118. Like a Million

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"Meet Kaida and Draco." Avalon introduced to her eager children.

"Can I hold her mama?" Alyssa questioned sitting beside her.

"Of course," Avalon agreed.

"Hi Kaida, I'm your big sister." Alyssa whispered down to a sleeping Kaida. "She's so little."

"Your mama was the littlest thing." Daemon remarked. "I always thought I was going to lose her in the bedding when she came to snuggle up beside me."

"You still love me right?" Daeron questioned. "Even though I'm not the baby anymore?"

"Oh my love!" Avalon declared hugging him. "I love you all so much, that has not changed." Avalon assured them. "I love you all, equally." Avalon assured.

"But I have been alive the longest," Aegon countered. "So I should be the most loved-"

"I dont think thats how it should go." Daeron corrected. "I'm the baby of the family-"

"Not anymore, look Daeron a baby!" Alyssa declared, she wasnt trying to be mean she just thought maybe he didnt see his new little siblings. Alyssa was their little odd bird and Avalon loved her all the more for it.

"Alyssa," Daeron groaned out his jaw dropped slowly.

"I love you all," Avalon repeated. "That will never change, no matter how many siblings you get, no matter how old you get, no matter where you are in the world, I will love you always."

"Kaida, Kaida, hello," Alyssa coed.

"What does it mean?" Aemond questioned. "It sounds familiar."

"Little dragon. Kaida, it means little dragon." Daemon answered. "Draco means dragon as well."

"What about me? Where did you get my name from?" Aemond countered.

"I liked that it was Daemon with the D flipped around. I wanted Daemon to be a part of all your lives. You are tall like him already." Avalon remarked touching his hair. "But Aemond also means Protection." Avalon answered. "And Daeron means greatness."

"I am pretty great." Daeron agreed.

"You are." Avalon agreed.

"And I'm the conqueror and Alyssa is after your mum." Aegon recalled.

"I was actually looking it up," Daemon remarked. "Alyssa was taken from Alyssum flower." Alyssa's eyes went wide. "Alyssum is a delicate flower, with a sweet scent and great beauty."

"Really? I have never seen or heard of an Alyssum flower." Alyssa declared.

"We will have to see about trying to track one down for you." Avalon agreed.

As suspected her children were great role models and so gentle with their new siblings. Daemon wasnt surprised, of course Avalon's children would be sweet like herself. 

"Hey mum?" Aegon questioned coming into her chambers. "I'm your favorite right?"

"Of course you are baby." Avalon agreed hugging him. Aegon snuggled into her. Yes he was 16, yes he was still her baby, no, neither of them gave a damn that he was too old to be sleeping in Avalon's bed. He needed his mama. Daemon knew he had to share the children with Avalon but he put his foot down at sharing the bed with them. 

"You would say the same to all of us though. Wouldnt you?" Aegon countered.  Avalon hesitated.

"Of course I would baby." Avalon agreed kissing his cheek.

"Mum," Aegon groaned out. 

"Its not my fault I have the best kids ever." Avalon countered. Aegon lay beside he getting under the covers and Daemon shook his head staring back at them from the bottom of the bed but Avalon didnt seem to notice. She kissed Aegon's cheek stroking his hair. 

"Avalon," Daemon remarked. 

"Yeah honey?" Avalon questioned looking to him in the flickering candlelight.

"Our bed." 

"Plenty of room for you." Avalon assured. Draco whined out from his crib. "Oh Daemon, can you get him?" Avalon requested. "I would but I have Aegon." 

"I see how it is." Daemon agreed moving to the crib. "I am being replaced already." 

"I mean mum did replace dad with a younger version." Aegon offered. Avalon choked out a laugh. 

"Watch it kid." Daemon warned. 

"Shes my mum, thats gross." Aegon assured but he didnt get up. 

"I give you twins and you already planning on my replacement?" Daemon mused. 

"Honestly if I knew how needy you were-" Avalon began and Daemon grabbed her foot pulling her down the bed. "DAEMON!" Avalon shrieked out. "I just had twins! I'm sore down there." 

"Gross." Aegon repeated as Avalon moved back up to her pillow. 

"Give me my baby," Avalon requested reaching out for Draco. 

"He's hungry." Daemon remarked passing him off. "Aegon, out." 

"I dont want to." Aegon countered defiantly. 

"And I dont want you seeing your mothers beautiful breasts." Daemon countered. Aegon's lips puckered his face scrunching back into his neck as he looked to Avalon. 

"What? Why would you do that?" Aegon demanded. 

"He's hungry." Avalon repeated. 

"Gross." Aegon decided kissing her cheek before getting up. 

"Love you, baby!" Avalon called after him. 

"So thats how I get little dragons out of our bed." Daemon remarked laying beside her. 

"This is all still new for them." Avalon reminded him. "I need you to step up with the littles." 

"I will, I'm great with kids. I have like a million of them surely." Daemon remarked Avalon swatted a hand at him. "I meant between yours that like to torment me and Laena's that think I'm the devil." Daemon assured. 

"And now ours." 

"See like a million." Daemon agreed. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now