88. Wager

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"Happy name day to you!" Avalon coed.

Jace and Daeron were born so close together and Avalon knew Viserys probably couldnt handle two parties and rhaenyra agreed. They were trying a new treatment and it was making him even more tired. Rhaenyra wanted her father to be there to celebrate and thought that viserys would keep away the rumors block the bad like he had tried to.

"I cant believe they are already one! Avalon exclaimed. So big already. I think they're having a competition of who can walk first." Avalon looked at daeron and Jace as they pulled themselves up to their feet. Falling back down on theirs little butts and trying again.

"Well obviously it's going to be Jace." Rhaenyra decided and avalon turned to her.

"Why would you say that?" Avalon countered "I have three other children and they all walked rather quickly they're fast learners." Avalon reminded her.

"Can you to make a wager then?"

"Betting on our children? Who do you think I am?"

"It could be fun!" Rhaenyra countered

"You are ridiculous". Avalon corrected "we are not putting a wager on our children because clearly your son is a few months older.  It wouldnt be fair to you and jace when Daeron whips your ass."

"You know... Avalon you know how grateful I am for you and I'm sorry if I'm disappointing you." Rhaenyra remarked softly. 

"Disappointing me?" Avalon countered. Rhaenyra ran a hand over her stomach. "I will love this baby like I do Jace." Avalon assured. "No matter what he or she looks like."

"I hear the whispers." Rhaenyra murmured. 

"Lets enjoy tonight." Avalon requested. "Dont worry about them, lets celebrate our wonderful children." Avalon suggested.  "Viserys!" Avalon declared moving from Rhaenyra. "I was  going to get you." 

"I love you Avalon, where is the name day boys?" Viserys questioned as she kissed his cheek. 

"Right there," Avalon pointed at Daeron in Alyssa's arms. 

"Alyssa is a little thing like you." Viserys remarked watching her struggle to hold her baby brother. 

"Aegon and Aemond are going to be tall like Daemon." Avalon countered. 

"Dont put thoughts in my head." Viserys teased. Avalon pressed another kiss to his cheek. 

"I love you." 

"I love you." Viserys echoed as he moved to the children. 

"Hi Dad." Alyssa remarked as she put down Daeron. 

"Hello sweetie, you are so beautiful like your mama." Viserys remarked running his hand down her head. Alyssa offered him a big smile before looking to Avalon. 

"Mum, can we have cake?" Aegon questioned. 

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea." Avalon agreed. They brought the cakes out for Jace and Daeron and Viserys put Daeron down. They bare got the happy out of the song before Daeron was shoving his fist into it laughing out. 

Avalon licked her lips of the frosting finding Viserys sitting down watching everyone. She moved to him taking a sip of wine. She sunk down beside him and held out a piece of cake, he wrapped his arm around her instead. 

"I'm glad you were feeling good enough to join us." Avalon whispered. "I miss you Viserys." 

"I miss you." Viserys agreed. 

Avalon shifted her position, putting her shoulder closer to him. That's all the cue he needed. He began rubbing her shoulder, tracing small circles over the edges. It's not a lot, but it's enough to send his heart beating out of his chest. He didn't know how long they sat like that with him rubbing her shoulder, but the attraction between them built more and more with each second. At least for him it did, it always did with her. SHe was still so beautiful and he felt like a mess, he was sure he looked like a mess. He found the edge of her shirt collar and slipped his fingers under the fabric, tracing over the side of her collarbone. Her skin was warm against his touch, burning the tips of his fingers with each brush of his hand. They play the game all over again, him drawing a circle pattern over her shoulder, but this time under her shirt.

Avalon turned to watch him as he closed his eyes leaning into her. She snuggled into him as the kids ran around, sugar high on cake flooding their veins.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now