOU!" Vaera shouted she reached out touching his scales and smiled. "Oh, Mou," she said happily. "Ma mou!" 

"Alright Mouse, lets go." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now