13. Right Here

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''I had a bad dream.'' Avalon remarked pulling herself up on viserys bed.

''What was it about?'' Viserys questioned pulling the covers up over her.

''Mouse shrunk to the size of a mouse!'' Avalon exclaimed

''Thats a bad dream?'' Viserys chuckled

''I can't be a dragon rider if my dragon is the size of an actual mouse!'' Avalon told him with a very large pout.

''Are you worried? Should we check on him?'' Viserys offered and avalon jumped up tripping on the blankets as she went

''I'm okay.' she declared standing back up. ''Come on!'' She pulled viserys hand down to the dragons cave. ''Mouse! Come here Mouse!'' Avalon declared

''See not tiny. Quite large actually.'' Viserys remarked picking up his baby sister and she let out a deep breath of relief.

''Mouse is going to be bigger than caraxes and balerion!'' Avalon declared

''You think?'' Viserys questioned a shiver went through his spine as the night breeze picked up

''Mouse gets more love and everyone knows you need lots of love to grow.'' Avalon told him

''Then why are you so little?'' Viserys questioned ''you are the most loved little girl in all of westeros.'' Viserys countered and avalon tipped her head to the side debating.

''So my theory is flawed.'' Avalon admitted resting her head on his shoulder.

''You ready for bed now?''

''Yes.'' Avalon agreed. ''Can you read me a history book they always put me to sleep.'' Avalon mused and viserys tickled at her ribs.

"You stinker butt." Viserys told her as she laughed into him.


Avalon's fifth name day was quickly approaching. Viserys wanted everything to be perfect. They were going to the capital so their grandfather Jaehaerys could see her as well.

Avalon rode in on Daemon's back as they walked up the steps she rested her chin on his shoulder tipping her head into him.

Avalon didnt remember her grandsire, or her father. Whenever Baelon saw Avalon he saw Alyssa. It still hurt too much. He knew he was awful, he was a bad father to all three of his children. But it hurt too damn much.

Jaehaerys stared back at Avalon as she hopped down from Daemon's back and grabbed Viserys hand.

"Hello Avalon." Jaehaerys said as they approached. "As pretty as your mother." he remarked.

"I never got to know my mother." Avalon informed him softly as she leaned into Viserys legs.

"Well she was beautiful and adored her elder brother too." Jaehaerys informed her. "I see you boys are taking great care of the littlest addition."

"Yes your grace." They echoed.

"Come, come now, time to celebrate a special little girls name day." Jaehaerys remarked.

"Hello boys... Avalon." Baelon remarked as they made their way into the gardens.

"Father," Daemon answered bitterly as he scooped Avalon up.

"Hello father," Viserys replied softly.

"I am sorry lad," Baelon offered. "I pray when you wed you never lose your wife. It is... overwhelming. The pain I feel, the loss, your mother will never be replaced."

"Avalon is not trying to replace anyone." Viserys corrected. "She is a little light, sweet like mother, why don't you see that?"

"I see so much of Alyssa in Avalon, it hurts Viserys, it hurts." Baelon corrected. "I'm sorry."

"Vis!" Avalon called back peering over Daemon's shoulder. "Come on!"

"Hello Viserys." Aemma said curtseying before him.

"Aemma, so glad you could come." Viserys agreed kissing her cheek.

"Avalon looks happy," Aemma remarked.

"She is." Viserys agreed.

But he couldnt help but glance back at his father. Seeing his frail state. His sunken eyes. Hair thinning. It had seemed that losing alyssa had been soo much to bear. He was fading before their eyes.

Viserys hadnt minded waiting to marry Aemma she was a few years younger than himself but she was sweet and pretty.

"Vis!" Avalon declared again.

"Best not keep the name day girl waiting." Aemma agreed.

Avalon was fast asleep in Viserys arms when the party came to an end. After much cake and running around with her new toys. Dancing around with Daemon and singing with Viserus she had pulled herself up into Viserys lap and crashed.

"Do stay here tonight boys." Jaehaerys requested. "Beds are being made and you can break your fasts with us in the morrow."

"Avalon likes to tuck her stuffed animals in and kiss them in the morning." Daemon corrected. "We should head home."

"I think her plushies will survive." Viserys countered. "Besides avalon is fast asleep already."

"Fine." Daemon grumbled. He loved his mother but his father was not his favorite person and Daemon would rather be at home than here.

Daemon shut his door and Viserys tried to removed Avalons arms from around him but her eyes popped open and she stared back at him.

"Go back to bed love." Viserys coed.

"Vis my plushies are never going to fall asleep." Avalon corrected. "They are going to be very grouchy in the morrow when we get home." She informed him seriously.

"What about the new plushies you got?" Viserys countered grabbing one from the end of the bed. "You can tuck them in and apologize to the others- actually I will apologize to the others when we get home." Avalon nodded clutching her toy to her. "Goodnight my little Avalon." Viserys whispered blowing out the candles but Avalon grabbed his hand

"You have to stay." Avalon corrected.

"My room is right next door and Daemon is right on the other side." Viserys pointed at the walls where his room was and where Daemon was sleeping already.

"No. You stay here." Avalon corrected moving over on the bed and she pat the spot next to her. "Right here."

"Right there?"

"Right here." Avalon repeated.

"Did you have fun today Avalon?" Viserys whispered laying down beside her.

"So much fun." Avalon agreed. "But you stay here all night. If you are gone in the morning Im going to be mad at you." Avalon informed him.

"I will stay right here. Never going to leave you." Viserys assured. "You and me love. Forever and always."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now