70. Don't Want Pity

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 Wildest Dreams /Jojen Reed x Hp Crossover

Viserys and Rhaenyra stood outside as they saw Mouse returning.

"What was she doing? Where was she going?" Rhaenyra asked for the millionth time as though Viserys would know suddenly.

"Still don't know. You know Avalon she jumps head first." Viserys remarked. Avalon slide down and both Viserys and Rhaenyra were surprised to see Alicent sliding down into Avalon's arms.

''Alicent?'' Rhaenyra questioned confused.

''She is my ward now. Her husband is dead.'' Avalon informed them alicent shook in her grasp. ''I need a warm bath drawn and her chambers prepared.'' Avalon told a handmaiden. ''Immediately.''

''Of course my queen.'' A small curtsy later and she was off.

''What happened?'' Rhaenyra asked looking to her former friend. Alicent just shook nervously.

''As I said Rhaenyra. Her husband is gone she is my ward.'' Avalon told her while running a hand up and down alicents back calmingly.

''Why not go back to old town? to the hightowers?'' Rhaenyra countered defensively

''My ward Rhaenyra. Please drop it.'' Avalon warned.

''She cant just waltz back in here and pretend she didn't ignore us for the past-'' Rhaenyra began

''Yes, she can. And we will not speak more of it.'' Avalon warned silencing her.

''I don't want her here.'' Rhaenyra spat.

''Rhaenyra.'' Avalon said slowly moving from alicents side. ''I am the queen.'' Avalon reminded her. ''Your wants and needs are valued and appreciated but in this certain circumstance they do not matter. Alicent is my ward she is staying in the castle. Don't make me say it again.'' Avalon warned.

''Yes. Your grace.'' Rhaenyra hissed marching away. Avalon released a sharp breath before forcing a smile and turning back to Alicent.

''Come on Alicent. Lets get you settled.''

''Th-thank you your grace.'' Alicent stammered as avalon led her to a room.


Alicent stared at her old room, it seemed bigger somehow.

"Do you need anything?" Avalon asked and Alicent shook her head looking to the warm bath freshly made for her. "Do you need help?" Avalon questioned softly. Alicent didn't want to ask for help but she didn't really want to be alone right now. "Let me help you." Avalon offered kindly, her dress stuck to her skin from sticky blood. Avalon let out a sad sigh, knowing just a fraction of what Alicent had suffered since being married off. Alicent sunk into the water and it relaxed her and stung at the same time, washing away the pain.

''You had another boy.'' Alicent remarked not knowing what to say. Avalon had saved her, risked her relationship with Rhaenyra to keep herself her. She could have easily sent her home to her father otto hightower, back to old town. It would have been easier for Avalon but she didn't even consider that an option. Alicent stared at her in awe, many years ago her father had wanted her to kill Avalon so she could get the crown. She wouldn't, she couldn't and seeing Avalon come to her aid after all this time, Alicent was sure that Avalon would make a better queen than herself any day.

''I did, Aemond is his name.'' Avalon agreed. ''Would you like to meet him?''

''Your grace-''

''Avalon is fine, Alicent.'' Avalon told her softly.

''I'm so sorry. For everything...'

''What do you mean alicent? You havent done anything wrong.'' Avalon assured.

''My father he...''

''His match for you was rash. The greyjoys have tempers. Many fleets but usually cruel, Dalton... well he is in hell right now so we don't have to worry about him.... Especially those in power. Or those that want power." Avalon washed her hair pouring water delicately over Alicents head.

''Your grace you shouldnt be doing this.'' Alicent remarked.

''You shouldnt be alone right now.'' Avalon countered. ''And i dont mind. I bathe my children. Viserys says I have a gentle touch which is certainly something you need right now.''

''I don't deserve your kindness,'' alicent whimpered tucking her knees to her chest.

''Of course you do.'' Avalon corrected.

''I'm not a good person.'' Alicent whimpered

''You are.'' Avalon corrected. ''You were dealt a bad hand but you will thrive here again.... I will make sure of it."


"I am the heir!" Rhaenyra reminded her father. Viserys sighed leaning back in his chair.

"Avalon must have had a good purpose and I thought Alicent was your best friend?" Viserys countered.

"Was. Was. WAS!" Rhaenyra hissed. "I don't want her in my home. Make her go."

"Maybe if you talked to-"

'I'm not talking to her." Rhaenyra hissed.

"Or Avalon. See her reasons. She has a good heart you know it. She wouldn't have boughten Alicent here, went against your... very vocal demands-' Viserys offered and Rhaenyra rolled her eyes as she stomped around the room. "-if she didn't think it necessary."

"I am to be-"

"Rhaenyra are you planning to kill me?" Viserys questioned and Rhaenyra let out a groan of displeasure. "Then you have time and nothing to worry about." Viserys assured. "The castle is big and you could avoid her if you please... but you saw her did you not?" Rhaenyra glanced over at him. "She looked terrified. You should stop shouting that it isn't fair for a moment and ask yourself why your best friend was terrified..." Viserys offered. "But what do I know, I'm old and senile, you will have the crown by tomorrow I suppose." Viserys mused and Rhaenyra offered him a tight smile before heading out.

"do you want me to tell Rhaenyra?" Rhaenyra heard from outside Alicent's door.

"No." she answered in a small voice. "I don't want her pity friendship."

"It wouldn't be pity, she would see the pain you went through and-" Avalon nodded. "-okay maybe a little pity but her anger would be gone and you could have a real friend." Avalon offered wrapping a towel around her.

"I don't think telling her would help." Alicent remarked.

"I will leave it up to you but I don't like lying to Viserys." Avalon told her. "And he is not good at secrets."

"I understand." Alicent assured.

"I had some dresses brought up, night slips, food and wine if you are hungry." Avalon nodded to the table.

"My father..."

"I can tell him..." Avalon assured.

"He will take me away." Alicent whispered. Her damp hair dripping to her feet.

"He wont." Avalon corrected. "I meant what I said when I told you I would protect you. You are my ward. I am the queen, in case you forgot." Avalon offered sweetly. "Your father is a disgraced hand, who holds the power?"

"Thank you Avalon. I don't deserve this, I don't deserve any of this!" and Alicent was tearing up again and Avalon hugged her gently but Alicent wrapped her arms around Avalon tightly. "Thank you." She whimpered over and over.

''He had four other wives he called them salt waives.'' Alicent whispered. "He didnt care about women he just liked the power, thought himself a conqueror... he..."

''Hes gone and he cant hurt you.'' Avalon assured.

''Avalon... my father... ''

''Shush sweetling you are okay. Your father wont be a problem you are my responsibility now.'' Avalon assured. ''Rest. I can have some tea brought up for you as well to help you sleep and some creams for your wounds.''

'Thank you your grace.' Alicent whimpered

''Avalon.'' She corrected. ''Rest now all is going to be alright.'' 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now