35. Surprise

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On Aegon's first name day Avalon had hoped Daemon would come back. He didnt. Avalon was getting Aegon ready and every time the door opened she turned expecting Daemon.

She didnt even know why she hadnt heard from him in ages. So she needed to move on but how could she? Daemon was her brother. In her life from the moment she had life. So she focused on her little life in front of her.

"So handsome you are Aegon!" Avalon declared.

"Merr-bler-blahhh-" Aegon was talking, in his mind he was saying words, Avalon was sure of that. Aegon knew what he was saying and he was saying lots of it.

"Thats very interesting." Avalon agreed. "Do tell me more." Aegon smiled back at her.

"Are you ready for today my love?" Viserys questioned coming up behind them.

"Aegon just got up from his nap and he is very talkative." Avalon agreed.

'Are you," Viserys reiterated. "Are you, Avalon my love ready?"

"Yes." Avalon agreed before looking over her outfit. "No. Not really. I dont know where my head is at." Avalon admitted. Viserys sighed kissing her shoulder.

"It's right here." Viserys whispered kissing her cheek.

"I just need a moment. I'm feeling a bit..."

"I ravened him again too." Viserys admitted. "But I think it might be a lost cause."


"He said he would always be here." Avalon whispered as her cousin Davina helped her with her dress, fixing her necklace.

"Oh honey, men love saying that, they think its fun." Davina agreed.

"He's my brother." Avalon whispered.

"You can back from across the narrow fucking sea because you missed your brothers. It's Daemons own damn fault if he ran away. There is nothing wrong with you." Davina declared.

"Thanks Dav." Avalon whispered.

"Stunning and to top it off you need the crown."

"No this is Aegons party. I dont need the added attention." Avalon assured.

"You are the queen-"

"As though they dont know that already?" Avalon countered.

"Hey, smile honey. You are the sweetest thing in the world. Queen of the seven kingdoms have this cute little baby... im not a baby person but hes a cutie." Davina remarked.

"Thanks Davina."

"Party time!"


Aegon was smiling for about five minutes before it was too loud too many people and he was starving.

Aegon whined reaching for Avalon.

"A mother duty never ceases." Avalon remarked. 

"Give him to-" Davina began but Avalon held Aegon closer, giving Davina a scolding look. "Sorry." Davina offered raising her hands in surrender. 

"He is my baby, I will tend to him." Avalon assured. She moved to her chambers, Aegon was slapping at her chest, pulling at her necklace the whole way. "Almost there, I can't strip in the halls my love." Avalon remarked. Aegon started gnawing at her dress in anticipation. 

"Alright lets see..." Avalon peered around her chambers, when Aegon was hungry he went to town gnawing her teat dry. "Where did I put that book?" Avalon questioned flipping over the comforter. "Where did mama put it?" Avalon questioned walking around with Aegon sucking awkwardly at her as she moved. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now