4. Fly

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Avalon crawled across the floor with fierce concentration. Her face scrunched deep in thought as she maneuvered across the floor. With a satisfactory sigh she stopped at the fire and reached out for her dragon egg.

"No no no no" viserys declared grabbing her and pulling her back. Avalons big eyes stared back at him a pout on her face. She whimpered pointing back to the egg.

"No touch. Hot." Viserys told her.

"Hhhh" avalon repeated.

"Hot." Viserys said again.

"Hhhh." Avalon didnt say much she was always a quiet as a mouse. She babbled when she talked gibberish that only Avalon understood. But she was trying out real words lately. Trying.

"She hacking up a hair ball?" Daemon mused.

"She is talking." Viserys countered.

"Hhh." Avalon tried again before looking back at Daemon.

"Hhh hair ball." Daemon corrected patting on her back making her cough.

"Stop that." Viserys instructed swatting at Daemons hand.

"Daemon is the best!" Daemon offered pulling her to him. "Go on avalon. Daemon is the best!"

"Aaaa." Avalon tried instead.

"Avalon. Avalon. Thats you." Viserys declared pointing a finger at her.

"Aaav." Avalon scrunched up her face discouraged before looking up at Daemon.

"Learning is boring." Daemon declared standing up. Avalon clung to him for dear life as Daemon moved quickly to the door. Avalon stared over Daemons shoulder at Viserys as Daemon flew down the halls.

"Vii." Avalon cried out reaching for him. "Vii!"

"No. Daemon is the best." Daemon told her as he headed outside. She looked over at him confused as her little fingers gripped tight to his shirt. "We are going for a ride." Daemon told her and Avalon stopped fussing. "You know what im saying." Daemon smirked. "Dragons!" Avalon nodded eagerly.

"Daemon I thought we said-" viserys called chasing after them. "-that we wouldnt take our very little sister on dragons yet!"

"You decided that and since YOU dont have a dragon. Its not a problem for YOU " Daemon countered as he got on Caraxes.

"Daemon she is so little-" viserys declared.

"Look at her." Daemon declared as Avalon gripped to the reigns raising and lowering it happily and they hadnt even left the pits. "Look at that smile." Viserys stared up at Avalon her mouth moved wordlessly as she kept slapping at the reigns.

"Vii!" Avalon shouted happily.

"I see Avalon. I see." Viserys agreed hesitantly. "What if you didnt fly what if you just-"

"Cant hear you!" Daemon called down as Caraxes started to head out. "I wont let her fall."

"Daemon be so careful with Avalon!" Viserys demanded.

"Careful is my middle name!" Daemon shouted down as he declared "sōvegon!"

"Daemon! So careful!" Viserys called as Avalon screeched out. "DAEMON!"

Avalon couldnt stop laughing and shouting and Daemon thought she was probably having fun. Between her laughs and deafening screeches she was smiling.

"Dae! Dae!" Avalon declared a fast breath in her lungs as her eyes darted around looking at everything. Taking in every cloud and every bird. Caraxes moved nice and smooth through the air.

"You having funny sweetie?" Daemon asked and Avalon nodded as she reached her arms out like wings. Daemon tightened his grip on her as she soaked in the sun.

When they landed on the ground Daemon saw viserys pacing nervously his face practically white with worry.

"Vii!" Avalon shouted waving down at him. He reached up for her. Daemon lowered her down and she let out a little weee of excitement as she slid down caraxes side and into Viserys arms. She immediately started babbling the biggest smile on her face.

"Damn near gave me a heart attack!" Viserys told daemon as he put caraxes away smugly.

Avalon sucked in a deep breath remembering she needed to breathe before continuing to babble some more.

"You have fun Avalon?" Viserys asked bringing her inside. She sucked in another deep breath in her little head she was telling him how much fun she had. How exciting it was and how much wanted her own dragon. But all viserys heard was nonsense but the smile on avalons face told him she had fun.

"Yeah?" Viserys mused avalon nodded as he brought her inside continuing to babble. "Sounds like fun." Again she nodded waving her little arms around trying to explain everything. By the time viserys brought her back to her crib she had talked herself out and fell fast asleep.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now