45. To Love Again

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When Alyssa was born Avalon knew she would love nature. Avalon lay out in the sun with Alyssa babbling beside her, Avalon would point out the clouds, the trees, Aegon would tell her colors. Count the flowers as Avalon's head tipped back soaking in the sun. 

She knew she wasnt the typical queen. Knew that she was different but different was good. The castle needed a fresh set of eyes, a fresh point of view. 

All the lords and ladies were too tightly wound. Viserys had been as well. ALl he wanted was an heir and he pushed too far, too hard.  But now he saw things differently. HAving avalon back, he saw things differently, he saw the realms differently, remembered the beauty in the little things. 

The beauty in loving his wife, not for duty but just because he loved her. Aemma had been duty, he did love her, but Aemma was duty, their roles had stressed them both out, made them drift apart even if he didnt want to admit it. 

But looking at Avalon now, he was smitten, love struck. Avalon always held his heart and it took losing someone he thought he would have until his last day to remember what it was like to truly love again. 

 On Avalon's name day they had picnic. That was another thing Viserys loved about Avalon. She was simply wonderful. She took joys in the little things, in the gifts from God around her. The nature, the earth, the creatures. 

Most women in her position would take advantage of the title of princess and then queen and have banquets and feasts and be praised constantly but not Avalon. She was content in her family. 

Being the queen the world saw the treasures of silver and gold, the fine wines but Avalon knew that there was more precious things then gold. The most precious thing was her family, her children. They were better than anything that she could hold in her hands, that sparkled around her neck. 

Alyssa's little smile as she sniffed a flower, practically engulfing the pollen, getting little yellow beads of pollen on her face. 

Aegons marching around pretending to be a knight, pointing his finger at trees and squirrels and bunnies as they scampered by. Making illegible commands before rooting his hands on his hips. 

Viserys smiled as he leaned in kissing her. Avalon once thought that marrying her elder brother was something crazy but she loved him. She loved him so much, she knew some of the ladies of the court, although she hated to say such words it was the only way to describe them... bitchy. They were bitches. They thought Avalon was just a broodmare, a ditsy little girl that preferred the woods to the castle. Preferred the dragon pits and flying to feasting with their pompous asses. But they didnt understand. What Avalon and Viserys had, this family was golden. 

Viserys wasnt surprised to see Avalon bonding with nature as a butterfly landed on her finger. Alyssa stared up wide eyed jaw slacked. In her little mind that was the coolest thing ever.

 In her little mind that was the coolest thing ever

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Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now