76. Didn't Marry You For Your Looks

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Hands to Myself / Ned Stark / Jon Snow / Elia Martell out now!!


Wither / Jaime Lannister out now!

"He was trapped on that island for days, before he lassoed some sea turtlers-"

"Sea turtles!" Aegon declared jumping up.

"Captain Jack Sparrow escaped from a desert island by strapping two sea turtles together, the rope was made from hair from his own back, and he rode them to safety." Avalon declared and Aegon's jaw dropped.

"Shut up!" Aegon declared. "Back hair? Thats so gross!"

"Is that a true story?" Alyssa questioned skeptically.

"Of course..." Avalon winked at Alyssa. "... not." Avalon added. "Sparrow escaped the island by bartering with rum traders." Avalon whispered. "But the turtle story is better."

"is this pirate real mama?" Aegon questioned.

"I would like to think so." Avalon agreed. Then they heard the death screams of Rhaenyra beginning her labors. Aegon covered her ears with his hands. 

"MAMA?" Aegon shouted confused and flustered. She picked him up as she closed the door blocking out the echoing screams. 

"You are about to become an uncle... thats a strange thought."


Avalon looked from Jace to Rhaenyra to jace to Harwin before she couldn't stop the chuckle.

"He is beautiful." Avalon assured. Rhaenyra stared back at her waiting for the how could you? The velaryons will not be happy but Avalon kissed Rhaenyra's head cradling Jace to her. "You did good, so good. He's so perfect. How are you feeling?"

"Thank you Avalon." Avalon chuckled.

"Does Ser Harwin wish to meet his newest charge?" Avalon remarked and Harwin nodded stepping forward. Avalon passed him off. "Congratulations." Avalon whispered. "I will fetch Viserys." Avalon suggested ''you rest."

"Thank you Avalon."

"Be right back."

"I thought she was going to flip!" Rhaenyra admitted slumping back into the bed.

"When has Queen Avalon ever had a temper?' Harwin countered and Rhaenyra nodded in agreement.

"Laenor is not going to be happy, when he returns... if he returns." Rhaenyra remarked.

"He has a son.' Harwin reminded her holding Jacaerys close. "What father wouldn't be happy?" Rhaenyra stared back at him.


Jace was born with thick black hair. Davina smirked looking to Rhaenyra and Harwin. Rhaenyra stayed silent a moment longer. The heir had a bastard, the heir's heir was a bastard, a handsome little bastard but still.

"He is strong and healthy?" Davina mused. "Certainly strong." Avalon swatted at her. "Strong lad he is. Right Harwin?" Harwin stared back at her. 

"Dont mind Davina, she is best in small doses." Avalon offered. 

"Davina, I didnt know you were here." Viserys remarked. 

"I came for baby dragons but realized when Avalon said baby dragon she ment human baby dragon and not, baby, baby, dragon." Davina said, disappointment filled her. "Anyways, a human baby..." Viserys chuckled looking to Avalon she gave him a shrug that said Davina will be Davina. ''It seems he got Laenors skin tone in his hair alone.'' Davina mused viserys nodded as he took Jace from her.

''I'm a grandsire.'' Viserys remarked.

''Gods we are old.'' Avalon remarked.

''You still look as beautiful as ever.'' Viserys told her honestly.

''Awe look at you two." Davina declared. "But you Vis...'' davina chuckled.

''Thank you Dav. I love you too," Viserys told her as Avalon reached a hand out to touch his chin. "you are so handsome cousin.'' Viserys mused. ''I think that is what you meant to say between your little laughs.''

''I love you viserys." Avalon assured. 

"- and you are lucky the kids have Avalon's good looks.'' Davina added.

''Indeed.'' Viserys agreed.

''You are handsome.'' Avalon assured.

 ''Yeah I see it if I just close one eye.'' Davina rolled over as she looked at him upside down. ''Squint this eye and-''

''You are mean.'' Viserys told her.

''Good thing Avalon didnt marry you for your looks she married you for your crown.'' Davina teased still laughing.

"Davina!" Avalon declared.

''Gods.'' Viserys sat down next to her jace still in his arm. She couldn't help but laugh.

''Take it as a compliment cous.'' Davina told him softly as she sat up kissing jaces little head. Her arms wrapped around viserys shoulders.

''What?'' Viserys mused thinking he might not want an answer. Avalon worried the same thing.

''Avalon loves you more than I did any of my husband. Hell Vis, You have lasted longer than any husband had.'' Davina told him.

''I suppose that is something.'' Viserys agreed. "But you are not Avalon." 

''I love you.'' Avalon whispered kissing Viserys.

''I love you... lets make another.'' Viserys suggested nodding to jace.

''I think mellos sterilized you because honey its been 3 years.'' Avalon countered. 

''Doesnt mean we cant keep trying.'' Viserys offered as Avalon kissed him.

"Come on then." Avalon declared. "Dav take a baby." 

"Yes ma'am!" Davina agreed. 

Avalon loved Viserys. He was sweet to her and even if Viserys wasnt physically Avalon's dream man anymore, sure the one arm and the sickness, the patches on his skin wasnt like heart throb wow fuck me now vibes but his heart and mind were perfect. Sure his memory was not perfect but he always knew what to say. He loved her right. They had the same wants and needs and desires. To be loved and appreciated, Avalon was glad that she had Viserys. She trusted him.

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now