44. The Sounds Suspicious

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Avalon woke still tired and sore but as she took a deep breath she felt the life flood back into her. 

Alyssa was already up, Viserys was still asleep beside her. Avalon moved to Alyssa's crib and pulled her out. 

"Hello my little love." Avalon whispered getting her ready and fed, Avalon flipped through a book skimming the words and pictures as Alyssa sucked happily at her breakfast. Viserys rolled out of bed, getting ready before he looked to Avalon, as quiet as a mouse. He moved to her kissing her cheek and she glanced back at him. 

"Morning." Viserys whispered touching Alyssa's little head. 

"MOrning." Avalon echoed. 

"I have a meeting this morning and there is a banquet-" Viserys remarked and Avalon groaned. 

"You know I dont like those." Avalon reminded him

"I know..." Viserys agreed. Avalon turned her attention back to Alyssa. 

"I like you and Aegon and Alyssa... Rhaenyra isnt here we should just cancel all celebrations until she returns... have you heard anything?" Avalon pondered. 

"No, which could be a good thing." Viserys offered. 

"She's not happy about this." Avalon corrected. "She didnt want to go, she is young, she need not find a man. I didnt wed-"

"But not that you are, you are happier then you have ever been." Viserys prompted smiling back at her. 

"I am but that doesnt mean Rhaenyra will be so easily swayed especially not to a stranger only looking for her title as heir." Avalon remarked and Viserys sighed knowing she was right but it was too late. 

"She has been a throne in my side, this is for the best." Viserys remarked. 

"I trust you but she will be... moody. More moody when she returns." Avalon warned. 

"She will have a husband to be and she can be his problem." Viserys offered lightly and Avalon swatted a hand at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just... can we focus on our good daughter?" 

"You are lucky she is on my teat and I can't properly whack you." Avalon remarked with a chuckle. Viserys kissed her neck and she tipped her head into his. 

"Be back as soon as I can." Viserys whispered against her. 


Alyssa was the sweetest. Avalon smiled down at her as a smile curved Alyssas little face.

"She's smiley like you

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"She's smiley like you." Viserys remarked resting his chin on Avalon's shoulder. 

"She's precious." Avalon whispered leaning down to kiss Alyssa. 

"MAMA!" Aegon shouted out as he came running in with all the dignity and composure that his little 2 and half year old self could muster. 

"Say hi to Alyssa, she woke up from her nap." Avalon requested and Viserys picked Aegon up. He peered in at Alyssa. 

"HI!" Aegon declared waving back at her. "Can we play now?" Avalon chuckled. 

"Can you come with me to show Alyssa to Mouse?" Avalon questioned and now it was Viserys laughing. "What?" Avalon pondered. 

"You told me, the day that Aegon was born that Mouse needed to know." Viserys remarked and a soft smile curved Avalon's face. 

"I remember." Avalon agreed. "Now Aegon gets to help introduce his baby sister to Mouse." Viserys put Aegon down as Avalon picked Alyssa up. "I cant wait for them to have their own dragons." Avalon declared as they walked. "Oh, I wrote a letter can you give it to the maester to send out to Rhaenyra?" Avalon questioned. 

"Of course." Viserys agreed. "Where is it?"

"The desk, I miss her. I want her to know that its okay if she doesnt find a husband and we will not be mad." Avalon declared. 

"Avalon," Viserys tsked. 

"I just want to tell her I miss her and hope she is at least having fun exploring." Avalon assured. "I had fun on my tour." 

"Did you?" Viserys questioned. 

"Yes, then I ditched the tour and went to winterfell... Rickard..." Avalon sighed. 

"He was a good guard." Viserys remarked. 

"I went to winterfell and kissed his brother." Avalon informed him and Viserys faltered in his step. 

"I'm sorry, you said that too nonchalantly." Viserys informed her. 

"Yeah, good kisser." Avalon told him as she got to the pits. "I miss Rickard, I should visit winterfell when Aegon's bigger, they had direwolves... Mouse didnt like the cold, burned the Godswoods a bit." Viserys shook his head. 

"Let me get this straight... You tell me you kissed Rickard Starks brother, that he was a good kisser and then claim you want to visit? That sounds suspicious." Avalon laughed out. 

"Oh, Viserys." Avalon coed kissing his cheek. "What happens in winterfell stays in winterfell." she teased. Viserys closed his eyes shaking his head as she laughed out. 

"Sassy, Avalon sassy pants." Viserys murmured. 

"Nonsense I only wear pants for riding." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now