31. I am Your Servant

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Look what you made me do// Ramsay Bolton out now!  


It's time to go/ Criston/ Harwin out now!

''You know after Balerion died I swore never to ride another dragon.'' Viserys remarked

''But you missed it?'' Avalon asked

''I like riding with you.'' Viserys corrected

''I like you riding with me.'' Avalon agreed as mouses feet landed on the ground again. "Thanks for coming with me." Avalon told him.

"You are about ready to pop my love, I wasn't about to let you ride alone." Viserys countered as he slid off and reached his hands up for her.

"I'm fine, fresh air is good for me." Avalon assured but as her feet hit the ground she felt her water break. She shifted from foot to foot and Viserys stared down at her wet feet.

"AVALON!" Viserys declared. "I told you-'

'Can we not play the I told you so game right now?" Avalon countered as Viserys picked her up. "I think I can walk, Vis." Avalon told him.

"Nonsense." Viserys declared carrying her inside. He didnt know where he found the strength, Avalon was always a slim thing but he wasnt a spring chicken. But he held her to him as he walked a brisk pace down the halls. Avalon loved that he was here, that he cared so much. But fear flooded her at what was to come. 

"Are you going to stay?" Avalon questioned.

"Of course." Avalon's face pinched as he put her down.

"Mother died giving birth to me." Avalon whispered.

"You are not going to die." Viserys told her confidently.


"You are not going to die." Viserys told her confidently as he kissed her. "I'm right here."

"Thank you for not... having a stupid tourney." Avalon told him as her stomach began contractions and her face pinched.

"Never again." Viserys agreed holding tight to her hand. It was a long process, painful and bloody. But Avalon dealt with the labor as elegant and gracefully as Viserys expected. The true angel that she was.

"I see the head," the wet nurse declared.

"You are doing great." Viserys told her kissing her sweaty face she let out a shaky breath.

"Why do we as women have to suffer so much." Avalon groaned out.

Viserys expected nothing less than grace and elegance as Avalon delivered their child into the world. 

Viserys wasnt present for Aemma's births. None of them, not Rhaenyra or any of the stillbirths or miscarriages... not until the end. It just wasnt what was done. Men stayed away but Viserys looked into her eyes, saw the worry on her face and threw tradition out the window. She held tight to his hand, shaky breaths left her lungs with each push. 

It hurt more than anything ever did. She worried. Panic filled every morsel of her being as she pushed and pushed. Her teeth chattered and silent tears fell down her cheeks. 

"Vis..." She whimpered as he kissed away her tears. 

"I'm right here, I'm right here." Viserys assured holding onto her. 

"I'm scared." She whimpered. 

"You dont have to be." Viserys knew it was common, so did Avalon for women to die in childbirth. Knew it was common and that Alyssa, their mother died giving birth to her. Aemma died in child birth which put them in this position. 

"I wont let anything happen to you." Viserys promised hugging her. Avalon was his whole world. He loved her more than life itself. 

"Another big push, your grace." 

Avalon looked to Viserys as he kissed her temple, she gripped his hand and a baby was born. Screaming out, Avalon's teeth chattered. Was it over? Did she do it? Was this it? Was she going to survive? 

"You did it love!" Viserys declared as she sobbed into him. 

"I'm going to be okay?" Avalon questioned and Viserys nodded wiping at her tears. 

"Of course you are. I wasnt worried for a moment." Viserys lied as she hugged him. 

"Vis, that was so scary." Avalon whimpered into him. 

"Your grace... its a boy." The hand maiden remarked holding him up. "Would you like to hold your baby?" Avalon nodded reaching out for him. 

"A little boy." Avalon coed kissing his head. 

"Our little boy." Viserys agreed. 

Viserys had wanted a boy for years a true heir the people could accept but he was more worried about Avalon and the thought of a boy passed his mind for a moment.  Because he needed Avalon to be alright. 

"Aegon." Viserys remarked. "I had a dream of our boy wearing Aegon's crown." Avalon ran a hand over Aegon's head as he suckled at the air, already hungry.

"A moment in the world and already hungry." Avalon chuckled. "He is like me." Viserys smiled leaning into her. "Our little conqueror... Aegon what will you conquer?" Avalon questioned softly. "A dragon... Oh I want to show him to mouse!" Avalon declared. 

"Let your body rest your grace." The handmaidens offered. "You went through a lot..." 

"Please listen to them." Viserys agreed. 

"Will you tell Mouse we had a boy then?" Avalon countered, Viserys chuckled kissing her again as he ran a hand through her sweat slicked hair. 

"Of course. What ever you want or need, I am your servant." Viserys agreed. 

"You are my husband." Avalon corrected. "But I see how to two could be confused."

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