23. Moth to Flame

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Tied together with a smile // Aegon Targaryen out now!

When Avalon was 16 Rhaenyra took over the position as cup bearer, Avalon spent more time with Daemon.

Dragon Racing with him causing a bit if chaos and madness.

Daemon would take her into the towns and they would see plays and eat strange new foods.

Daemon watched as knights and guards smiled at Avalon, winking at her as they passed but she didnt seem to notice or care. 

"Davina teach you how to talk to boys?" Daemon mused and Avalon laughed out. 

"You are funny." Avalon remarked. 

"Do you not like men?" Daemon questioned and Avalon stared back up at him confused. 


"Women." Daemon clarified. 

"I like men." Avalon corrected. "I'm just not so good at talking to them." She reminded him. "I figured that when the day came, I would feel confident and talking would come easy. It's not all men." Avalon informed him defensively. "Just the extremely handsome ones way out of my league." 

"Avalon you are above everyone's league." Daemon corrected. 

"I don't think thats right but if so then I need to meet a prince of Dorne." Avalon informed him seriously. 

"No, the dornish are cunts." Daemon corrected. "I like you right here." Avalon watched as Ser Harwin passed her gaze followed him. "You want Strong?" Daemon chuckled. 

"He's handsome." Avalon admitted as she continued on her way. 

"Strong!" Daemon demanded and Avalon swatted a hand at him. "For practice." Daemon mused. 

"Hello my prince, my princess." Harwin said nodding his head to them. 

"Strong, I'm trying to help my baby sister-"

"I'm not a baby." Avalon corrected as Daemon wrapped an arm around her. 

"-how to talk to grizzly like men." Daemon finished. Harwin stared back at him. 

"Daemon thats so mean. I call him handsome and you compare him to a bear." Avalon declared. "I'm so sorry Ser Harwin." Avalon declared. "Don't listen to my brother." 

"You called me handsome?" Harwin mused and Avalon blushed turning into Daemon to hide her face. 

"I hate you." She whispered. 

"You love me." Daemon corrected. "That's all Strong." Daemon waved a hand shooing him away. 

"You are so mean." Avalon whispered as daemon kissed her cheek. 

"I think you already met the man of your dreams." Daemon corrected sticking a finger in her mouth and popping in a cheesy breaded ball of goodness. Avalon moaned licking her lips and Daemon chuckled licking his thumb clean. 

"Who? Can you tell me so I'm not looking like a fool for ages?" Avalon mused. 

"Come on." Daemon instructed pulling her closer. 

Daemon then brought her to a whorehouse trying to show her the beauty of the human body. Avalon promptly scrunched up her face and turned around

''One of these day you are going to meet a man and want to know how to please him or how you like to be pleased.'' Daemon said following after her.

''Gross.'' Avalon remarked.

''It's not gross it's connection.'' Daemon corrected

''The noises they were making didnt sound pleasant.'' Avalon corrected

''Its loud and fun and messy.'' Daemon told her with a smug grin. ''I could help you.'' he offered and avalon stopped walking and turned to him.

''Ha!'' She declared before heading down the path.

''What? What ha? Why ha?'' Daemon countered

''Daemon I love you. I do.'' Avalon assured ''but i dont want you seeing all of me.''

''Why not?'' Daemon questioned.

''Its weird.'' Avalon told him.

''Who then?'

''No one. Its weird that people are so comfortable flaunting their skin like that.'' Avalon told him

''You havent met the right person to tickle your fancy.'' Daemon remarked

''Tickle my...'' avalon couldn't even say it she was already laughing.

''Avalon. Grow up im trying to help you.'' Daemon told her

''I like being a child.'' Avalon countered

''16 is not a child.'' Daemon told her.

''Well I don't feel like a grown up.'' Avalon countered.

''That's because you have never tried it.'' Daemon assured.

''Fine.'' Avalon agreed and daemon rose a curious brow.

''Fine what?'' Daemon countered.

''What do want?''

''Lots of things''. Daemon admitted

''From me you doof.'' Avalon corrected

''Lots of things.'' he repeated grabbing onto her hips and bringing her flush to him.

''Kiss me then.'' avalon told him confidently. Daemon didnt hesitate to kiss her. They kissed, long and slow, their tongues stroking, their bodies pressing together tightly.

When Avalon opened her eyes his face was so close she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes.

''Well? Want to explore a bit more.'' Daemon suggested. Avalon had to think about it for a moment before she took a step back.

''No.'' She answered simply as she headed back to the castle.

''Avalon!'' Daemon whined

''I love you. Goodnight Daemon!'' She called over her shoulder.

''Goodnight trouble.'' Daemon called after her.

Daemon was trouble and Avalon knew it but she adored her brothers, trouble and all. Viserys was the responsible one which was a good trait to have in a king and daemon was the fun and chaos Avalon thought herself a combination of both. She was responsible but had a wild side and knew when to take a step back, daemon never thought he crossed a line when Avalon could clearly see lines being drawn in the sand. Perfect balance, it also drew both brother to her like a moth to flame. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now