5. Me-oww

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"You can do it!"  Viserys cheered. "Come on you can do it!"

"Why are you yelling-" daemon whined.

"Hush. Avalon is going to walk." Viserys told him.

"She looks stuck." Daemon countered viserys shook his head. Avalon held onto a chair gripped it until her knuckles were white refusing to let go but also refusing to sit down.

"She wants to walk." Viserys told him "such a smart girl she is."

"Avalon honey-" Daemon said moving towards her. "-come on let me help you."

"No." Avalon said clearly. "I. Do." Avalon told him her face in deep concentration.

"Okay. Okay" Daemon agreed raising his hands and plopping to the floor next to Viserys. "You shout if you need me."

"I. Dooo." Avalon repeated staring at her feet

"You do need me?" Daemon offered and she shook her head.

"I. I. Do." She said slowly.

"Shes not making any sense." Daemon teased

"Hush. She is focused." Viserys corrected. She stood out a leg and slapped her foot down still holding on to the chair she looked to Viserys he opened his mouth to say good job but Daemon spoke up first.

"Gotta let go little love." Daemon told her and she furrowed her brow taking one hand off. She looked back to Daemon for approval. "Doing good Avalon." She nodded taking another step and her legs shook she was trying to hold on to the chair as she got farther away from it with every step. Viserys scooted forward expecting her to fall and not wanting her to fall on her face.

"I. Do. I. Do!" Avalon said holding her free hand out stopping him.

"She do it Viserys. Dont crowd the cutie." Daemon said leaning back on his palms.

"I. Do." Avalon said slowly.

"Just here if you need me." Viserys assured her and Avalon nodded. She let go of the chair and took a step. "Avalon! You did it!" Viserys declared. She took another and another as she toppled over into viserys. "Good job sweetie!" Viserys said kissing her face all over. Avalon laughed out kicking her legs up in viserys lap.

"Good job cutie!" Daemon agreed. "Now all we need is for her egg to hatch and she can start flying on her own!" Viserys rolled his eyes.

"You want to try again?" Viserus questioned.

"I tie."  Avalon told them.

"You tired." Viserys translated picking her up and Avalon nodded. "That was hard work." Again she nodded in agreement.


Avalon puckered her lips looking up at Daemon.

"Kiss?" Daemon asked and Avalon nodded. "Mwah!" He said dramatically as he gave her a kiss. Avalon laughed out tipping back onto the floor when she saw something scurry along the edge of the floor. She jumped up moving to Daemon nervously.

"What did you see?" Daemon asked peering around the candle lit room. "I dont see-ohh"

"Wat?" Avalon asked raising her hands up in a confused shrug.

"A mouse." Daemon told her.

"Mouu!" Avalon repeated. "Herrrrt?"

"No it wont hurt you." Daemon assured. "Its so tiny tiney." 

"Ohh" avalon said crawling toward the wall.

Avalon had been getting the hang of walking. But she found crawling to be faster still.

"Mouuu!" Avalon said making kissy noises. "Om ere!"

"I dont think the mouse is going to come to you Avalon." Daemon remarked and she flopped down on her butt and turned to him.

"Ay not?" Avalon asked confused.

"They are scared. They like to hide in the shadows." Daemon told her. "So little they fit in all the cracks and holes."

"Lil ike me." Avalon both asked and stated.

"A bit smaller than you." Daemon remarked and Avalon turned around trying to coax the mouse out.

"Mouu om ere. Mouu!" Avalon said tapping on the floor. "I unt a mou!" Avalon told Daemon turning around again.

"You want a mouse? Like as a pet?" Daemon questioned.

"Ya." Avalon agreed. "I unt a mou. You get?" Avalon asked crawling over to him. "Or me?"

"Can I get a mouse for you?" Daemon repeated thinking it over. Avalon used all her little strength to pull herself up yanking on his shirt so she was looking him in the eye. "Aw Avalon you know I cant say no to you."

"A mou or me?" Avalon said happily. "A mou or me!"

"A mouse for you." Daemon agreed with a laugh. Avalon plopped down content in his lap for about a fraction of a minute before she looked up at him waiting.


"Now?" Daemon asked

"Ow." Avalon agreed.

"Tomorrow." Daemon negotiated.

"Ow?" Avalon begged pulling on his shirt again as she stood up. "Ease Dae! Mou ow!"

"You sound like a cat." Daemon informed her and her face scrunched up. "Meowww!" Daemon repeated and Avalon stared at him a moment before a smile appeared on her face and she started giggling.

"Me-owww!" Avalon repeated still laughing. "Me-owww!" The mouse forgotten for now but now for long.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now