24. Madly, Deeply

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Viserys called avalon into his chambers and she skipped through the door. 

"My brother dearest!" Avalon declared closing the door. 

"I had, well the council had a thought." Viserys remarked. "Daemon is to be wed, soon. To Rhae of house Royce."

"I had heard, Daemon didnt seem to know though." Avalon remarked thinking about how he kissed her. 

"He knows." Viserys corrected. 

"I'm sure they will like each other, but Dae is staying here right, or dragonstone? He cant be so far away." Avalon informed him. 

"The council actually spoke of you, my Avalon." Viserys remarked. 

"Me? I don't have a husband." Avalon corrected. "I'm still not really good at talking to men." Avalon reminded him. "Maybe marriage is not for me and I can just take care of your children and Daemon's and be the best aunt ever." Avalon suggested. 

"Come here, love." Viserys requested holding onto her hand and pulling her closer. She sat in his lap as he kissed her temple. "They are suggesting you go on tour."

"Tour?" Avalon countered. 

"A royal tour." Viserys added. 

"A royal tour." She echoed.

"To find... a husband." Viserys remarked softly. 

"To find... for me?" Avalon countered as she brought a hand up to his face. "Viserys, I don't really talk when it comes to handsome men, I have moved up from numb tongue syndrome to rambling but..."

"I dont want you to find a husband and leave me." Viserys admitted. "I love you Avalon. I want you here, its just to appease them."

"How long will I be gone?" 

"You can go for a week, a moon, as long or as short as you like." Viserys remarked. "You can meet one man and run the other way or you can meet a dozen until you can speak confidently to men."

"I don't want to leave." Avalon countered. 

"I dont want you to leave." Viserys agreed kissing her cheek. 

"Rickard is coming with me." Avalon requested. 

"Of course, whoever you would like."


Avalon got to thinking about her future, about her first kiss, about her first kiss with Daemon. It got her thinking about what it would be like for more. What it would be like finding a person that she loved, a one true love. 

She had wanted to know more, it was a nice kiss but it was new and different. She smiled over at Rickard before telling him of the tour, her worries, her concerns. They were leaving in the morrow and Avalon didnt know what to think.

"Don't think of it as a tour," Rickard offered seeing her confused face. "Think of it as an adventure." Avalon nodded. 

"An adventure, I like that. Thank you Rickard."

"Maybe we go to winterfell," Rickard added. "I know my brother would love you." Avalon gave him a knowing look. "No, no, no, I'm just saying that I write often about you and they want to meet you..."

"Rickard, setting me up." Avalon tsked as she bumped her hip into him. 

"You talk fine with me, my brother is like me, just think about that." Rickard offered. 

"You want me to marry you?" Avalon mused. 

"No, well... Princess, you are like a little sister to me. I love you, I do but I can't imagine marrying my sister." Rickard informed her and Avalon laughed out. 

"Tis the Targaryen way." she reminded him with a cheeky grin as she closed her chamber door.  "Daemon, what are you-" Avalon began but Daemon kissed her. His hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer.

He kept kissing her as he walked her back into her room closing the door their lips finding a rhythm. He pulled away just slightly and her eyes fluttered open.

''You are going on tour.'' Daemon whispered. She nodded as his lips found her neck. His hands grabbed down her sides until he got to her ass before lifting her up onto the table.

''What am I going to do without my avalon?'' He whispered teeth nipping at her collarbone. He spread her legs apart keeping his hands on her thighs as her dress bunched up. He yanked at the strap of her dress letting it hang off her arm.

''I dont know,'' avalon admitted in a small voice. Her mind was malfunctioning, she had wanted more but she didnt know didnt think right now was the more she wanted. Not before they were both leaving.

''Are you going to come back with a husband?" Daemon whispered against her as his hands kneaded her thighs.

''I dont think so.'' Avalon replied as his lips collided with hers again. He felt her arch into him lifting off the table slightly. He gave her strap another tug and felt the cold air hit her nipple before Daemons mouth was on her breast engulfing it.

''Dae," she whimpered closing her eyes. He pulled her closer as her legs wrapped around his hips. ''Dae...'' it was all she could say before there was a knock at the door.

''Princess, the princess Rhaenyra requested your presence before you leave.'' Ser Rickard avalons guard declared through the door.

''Thank you Rickard.'' Avalon rasped back. But Daemon wasnt about to stop now. ''Dae,'' she whispered he mumbled against her and it vibrated her whole body. She kissed the top of his head before wrapping her arms around him.

''I love you Dae but I gotta go.'' Avalon whispered and he begrudgingly dragged his lips away from her. He fixed her dress silently before kissing her again.

''Dont fall in love with anyone thats not me.'' Daemon whispered kissing her again.

''I'm always going to love you dae. No matter if Im married and have five kids or start collecting dragon eggs and live there on dragon stone alone. You are always going to be my big brother. '' 

Daemon had wanted more but he knew that stolen kisses was all he would ever get. Breathless moments because Viserys was marrying him off to Rhae Royce of runestone. Daemon didnt want Avalon to know. 

"Did you do this on purpose?" Avalon whispered. 

"What?" Daemon countered. 

"Your wedding while I'm gone." She clarified. Daemon sighed holding her to him. "I love you Dae, I love you so much. Treat your wife right." Avalon instructed. 

"Kiss me when you get back." Daemon countered. 

"I wish I could be there, to meet her." Avalon remarked. 

"I'm still trying to get out of it." Daemon remarked. 

"Give her a chance, maybe you fall madly in love." Avalon offered. 

"Always finding the bright side of things." Daemon rasped. "I'm going to miss you gorgeous." 

"I miss you already." 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now