105. Nerves & Vows

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"What's this?" Harwin questioned reading over the scroll. 

"I'm sorry... I can't bring them back." Avalon whispered. Harwin met her gaze. "But I can do this. It will be official once I have the official crown on my head. .. but I am already queen. Its more a formality." Harwin flipped through the pages. "You can burn them if you dont think its a good idea but considering the Velaryons and I havent ended on good terms and... Rhaenyra... well I just thought-" Harwin hugged her gently and she leaned into him. 

"You are legitimizing them. Jacaerys Strong, Lucarys Strong, Joffrey Strong." Harwin rasped. 

"I am. If you want. I know Jace would love it." 

"Avalon I dont know what to say." Harwin whispered holding the legitimization records close. 

"Say you will protect and love them forever. Keep them close so I have love them too." Avalon requested. 

"Of course, of course!" Harwin agreed. "I know you are going to do a great job Avalon." Harwin remarked. "You were always the queen we were meant to have." 

"You think? Because I"m really nervous." Avalon countered. "Being the queen while viserys was..." She couldnt say it yet. "And without him... its painful."

"He named you heir a long time ago I heard." Harwin reminded her. "He knew you would be good at it, he saw you taking care of the lower towns, taking care of him and the children, leading the meetings, he knew, the people already love you."

"Do they?" Avalon countered. "Most of the ladies in court think I'm strange." 

"They dont matter, the people, the real people love you!" Harwin assured. "How could they not?"

It felt strange, viserys wasnt here, she needed him here. He had been fading for moons, essentially gone for moons yet she still got to see him and bring him tea and talk to him even if he didnt say anything back. But now she was going to be queen alone. No viserys, no Rhaenyra. She felt so alone. Until she saw Daemon. He always knew how to make an entrance and calm her racing heart. 

Avalon waited for someone to say no. stop. This is not right. A queen cannot rule alone. But no one did. The council was in agreement, they had agreed a long time ago that Avalon would make a good heir and queen when Viserys passed. Avalon just wished Viserys was here, that he was healthy and filled with life and she didn't have to take this weight.

"You look beautiful." Aegon told her as she stared at him through the mirror.

"Thank you honey." Avalon said flattening down her dress again. "It feels strange. I never wanted this. Not like Rhaenyra, not like Daemon."

"I heard Daemon singing to Alyssa last night." Aegon remarked.

"Yeah?" Avalon chuckled "He used to sing to me."

"He seems to be trying to... I don't know redeem himself for being a shit father to those monster twins." Aegon remarked and Avalon gave his shoulder a squeeze. "I won't take it back, she was going to attack you.'

Avalon looked down at her hands, whatever that was, whatever that was inside of her had seemed to go dormant once again. That rush, that wave of power that literally blew back the twins from hurting Aemond. She fisted her hands at her sides looking to Aegon.

"You are going to make a great queen mama."


'I, Jacaerys Velaryon," Jace declared and Avalon smiled down at him. "-promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Queen Avalon Targaryen. I pledge fealty to her and shall defend her against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'

' I, lady Alicent Hightower, Voice of Oldtown, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Queen Avalon Targaryen. I pledge fealty to her and shall defend her against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'

'I, Harwin Strong, lord of Harrenhall and sworn sword of the queen promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Queen Avalon Targaryen. I pledge fealty to her and shall defend her against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

'I, Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Queen Avalon Targaryen. I pledge fealty to her and shall defend her against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.'

' I, Daemon Targaryen, Prince of dragonstone, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Queen Avalon Targaryen. I pledge fealty to her and shall defend her against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new.' Daemon locked eyes with Avalon as she let out a shaky breath.

"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city... a new day for our realm. Our Queen... to lead us." Daemon declared.

''May the Warrior give her courage. May the Smith lend strength to her sword and shield. May the Father defend her in her need." Septon Eustace began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light her way to wisdom." Criston stepped forward the crown in hand

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." Criston spoke as Avalon breathed deeply awaiting the crown be placed on her head, the burden that she was about to recieve. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Avalon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Criston announced putting the crown on Avalon's head.

"Long Live the Queen."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now