57. To Live

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Princess Charming / Aemond / Daemon Out now!

The people wanted to celebrate, the king was going to live. Avalon didnt feel like celebrating. She wanted to stay by Viserys side but the council thought her presence would be good for the people. What about her? What about what she needed? But no, she was the queen and a queen was supposed to worry about her people, see to their needs. So she had to suck it up and put on the dress and fix her hair and mingle. 

"Your grace, I'm so sorry, we are so glad to hear that the king will be okay." 

"Thank you." Avalon whispered. 

"I'm so glad the king is alright, your grace." 

"Thank you." Avalon whimpered out.  Each time a little more broken, a little more pathetic. 

"Your grace?" Criston whispered stepping forward he put a steadying hand on her back. 

'Ser Criston...' Avalon whispered trying to hold it together.

''Hey its okay... the king is going to be fine, remember...'' Criston coed holding her face gently in his hands. ''Its okay."

"I can't do this, I'm not a good queen... I just want to be with him." Avalon whimpered. 

"Lies, Avalon, you were born for this. Viserys knew it, he knows it.'' Criston assured. 

''Criston... I never wanted a crown. Im not like Rhaenyra. Im not like Daemon.'' She whimpered trying to be brave but with every congratulatory statement the king lives, she felt more and more like her brain was going to explode. "I just... I love Viserys and my children but I'm not meant to rule. To be a leader, this person... people dont like me. Don't respect me, they think I'm strange, they dont... I'm not... I dont want to be alone."

''I'm right here.'' Criston assured ''i'm going to help you through it all. Viserys will too once he's out of bed." Criston declared. "Avalon you are... you are not weird, or strange, or anything like that. You are amazing, you are special and see the world differently and thats what the realms need. We don't need stale old ways, we need the good and new too." Criston remarked. "I'm right here," Avalon nodded into him. "What do you need?"

"A drink." Avalon requested.

"I will be right back." Criston agreed. 

Everyone said sorry about viserys but no one visited. Not even his daughter. They all talked and blabbered around her, smiles on their faces, drinks in their hands, as if everything was right in the world. Avalon's face dropped. Her eyes drifted. How could everyone be so nonchalant so caviler.

 How could everyone be so nonchalant so caviler

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"How is the queen?" Harwin questioned. 

"Not doing well." Criston admitted. "This party is not helping. She just wants to be with her husband, her children... she can't... she's breaking and shes such a kind woman, I hate to see her so broken." Harwin nodded in agreement looking to Avalon's teary face. "Excuse me." Criston remarked walking off. 

"Thank you Criston." Avalon whispered taking the drink and downing it. He held out a second one. 

"I figured you needed a second." Criston remarked. 

"I could kiss you." Avalon remarked taking a long sip of the second drink. 

"Your grace we are so-"

"I'm so sorry to interrupt." Harwin remarked coming up to them. "But the prince Aegon was requesting his mother." Avalon sighed with relief. 

"Of course." Avalon agreed immediately, she practically ran out the room. Her back pressed against the wall heavily breathing when Harwin came out. 

"Cole said you might need an escape. Prince Aegon doesnt need you- I mean I'm sure he does but..." Harwin shrugged. 

"Thank you." Avalon whispered. "Thank you Ser Harwin."

"Whenever you need a rescue," Harwin agreed tipping his head to her. 


"How is his grace today?" Criston asked and Avalon sniffled a bit.

"He..." Avalon looked up at him. "I am grateful for you ser Criston. You have been a kind friend in the past moons since Viserys..." Avalon looked up trying to contain the tears. "Viserys doesn't like to leave his room." Avalon remarked softly.

"I'm here for you, your grace." Criston told her gently.

"I know... thank you." Avalon said heading back Viserys chambers.

"Avalon." Rhaenyra called. Avalon turned a shaky breath in her lungs. "How is he?"

Everyone asked how is Viserys... everyone. Yet they didn't stop by and check on him themselves. She suspected that from most but Rhaenyra she hoped for better.

"Come and see him." Avalon requested.

"How is he?"

"Ask him yourself." Avalon begged. "He would like to see you." Avalon assured.

"I... don't think I can." Rhaenyra told her and Avalon sighed a sigh that made her whole body sag.

"good day then Rhaenyra." Avalon said softly as Criston closed the door behind her. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now