116. Not A Damsel In Distress

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Avalon was used to pregnancy. She had done it four times now. She was used to the swollen ankles the constant need to pee the weird food cravings. What she wasnt used to was the ladies of the court being so kind to her.

She suspected it had everything to do with her king Daemon and not that they liked her anymore than usual.

While avalons stomach grew perhaps the women of court thought daemon want to take a lover. Since aparently avalon was a disgusting beast now that she carried his child.

They were very wrong.

"What is up with the witches coven?" Daemon questioned plopping to a seat beside Avalon.

"What ever do you mean husband?" Avalon countered. Daemon nodded to the women of the court. "Witches coven?" Avalon giggled back. 

"Alyssa and Aegon told me everything so dont feel like you have to lie." Daemon added. 

"They are awful and only pretended to like me when I became queen." Avalon agreed. "Before that they all thought I was strange." 

"SOunds like Alyssa." Daemon remarked. 

"I love Alyssa so much, she reminds me of me." Avalon agreed. "Her love of nature and the little creatures."

"You liked slightly larger creatures." Daemon countered. 

"Well the ladies of court are a witches coven but they all look at you now like you are the sun, the moon and stars, all in one devilishly handsome man." Avalon informed him. 

"Well, I am a devilishly handsome man." Daemon mused. "What do you want to do about them?" 

"Do? What do you mean do?" Avalon countered. 

"Right, right you are the queen, must not get your hands dirty." Daemon agreed with a dramatic wink. "I will enlist Aemond, he looks like he could be good at stirring up trouble."

"Daemon! Don't you dare drag my babies into your shenanigans!"  Avalon demanded. He chuckled walking off. "Daemon, I mean it!" Avalon begged. 

"Hey kid you want to stir up some trouble?" 

Aemond blinked back at him, putting down his book and shifting in his seat. 

"No, not really." Aemond corrected. 

"It's good trouble." 

"Whats good trouble?" Aemond countered. 

"I want to..." Daemon chuckled. "the ladies of the court are not the nicest to your mum, I want to show them not to mess with Avalon."

"I dont know," Aemond countered. "I think I should ask Mum first." Aemond remarked. 

"Are you a boy or are you a man?" Daemon countered. 

"I'm 12." Aemond answered. 

"I should have known better." Daemon remarked as he slowly headed out. "All Avalon's children would be goodie goodies like she was as a child." Daemon thought it would get Aemond to join him but Aemond nodded picking back up his book and turning to his page. Daemon's shoulders slumped, how was he supposed to bond with Aemond if he didnt want to cause a bit of trouble?

"Your husband is so charming." 

"I know, thats why I married him." Avalon agreed turning back to Alyssa, she was making a booklet of all the flowers and creatures she found. She did pressed flowers in between the pages before she transferred them to her journal. 

"You know you should really squash those thoughts of imaginary friends." Another woman said and Avalon's gaze turned sharply to her. Alyssa clutched her book to her chest. 

"No one asked you." Avalon snapped back. 

"If you ever want her to find a suitable husband-"

"She is almost 14, she is not suited for marriage yet and I prefer if my children express themselves." Avalon declared. 

"Yes but if she was to marry, -my nephew is a lovely boy-" she added casually and Avalon rolled her eyes. "-boys dont like that sort of stuff." Alyssa looked to Avalon as she rose up, hands perched on her pregnant stomach. 

"I know women like you, I dont like women like you, but there are so many women just like you." Avalon remarked. 

"I'm just trying to help you, your children, your future children-" She reached out a hand to touch Avalon's stomach but Avalon's words made her pull her hand back. 

"You are in my personal space." Avalon hissed. "You will leave the castle immediately and never return... do I need to have you removed?" She gawked back at Avalon. "Ser Harwin, this woman is no longer allowed on castle grounds. Please remove her."

"You can't do this," She sputtered. "I am a lady of the court, I have power, I know people-"

"I am the queen." Avalon countered. "And you insulted my daughter. You are lucky I'm not taking your tongue." 

"Dont do this, I'm sorry!" 

"Harwin, please put her in the courtyard, in the stocks please." Avalon added. Alyssa chuckled. 

"The nifflers got into the berries and the billywig's got into the pear tree, they are ready to be tossed." Alyssa remarked. 

"Yes princess." Harwin agreed. 

"She's delusional!"

"Careful, I can still take your tongue." Avalon warned. 

Daemon came up behind them a slow clap filling the air. Avalon turned to him a victorious smirk on her lips. 

"I'm not a damsel in distress Daemon." Avalon reminded him. "I can fight my own battles. I'm the God damn Queen."

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now