18. Tell Her I'm Sorry

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Rhaenyra was loud. Avalon didnt know if she liked babies too much. 

"Now you have to be quiet." Avalon instructed as she carried Rhaenyra through the halls. "I'm not allowed to do this but I think Viserys will understand."

Rhaenyra stared back up at her. Her screams silenced as Avalon brought her outside. Avalon shifted Rhaenyra awkwardly in her arms. 

"I'm going to call Mouse, you be brave. Don't be a chicken like your mother was." Avalon instructed. Rhaenyra stared around as Avalon held tighter to her. 

"MOUSE!" Avalon hollered out.

Rhaenyra flinched back into Avalon at first, seeing Mouse charging towards them. A whimper on her lips of confusion before Mouse wiggled his butt and sat down in front of them. 

"My good boy!" Avalon declared hugging him with one hand. Rhaenyra's little pouting face softened as she reached out for mouse. "This is my baby. I didnt have to get all fat and scream a lot to get him though." Avalon informed her honestly. "Mouse meet Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra this is Mouse." 

"Moo." Rhaenra echoed gurgling out words of her own creation. 

"Yeah, my mouse." Avalon agreed. "I would take you for a ride but I don't think Viserys would like that and I love Viserys and i dont want him to be mad at me." Avalon informed her seriously. "But when you are bigger, I don't know how much bigger but bigger." Avalon added. 

"Viserys I can't find Rhaenyra." Aemma declared frantically. 

"What do you mean you cant find Rhaenyra?" Viserys countered putting down his book. 

"I checked in her room and the wet nurse didnt have her and no one saw her, no one knows, she just, just vanished!" Aemma declared. 

"We will find her." Viserys assured. "She can't have gotten far."

"What if someone took my baby!" Aemma countered as she ran down the halls. "SHe was in her crib she couldnt just get out of the crib." Aemma reminded him. 

"I'm sure she is around here somewhere." Viserys offered. Then they heard laughter echoing from the courtyard.

Aemma looked to Viserys nervously before taking off at a sprint. 

When they got outside they saw Avalon leaning against mouse as he basked in the sun, Rhaenyra babbling in her arms. 

"Avalon!" Viserys declared. She looked up from Rhaenyra and waved back at Viserys. "Avalon, love you had us worried." 

"Why?" Avalon countered. 

' we didnt know where Rhaenyra was." Aemma informed her seriously as she plucked Rhaenyra from Avalon's lap. 

"I had her." Avalon informed them. 

"I see that now, but I didnt know before you took her and brought her too your dragon!" Aemma shouted as she stormed back inside. Avalon stared after her confused as Viserys sat beside her. 

"I... I..." avalon didnt know what to say, no one had ever shouted at her like that before. "Viserys, did I do, I did something wrong didnt I?" Avalon whimpered. 

"Oh my sweet," Viserys whispered pulling her to him. "We were worried, we didnt know where Rhaenyra went. She isnt mad at you." 

"She sounded mad." Avalon corrected. "I was just bringing her to meet Mouse." Avalon informed him. "I didnt think that was so wrong." 

"It's not." Viserys agreed. Avalon stared back at him as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. 

"Then why is she so mad? I wouldnt let anything happen to Rhaenyra." Avalon assured him. 

"I know my love, I know. She was just worried. We thought someone took her." Viserys informed her. 

"Well, I did take her." Avalon agreed. "But I didnt think that was wrong." 

"Oh my sweet girl." Viserys whispered kissing her forehead. 

"I wont... I won't play with Rhaenyra anymore. I'm sorry. Can you tell Aemma I'm really sorry and I didnt mean to make her mad." Avalon asked and Viserys wiped at her tears. "Just tell her i'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." Avalon whimpered as Viserys hugged her tight. 


"Why did I find Avalon crying saying Aemma hates her?" Daemon demanded as he stared incredulously between Viserys and Aemma. 

"I don't hate her." Aemma corrected. 

"My little Avalon, she never cries and I found her in tears. Tears! Big fat tears running down her sad face because you yelled at her and she thinks you hate her!" Daemon spat back. 

"Thats not, that's..." Aemma sucked in a breath. 

"You yelled at my Avalon?" Daemon shouted marching towards her. 

"Daemon," Viserys begged pushing him back out into the hall. 

"Avalon is upset, your wife yelled at her and you are taking her side over Avalons?" Daemon demanded. 

"I was explaining it to Aemma now." Viserys corrected. "I was telling her how sad Avalon was after we found Rhaenyra with her." 

"You mean how Avalon is perfection and your wife is a monster?" Daemon corrected crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Daemon, Aemma-"

"Made my Avalon cry and now she will burn." Daemon declared. 

"DAEMON!" Viserys spat back. 

"Tears, tears Viserys." Daemon declared. 'She thinks Aemma hates her and that she hurt Rhaenyra." 

"No, no, she didnt hurt Rhaenyra," Viserys whispered. 

"Tell that to Avalon, she is heartbroken Viserys. She was so excited to show Rhaenyra Mouse today and now she is in tears! Tears I tell you!" Daemon shouted. Avalon poked her head out of her chambers. 

"Oh, no, don't fight. I made a mess of everything." Avalon whimpered as she closed her door. 

"Look what you did?" Daemon demanded stomping down the hall to Avalon. 

"Me?" Viserys countered. 

"Tell your wife to be nice and fix this or I won't hesitate to dracarys her ass." Daemon sneered as he closed Avalon's door. 

Avalon was curled up next to Daemon he was telling her a story but she wasnt really listening when there was a knock at the door. 

"Go away Viserys." Daemon demanded but Aemma came in. Avalon pulled the blankets up over her as she whimpered out a muffled voice. 

"I'm sorry, don't hate me." 

"Avalon, sweetie, I could never hate you." Aemma assured. Daemon glared back at her. "Could I see your pretty face?" Avalon peered out from the covers. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you earlier." Aemma began. "I was worried about Rhaenyra. I wasnt thinking clearly." Aemma offered. 

"I wouldnt let anything happen to her." Avalon assured as she wiped at her eyes. 

"I know, I know..." Aemma whispered. "Avalon are you scared of anything?" 

"Spiders." Avalon whispered. 

"What happens when you see a spider?" Aemma asked and Avalon stared back at her confused. 

"I run and get Dae or Vis and they kill it." Avalon answered. "Or I scream if they are near the door until someone rescues me." 

"When I get scared I shout. It wasnt right of me to shout at you. You didnt do anything wrong." Aemma assured. "Avalon, I'm so sorry. I want Rhaenyra to be brave and kind like you."

"You don't hate me?" Avalon asked as Daemon ran a hand through her hair. 

"I don't hate you. No one could ever hate you." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now