29. Worry and Doubt

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All you had to do was stay // Aemond / Jace out now!

Avalon loved Rhaenyra. She was sweet and kind and only half moody. But Avalon could tell she was feeling left out.

Yes Avalons stomach was growing and she was waddling down the halls most days but it was because Avalon was all stomach.

A boy an heir. A real heir one they could all be proud of was murmuring about the castle.

But Rhaenyra was the heir.

''Tea?'' Avalon suggested. ''I used to have tea parties with my stuffies in the garden.'' Avalon recalled. ''Mouse was quite fond of cake.''

''Sure.'' Rhaenyra agreed following her.

''I am sorry. About everything.'' Avalon whispered

''You have nothing to apologize for.'' Rhaenyra corrected sincerely. ''You are a good queen-''

''Im just keeping it warm for you.' Avalon assured. Rhaenyra smiled leaning into her. "But heavens if I lost viserys..." Avalon shuddered at the thought. "I couldnt imagine."


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Avalon was filled with happiness but as her stomach grew her happiness shifted. Her mother died giving birth to her. Aemma had many miscarriages. Aemma died. Died. She died at her last birth.

What if Avalon died? There was so much she wanted to do. To see.

Viserys saw Mouse take off into the sky. Harwin assured that Avalon was on Mouse when he took off.

"Did she say where she was going?" Viserys countered.

"No your grace. Im sorry." Harwin answered.

Avalon flew and flew her arms outstretched and as she closed her eyes she swore she was flying herself. Not Mouse but her. Flying.

Avalon heard the huff of another dragon and as she opened her eyes she hoped it was Caraxes. But it was Fury.

"What the fuck girlie?" Davina shouted. "You are the queen have a baby and didnt take the opportunity to fuck handsome men in Lys with me and now you are having second thoughts and running away?" Davina shouted back to her.

"No!" Avalon corrected.

"Then why are you running?" Davina called back.

"Im flying not running!" Avalon corrected. "Can we land so im not shouting through the clouds at you?" Avalon requested.

Avalon explained her worries not her doubts to Davina when they landed and Davina sat quietly which was a change for Davina. She was never one to be silent for long. But Avalon leaned back against Mouse before sliding to her butt on the grass. She let out an exasperated breath before looking to Davina to a solution.

"Im not going to lie to you Avalon." Davina remarked.

"Honesty is welcomed." Avalon agreed as Davina sat beside her.

"Women die in childbirth all the time." Davina remarked gently. "It is a possibility. But you are young and strong and you love Viserys. I dont know why he always seemed a fuddie duddie to me-"

"Davina im serious." Avalon whined.

"Me too." Davina agreed leaning into her. "Avalon dont let worry fill you. You have to be at peace with whats to come. You cant control the future. Somethings this things this little human growing inside of you. His or her destiny is already set. Give it to the Gods. They know the future. You dont" davina reminded her.

"Do you know any fortune tellers?" Avalon asked.

"I can do some digging." Davina remarked.

"I met a woman training butterflies." Avalon remembered. "She was trying to get them into formation-"

"Sounds like a loon." Davina countered

"She had me pee on barley." Avalon went on

"Loon." Davina agreed.

"Magic pregnancy test. Maybe she knows a fortune teller."


Viserys had a million things to say when he saw Mouse descend into kings landing. But Avalon smiled and he hugged her tight.

"Good ride love?" Viserys whispered.

"Enlightening." Avalon agreed. "Im starving. Apples I think. Caramel. Ohh lets go to the kitchen I have a wonderful idea!"

Confused Viserys brought her to the kitchen and she had chunks of caramel melted apples cut into slivers and thick crystals of salt poured over. Viserys thought it a strange taste. Sweet and salty but Avalon thought she needed to expand her horizon of sweets.  She couldnt live on carrot cake could she? She could. But this was a good craving.

"I spoke to Davina." Avalon remarked as Viserys wiped at the caramel on her lips. "I was worried and she calmed me down a bit."

"Davina? Our cousin davina?" Viserys countered sucking the caramel from his thumb.

"We bonded over seas."

"What worries could you not speak to me about?" Viserys asked gently.

"Not you." Avalon assured quickly. "I love you. Im not worried about you about us. Im worried about the future but I cant stop the future. Some things are and some things are not. I shouldnt worry of such things."

"Come to me. Come to me with your worries and strange food combinations." Viserys requested. "I worry about the future too. I worry about you Avalon. I love you. I have always loved you. I worry that my heart would break forever if anything happened to you."

"Im right here. You are right here. Our baby-" she grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach. "We focus on us. On being the best we can be. We dont worry about what we cannot control. At least try not to. Just love and be in love."

"I like that idea."

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