40. Believe Me

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Avalon couldnt explain. Viserys had always said she was a kind soul didnt even want mouse eating butterflies when she was younger but this felt magical. Mouse stared back at her as she silently commanded him to not eat the butterflies as they circled around her. Butterflies no longer held Mouses attention though. He liked bigger prey.

Aegon stumbled around trying to walk, falling on his butt and using the weeds and flowers to pull himself back up as Avalon stood staring back at Mouse.

"Ma!" Aegon shouted and she looked to him

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"Ma!" Aegon shouted and she looked to him. He reached up to her. "Fly!"

"Yes, these fly! They are butterflies." Avalon agreed sitting beside him. Aegon moved his arms as though they were wings. "When you get a dragon you will fly too." Avalon assured. Aegon stumbled up to Mouse leaning into him. "Fly like mouse." Avalon agreed.

"Mou!" Aegon declared. "hi Mou!"

"Hi Mouse." Avalon laughed out.

Avalon spent ages in the woods during her second pregnancy looking for the magical glowing creatures she had seen but never came upon them again. She wondered what it meant. What they were.

After tucking Aegon in for a nap she went to the maesters and asked for their books on insects. She felt strange asking are there any magical glowing creatures in the woods? Surly that would be common knowledge, right? It wouldnt be a secret.

Maybe she hallucinated it. Maybe she was dreaming. But it felt so real.

Avalon poured over the books flipping through the pages, looking over illustrations.

Viserys came in tossing his jacket aside, he hadnt even noticed her curled up on the chair as the fire crackled away, she was as quiet as a mouse.

A bath was prepared, Avalon had yet to look up from her book. He sunk into the water when he heard the page turn and the book flop to the table.


"Viserys its not real. I imagined it." Avalon declared as she rose up.

"Avalon, I didnt even see you there." Viserys remarked relaxing now that he knew it was Avalon and not an intruder.

"Maybe I need another book." Avalon debated.

"What are you looking for?" Viserys countered.

"It was... well it was like... it was blue." Avalon offered not knowing how to describe it.

"What was blue my love?"

"This blue glowing creature I saw in the woods." Avalon remarked. "Keep up Viserys."

"yes sorry." Viserys mused reaching out for her. "Tell me what I'm supposed to know so I can know it and agree with you." Avalon stared back at him.

"I know you are partially joking but that would be nice." Avalon agreed as she sat on the edge of the bath.

"I love your heart." Viserys remarked kissing her hand.

"Thank you." Avalon answered smiling down at him. "So this creature... well its hard to explain... maybe I wasnt looking in the right spot."

"What did it look like?" Viserys pondered. Avalon had an AHA! moment as she stood up.

"I should draw it!" Avalon agreed. "You are brilliant Viserys. Thank you!"

"You're-" Viserys began but she was running out of the room. "-Welcome." Viserys chuckled out as he sunk back down into the bath.

Avalon was back with fresh parament and blue waxes, she looked like a mad woman scribbling away. Viserys got up as the water started going tepid. He wrapped his robe around himself as he moved to her.

"What do you think?" Avalon questioned.

"They made faces like that?" Viserys questioned looking at the little fairies pouting, and sticking their tongues out.

"They did

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"They did." Avalon agreed. "You dont believe me." Avalon remarked after a moment, she started rolling up the drawing but Viserys stopped her.

"I believe you." Viserys corrected. "If you say you saw this, then I believe you Avalon."

"Yeah?" She whispered leaning into him.

"Of course... they actually..." He took the sketch back from her. "I think I have seen this somewhere." he admitted honestly.

"Really?" Avalon questioned.

"I can't remember where..." Viserys words drifted off as he looked around the room. "Dont laugh Avalon."

"Why would I laugh?" Avalon countered as he moved to the book shelf.

"Because I know where we both saw this creature before." Viserys remarked.

"Where?" Avalon demanded. Viserys held out an old book and she ran her hand over the worn cover. "This was..."

"I read it to you when you were little." Viserys agreed. "It was mine first, Mother read me the stories... Daemon didnt care for them but you loved them." Avalon flipped through the pages.

"Cornish Pixies." Avalon read off. "But this is a fictional story Viserys." Avalon corrected. "I saw them."

"Maybe its not so fictional." Viserys offered as Avalon stared down at the pages. "You believe when women were dragons, why can't this be any different." Viserys remarked as he kissed her cheek.

"I suppose all stories come from some sense of reality." Avalon pondered. "So they could be real... I know I saw something Viserys."

"I believe you."


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Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now