107. Regrettable

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"I was too harsh on baela and Rhaena." Avalon remarked. Daemon shrugged. "I was. I kept going, I just... I was so mad, they were so angry, they lunged at me and Aemond." Avalon reminded her. "But it was too much." Daemon shrugged again. "I need to drop some of those charges." Avalon remarked. "Don't you dare shrug again, tell me what you think." Avalon begged.

"Corlys is dead, Rhaenys never liked me. I don't see her returning the girls." Daemon offered.

"What of Laenor?"

"He ran away. Think of it as a blessing. Give Rhaena or Baela the title of Heir to driftmark after Rhaenys. That will settle Rhaenys need for power if you confirm its hers." Daemon offered and Avalon nodded. "Don't give them back their dragons yet though." Daemon added. "Tell her emotions ran high, you over reacted and had time to think like you should have done that day when your son was attacked, when you were attacked, really rub that in." Daemon instructed. So Avalon flew out to driftmark with Daemon.

"Your grace." Rhaenys said bitterly. Rhaena and Baela looked to Daemon, they had never been all that close with him and him turning his back on them stung.

"Hello ladies. Might we talk?" Avalon questioned. Rhaenys led them into the throne room, she perched on her throne looking down at Avalon. It was meant to intimidate her but it didn't.

"I wanted to apologize." Avalon began and Rhaenys pinched face softened. "I was scared that day and I over reacted in my... ruling." Avalon offered. "You are still Princess Rhaena and Princess baela, daughters of Daemon and Laena. I would like to extend my apology to you Rhaenys. I offended your house and I didn't want to do that." Rhaenys lips pursed. "I would like to officially give you claim over driftmark, I have heard from Vaemond and he... well driftmark is yours to pass onto your granddaughters."

"What of Jacaerys and Lucarys?" Rhaenys questioned.

"You didn't punish them at all." Rhaena agreed.

"I have put them to work. They are not my heirs, not heirs to driftmark or the throne." Avalon reminded them. Jace would be heir to harenhal though. "Jace has become a cup bearer on the council. Luke, Jace and Joff have been legitimized as... Strong."

"Why would you do that?" Rhaenys questioned.

"Rhaenyra is dead. Laenor fled into the night and Harwin is their father. You can't deny it. I want them to have family, not a flaky father and a dead mother. A living man that loves them so much." Avalon declared. "If it helps I also restricted their dragon time as well."

"Are you returning our dragons?"

"Not yet." Avalon corrected. Rhaenys hissed a breath. "Your father is staying at the capital. You are welcome to stay at the castle if you want to visit or stay longer." Avalon directed at Daemon's children. "I hope you will forgive me. I was... I was scared." Avalon reminded them. "My son, my baby was attacked and I was scared. You lost your daughter Rhaenys, I could have lost my boy. I..." Tears welled in her eyes. "...I..." she swallowed the lump in her throat looking to Daemon, he grabbed her hand. "Never want to lose a child. And the nature of that week was just... awful. It was awful. The fires, Ser Harwin and the nature behind the fires, then Laena's death, coming to driftmark all so quickly, and Viserys wasnt doing well." Avalon informed her. "I'm trying my best but he... when he..." Tears dripped down her cheeks. "The thought of losing my children, that he was attacked over this... by boys he knew his whole life..." Avalon looked to Rhaena and Baela but they couldnt meet her gaze. They had gotten LUke and Jace out of bed, dragged them out. This was their fault but it was luke that brought the blade. 

"Our actions were regrettable as well, your grace." Rhaena admitted. "We would be glad to come to the capital."

"Thank you... you two look so much like your mother." Avalon whispered. It made her want another little girl. Alyssa had delicate features like Avalon but she had three boys and now three more boys as her wards. Her grandsons. The capital was overrun by Targaryen boys. "I hope to get to know you both under better circumstances." Avalon watched as Daemon moved to them wrapping an arm around each of them. 

"Come visit me if your grandmother allows it." Daemon remarked before moving back to Avalon. 

"Thank you for coming, your grace." Rhaenys agreed. "This was... a productive chat." 

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