86. Stuck in a Cookie Jar

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Heating up the first skillet, Avalon grabbed butter and eggs and got to work. It was not long until she heard a noise behind her, before she could even get the first plate ready. She turned to look over her shoulder as she cracked another egg on the side of the pan.

He thought she was beautiful the way her hair was gently mussed, making her look well-fucked, combined with the sleepy look still in her eyes... she's more radiant now than he had ever seen her. He loved to wake up with her every morning. Avalon smiled back at him from the stove top. 

"Did you eat yet? you were up before me this morning," She asked him. "Which never happens, the kids are always waking us up." He huffs a small laugh in agreement as he moved to her tucking her hair behind her ears.

 "Early meeting this morning, I could eat." Viserys agreed. There's a small smile to her lips that made his chest swell with pride. She gave him a sexy smirk.

 "I thought you might be." Avalon agreed. 

She turned her back to him, getting back to the eggs and flipping them.

"You want to grab the fruit? Aemond was helping me this morning, he was pretending all the fruits were different dragon eggs, it was the sweetest, he really wants a dragon." Avalon remarked. "I want him to have a dragon." she added softly. 

She heard uneven steps as he walked behind her on the hard cold kitchen floor pulling out a bowl of fruit, thoroughly touched by Aemond. 

She was meant to be a chef, she plated the food making little faces with the syrup and berries, even made cream this morning. Food art, it should have been a job, Avalon would have aced it. 

During her pregnancy with Daeron she had went through many old records and found many old recipes, she wanted to test them out and found she loved cooking and baking. She loved food. Who didn't though?

"Well, I could definitely get used to this," Viserys remarked. "I love your cooking, never know you cooked until Daeron," Viserys added, he stood there next to her for a moment without saying or doing anything, just looking at her. 

"Could you now?" Avalon asked him playfully. She looked up at him with those beautiful eyes of hers, a soft smile on her lips. 

"Maybe I should be the one cooking for you." Viserys offered. Avalon chuckled. 

"It depends on what you want in return." Avalon's voice was breathy and flirtatious, making his cock stir in his pants. He had to readjust himself and ignore the pan sizzling to turn and face her. Damn, the things she did to him so easily.

There's just something about a good girl being bad for him that made him want to move the world for her. But he didnt have time to respond. Instead a noise behind them distracted both of them.

It was Aegon, he stood in the doorway for a moment, still in his pajamas, clothes disheveled slightly like he had a battle last night in his dreams.  

"Hi honey, you sleep well?" Avalon questioned. "Stir this Viserys." Avalon requested kissing his cheek as she passed. 

"I had a great dream." Aegon agreed. 

"I figured, you were sleeping like a log," Avalon declared peppering his face with kisses. "Food is ready, just waiting on the eggs." 

"I had a dream I was fighting in a battle!" Aegon declared as he took a seat. 

"A battle? Oh that sounds scary- Oh, Criston, Alicent, good morning come on in." Avalon called out. 

"Good morning." They echoed. 

"Are you hungry? Food is almost ready" Avalon nodded to viserys. "And Aegon was telling me about his dream last night."  She turned back to the pan taking the eggs off the heat and plating the food. 

"What did you dream about Aegon?" Alicent questioned as she took a bite. 

"I was leading an army into battle!" Aegon declared. "I was the commander, and I was going to rescue mommy." 

"Rescue me." Avalon repeated. "Did I get stuck in a cookie jar?" She teased and Aegon laughed out. 

"No, no, you wouldnt fit in a cookie jar." Aegon corrected. 

"Which is why I would be stuck." Avalon agreed and Aegon kept laughing out. Her gaze shifted to Criston and Alicent their gazes lingering on each other and she knew it wasnt the time to say, just kiss already this tension between you is killing me so she just let them have their moment of longing. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now