73. I'm Dripping

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Long Live / Rhaegar Targaryen / Elia Martell out now!

They were drenched when they got back, Alicent's cheeks hurt from smiling so much and someone did steal cristons armor and Avalon and Alicent's shoes but nothing could bring them down from the high of the adrenaline rush of cliff jumping.

Rhaenyra stood arms crossed over her chest, foot tapping aggressively against the ground. Out of rebellion she had slept with Harwin strong. But she found sex with him was much better than Laenor. But seeing their smiling faces her bitter resentment faded to jealousy. Avalon was hers. Alicent stole her away.

"Rhaenyra... lose the attitude and we bring you with for the fun." Avalon instructed as she walked past. Alicent stopped in front of Rhaenyra dripping still to her feet. Criston followed Avalon.

"Hello Rhaenyra."

"What happened?" Rhaenyra demanded.

"We went cliff-"

"Why did Avalon come to rescue you and fuck everything up?" Rhaenyra clarified.

"Dalton Greyjoy." Alicent said.

"I know. Your father married you to him." Rhaenyra hissed.

"He hurt me. Abused me, raped me." Alicent informed her through a thick breath. "I couldn't handle it. I don't know why I wrote to Avalon, honestly I don't.... maybe because she... treated me kindly before, treated me like family... I wasn't... I didn't... I just needed to get out of there."

Rhaenyra opened her mouth but closed it wordlessly.

"If it bothers you so much I can leave. I don't know where I will go but I will..." Alicent offered, Rhaenyra stared back at her. "Rhaenyra we were best friends... I always hoped that we... could be... friends again."

Rhaenyra sighed turning back to the castle. Alicent stared after her.

"Come on then. Avalon has the cooks making cake constantly." Rhaenyra remarked and Alicent chased after her.

"You are very wet my dear." Viserys remarked as Avalon pat a towel over her hair.

"I am." She agreed turning to him. "More ways than one in fact." Viserys smiled over at her pulling at her wet dress. "It's cute I can still make you blush." Avalon whispered as he kissed her.

"Come on lets get you dried off." Viserys suggested. He led her back to their chambers and she was already pulling off top layers of her dripping clothing. 

Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he mumbled.

"Did you have fun?" his hand kept working at her dress.

"indeed, I did." Avalon agreed. With a smooth, swift stroke he pulled her top off, returning his mouth to the sensitive skin of her neck. His hand cupped her breasts with firm pressure.

"In fact..." Avalon went on as his hand slid down and he curled his fingers around her panties, working them under her backside and down her legs "...I've never felt so alive."

"Never?" Viserys teased kissing down her chest.

"Viserys," she whispered with an impatient need, grabbing the hem of his shirt. He helped her by pulling it off and sliding down his pants. She smiled. He smirked and it was so damn sexy. 

The hiss of his breath filled the room as she stroked him. He rested his hand on her legs and closed his eyes, letting his chin drop to his chest. Gripping her ass, she jumped up onto the counter  her hair dripping down her naked body still. Viserys looked her over as she stared back at him. Viserys tugged her to the edge of the counter then pushed her legs apart. Looking into her eyes he promised her forever before his lips spoke the actual words.

"I'm never letting you go." Viserys promised.  She shivered as he slid inside her, claiming her lips with his, her hair with his hands, and her soul with every beat of his heart.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now