93. Get This Maniac Off Me!

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Daeron was 6 when Tessarion presented herself to him.

Aemond was heartbroken. It was his turn to get a dragon, Daeron was younger than him. It wasnt fair, it was all he ever wanted.

Daeron stared back at the she dragon in shock. Avalon watched Aemond sulk off and confusion filled her. 

"Aemond, honey what happened?" Avalon questioned chasing after him. 

"Daeron is getting a dragon." Aemond cried out. 

"What?" Avalon questioned but Aemond kept going. 'Daeron?" Avalon shouted running to the pits. "DAERON!" she demanded. 

"Mama..." Daeron rasped staring back at Tessarion. If Aemond had tried to claim Tessarion he probably would have been able to. Daeron stared back at the dragon for what felt like an eternity. Avalon was tempted to call Aemond back and tell Daeron he wasnt ready. But it was like something clicked in Daeron and he started shouting out the commands and jumping up and down. Avalon saw a look of pure happiness on his little face. 

"Can I fly?" Daeron questioned holding onto her hand. "Please mama!" 

"I want to come with." Avalon remarked. 

"Yeah, I dont want to fall from the clouds." Daeron agreed. Cautiously, he moved to Tessarion. Avalon was proud of him, he need the dangers of dragons, he didnt run head first. Avalon felt the hum of Tessarion as they got closer. 

Avalon always had a special way about her and dragons. Viserys told her all the time. She had the power of a dragon within her. Her fingers trilled above the scales as Daeron grabbed the reigns. Most dragons had been someone elses previously, there were some unclaimed dragons but Tessarion had belonged to someone elses, had a saddle and reigns to hold onto. 

"Aemond whats wrong?" Viserys questioned putting down his book. 

"Daeron got a dragon!" Aemond cried out as he hugged viserys. Viserys wrapped an arm around him holding him closer. 

"Oh buddy, I'm so sorry, the right dragon-"

"i want a dragon now!" Aemond begged. 

"I know you do." Viserys agreed. 

"Dont you care? Dont you want me to be a dragon rider too?" Aemond whimpered looking up at him. 

"Of course I do." Viserys agreed. "Aemond I'm sorry you dont have a dragon right now, I want you to have a dragon right now." Viserys assured. "Shall we go to the pits and see if any more eggs-"

"I dont want an egg I want a dragon!" Aemond begged. 

"An egg could produce a dragon." Viserys reminded him. "Come, lets look." 

"Must suck." Aegon remarked as he passed them. "I saw Daeron and mother flying." He clarified. "Might as well give up now, no dragon will want you." 

"I'm going to kill you!" Aemond shouted charging at Aegon. Aemond had the fury behind him and got Aegon to the ground pounding his fists into Aegon's face. 

"Boys!" Viserys demanded. 

"Get this maniac off of me!" Aegon shouted giving him a shove. 

"I will have a dragon!" Aemond shouted as Criston pulled him back. "I will have the largest and most powerful dragon!" Aemond informed him. "Just you wait." 

"Both of you, to your chambers now." Viserys demanded. 

"I'm bleeding." Aegon corrected. 

"Yes, yes, see the maester and then your chambers." Viserys agreed. 

"What did I do?" Aegon shouted. "He went psycho on me!" 

"You are being a twat!" Aemond shouted back. 

"Boys, boys, what  would your mother think if she heard you talking like this!" Viserys declared looking between them.  "Ser Criston please escort Aemond to his chambers."

"Yes your grace." Criston agreed. "Come on my prince." 

Daeron was flying high, cloud catching but coming down was filled with dried blood and pissed off children. 

"What in seven hells happened!" Avalon demanded moving to Aegon. 

"Aemond attacked me!" Aegon declared. "I didnt do anything!" 

"Aegon." Avalon coed. 

"I said something but then he hit me! A lot!" Aegon assured. 

"Baby, what happened?" She touched the dried blood on his shirt. He pulled it off throwing it aside. "Aegon, what did you say?"

"I can't remember, he was beating my face, I am having a hard time remembering." Aegon offered. 

"Alyssa what happened?" Daeron questioned. 

"I dont know, I found a bee hive." Alyssa remarked. "We are going to be getting fresh honey soon I bet!" 

"I got a dragon." Daeron informed her, that was better than honey. 

"Congratulations!" Alyssa agreed hugging her little brother. "Oh, I know what they were fighting about now." Alyssa realized. 

"Aegon, you are brothers, why would you say that? YOu know he wants nothing more than to be a dragon rider." Avalon tsked. 

"Sorry mum." Aegon mumbled. 

"Are you okay?" Avalon coed kissing his forehead.  Aegon shrugged. "I need to check on Aemond but I will be right back." She assured. 

"If I knew he was going to freak out, I wouldnt have said it... without a shield." 

"Aegon." Avalon tsked as she headed out. 

"Mama before you say anything. Aegon started it." Aemond declared when Criston opened the door for Avalon. 

"And you finished it, did you?" Avalon questioned. 

"I guess I did." Aemond agreed softly. 

"Honey, I love you so much and you are going to have a dragon, someday soon. I know it. And whatever Aegon said I'm sure wasnt nice but dont turn to violence." 

"I was just so mad mama." Aemond declared. "You wouldnt understand. YOu have a dragon! The dragons love you!" Aemond reminded her. 

"You will have a dragon. I know it." Avalon assured kissing his head. "You have to promise me you dont start fights again over this. You could have really hurt your brother." 

"I'm sorry mama." Aemond mumbled. 

"I know it hurts right now but you dont want just any dragon. You want the best dragon." Avalon remarked. 

"I do." Aemond agreed. 

"Good things come to those who wait."

"That sounds like something someone that didnt have to wait would say." Aemond countered honestly. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now