113. Made You Mine

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"Deal with it... husband."

He kissed his way down her neck, palming her ass with one hand and squeezing her breast with his other.

Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he tugged at it with his teeth until her back arched off the bed. "Oh Gods ..."  avalons soft moan had him hard again.

No woman had ever made him feel so insatiable. Every inch of her tasted divine. His Avalon. His wife. He couldn't stop sucking and lapping his tongue over her breasts as two of his fingers slid between her slick folds.

She held her breath as his head lowered, and he dragged an illicit tongue from below her opening up to circle her bundle of nerves.

"Is all this wetness for me? Do I make your cunt wet and beg for more?" he questioned.

"Yes," she breathed back. His smirk was the last thing she saw because as soon as his mouth latched on to her cunt, her eyes rolled back in her head, and she did nothing but feel. Feel the way he sucked on each fold. Feel the way his tongue pushed in and out of her as his thumb circled her clit. Feel the way he bit at the tender flesh as two fingers slid into her slowly. Feel the way they curled as he sucked her to one of the best orgasms she had ever had. She was biting her palm, barely holding back her screams when he eased her back to earth. He peppered kisses everywhere he could reach from his crouched position.

He fingered her to another orgasm, aiming only to pleasure her. Reminding her of her present. Her husband. Him. She clawed at his back then tugged his hair. He never knew a woman's death grip on his hair could make his dick pulse.

Avalons body writhed beneath his. She screamed out his name and he smirked into her. After he removed his fingers, her eyes fluttered open and he released her nipple. She looked down at the teeth marks he left as a souvenir.

"That's a first."

"Yeah?" He kissed the bite marks and grinned. "Well it won't be the last." Avalon pulled the sheet up over her chest and bit her lip.  "Dont hide from me Avalon." Daemon corrected she smiled as he lay back pulling her on top of him.

She rolled her hips, testing the feel of him sliding against her insides and filling her with jolts of static. His entire body trembled beneath her.

"Faster." Daemon breathed back. With her palms on his chest, she rotated along his shaft, lifting and rocking. The dragging, tickling strokes were unreal. The little shocks of electricity, the panting sounds of their breaths, everything centers around where they were joined. He rose his head, watching her intensely.

"Ride it." he commanded. She did, willingly and with abandon. "Fucking grind it." His hand slips from the headboard, but just as quickly, he adjusts his grip. "Harder, Avalon. Deeper." he commanded and she let loose, lifting her arms behind her head, closing her eyes, and circling her hips. When she bounced, her breasts sway and the bed frame creaks. When she bear down and rocked, her clit catches fire. She could come like this. A bona-fide orgasm. With a cock inside her. Daemons gorgeous thick cock. Hard to ignore the significance of that. Daemon. Daemon. Daemon.

"Ah, fuck." The headboard groans in his grip.

"Look at you." Daemon whispered and she opened her eyes and collide with his, a smile pulling at her cheeks. His biceps flex above his head, his thighs hardening beneath her.

"Give me your mouth."

She slid up his chest and thrust her hips, delighting in the feeling of the new angle. When she reached his lips, his tongue seeking her, twirling and tasting. He snapped his teeth at her, his muscles bunching and twitching.

"Your gorgeous cunt is dripping all over me." His filthy mouth strengthens the brewing tide inside her. "My gorgeous wife. Its was about damn time I made you mine."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now