60. I am not a Hallucination

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I Think He Knows / Viserys Targaryen out now!

Night had fallen as the storm played on and Daemon had pulled Avalon to bed under the sound of the rain. He tilted her chin up and captured her lips. His kiss stayed, connecting, as her body built and fell beneath him, the sound of his name a whisper in the dark. She fell asleep against him. Felt his fingers threading through her hair. Slow and simple and it made her smile. Made his pulse that much stronger in his veins. He was staying. She wanted him to stay. Avalon's soft skin, here in her bed and Daemon lay his forehead against hers. 

"Dont leave me Dae." Avalon whispered, he felt her breath leaving her lungs and filling him as she nuzzled into him. 

"I'm right here."

Daemon imagined this life, what it could have been like if he fought harder for Avalon. Falling asleep beside her, he had never cared for monogamy he was one man for any woman in sight but with Avalon his mind didnt wander away. He pictured laying her beside her for the rest of his life... now the pesky situation of her being wed and him being wed... to different people. 

Did it cross Daemon's mind to just have viserys have a little accident? LAena too? He knew if Avalon knew his honest answer she would be appalled and slap him. So he knew what he had to do. Outlive Viserys. Make Avalon happy in the meantime and that meant holding her close as she worried about Viserys and her children. So he savored this moment, he didnt ever want to leave this bed. He wanted to kiss her, consume her, fill her but Avalon was their good little girl and he knew she wouldnt want that. Not now at least. He kissed her cheek and neck gently as she nuzzled into him. 

In the morning he would deal with Viserys but tonight he would hold her and pretend Avalon was his queen. 

Daemon smiled back at Avalon as they eat breakfast, she hadnt remembered the last time she got that good a nights sleep. She didnt want Daemon to leave. Daemon glanced around and then back to Avalon. 

"Viserys getting his beauty sleep?" Daemon mused. 

"He doesnt leave his chambers most days." Avalon reminded him. 

"I think you need a protector of the realms while he's like this. I would gladly fill in." Daemon offered. 

"Can you stay?" Avalon begged reaching for him. Daemon wanted to, he really did. But not if Avalon wasnt his. Damnit he called dibs that day he kissed her, he wanted so much more and they were just kids now Avalon had kids of her own.

"Let me get up sleeping beauty, he clearly needs a good Daemon ass whooping." Daemon decided pressing a kiss to her temple. 

"A gentle ass whooping." Avalon countered as she rose up. 

"Sit, sit. I can handle Viserys." Daemon assured as he headed out.  


"GOOD MORNING VISERYS! TODAY IS ANOTHER BRIGHT AND SHINING... well it is late evening but since you didnt leave your chambers today as Avalon, my lovely little ray of sunshine informed me." Daemon began as he walked the room.


"Yes. I am not a hallucination." Daemon agreed. "Gods it smells in here." Daemon informed him. "When was the last time you bathed?"

"What are you doing here?" Viserys questioned.

"I'm giving you a pep talk." Daemon informed him.

"Where is the pep in this talk?" Viserys countered.

"You are right, this is more of a talk, talk." Daemon agreed. "Avalon, our avalon is worried about you. she wants you to be okay and she is pretending to be okay because she is worried about you. You want to know why?" Daemon asked not waiting for an answer. "Because somehow you managed to get Avalon to fall in love with you. Really fall in love. Don't push her away. Don't push your children away. Viserys she loves you most in this world."

"She told me there was no rush that she was-"

"There is no rush." Daemon agreed. "But leave the room and take a bath and give avalon a proper hug." Daemon instructed. "You know she loves hugs when she is sad."

"She does." Viserys agreed and looked down at his phantom limb. "I love her so much." Viserys assured him.

"I know you do. We both do." Daemon reminded him. "But I want you to know something. Something important. Something that I think will get your ass out of this room."

"What is that?" Viserys questioned.

"I was Avalon's first kiss."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now