30. Loving Him & Not Me

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Haunted / Aegon x vaera out now!!

"Oh my goodness, Avalon." Daemon declared and she spun around. "You are all stomach!" 

"I'm hiding cake under my dress, don't tell the council." Avalon mused as he hugged her.

"I missed you gorgeous, I missed you so much." 

"You didnt need to stay away." Avalon reminded him. 

"I couldnt stay. Not after what I did." Daemon corrected. 

"I forgive you, see forgiven, come home. I'm due next moon you can meet your future niece or nephew." Avalon requested and he had a hard time saying no to those eyes. "Please Dae, I miss you."

"I miss you but... you know I always wanted this moment," He put a hand on her stomach. "To be you and me. Our baby." 

"You were married off and I was sent on tour." Avalon reminded him gently. 

"A tour you didnt find a husband from."

"A wife I seem to recall you didnt consummate a marriage with." Avalon countered. 

"We could run away together." Daemon offered. 

"I'm married to viserys, whom I love." Avalon corrected. 

"YOu know you used to bully me as a child." Daemon remarked. 

"Lies." Avalon corrected. "I loved you then and I love you now."

"You were so quick to call Viserys cute I should have known you were going to marry a much, much older man." Daemon remarked and Avalon swatted a hand at him. "You always made me work for it though."

"I love you." Avalon corrected. "Your ego was just a bit bigger and needed my guidance to bring you back down."

"Down where?" Daemon teased twisting her hips in his hands. 

"Shameless." Avalon whispered. 

"For you? Always." Daemon agreed. 

"I love you Daemon, I will never not love you. I want you in this babies life." Avalon begged. "Be the wonderful uncle, I know you can be, you were the best big brother."

"Again, I remember a little Avalon declaring Viserys is the best." Daemon teased. 

"I was campaigning for his crown everyone clearly listened to me." Avalon remarked. 

"Of course, your grace." Daemon agreed bowing dramatically.

"I miss you Daemon, come back."

"It would hurt." Daemon corrected. 

"What would?" Avalon retorted. 

"Seeing you love him and not me." Daemon answered honestly. "I had you first. I should have fought harder... do you ever think about it... us?" 

"Not in the way you are I suppose." Avalon remarked. 

"Of course not, you were always a good girl, knew what was right." Daemon agreed. "Now you are queen and popping out Viserys heirs." 

"Rhaenyra is the heir Daemon. The council pressured him to marry. But I'm glad he picked me." 

"Are you?"

"I love him. I love you." Avalon assured as she kissed his cheek. "Daemon, you and Vis were my whole world, still are. Don't leave me. I need you still. I'm not ever going to stop needing you in my life." 

"It hurts baby, it hurts knowing I couldnt love you like this, like I wanted to, like I know you would have liked." Daemon remarked softly as he kissed her forehead. 

"Stay and love me as my brother and an uncle to this baby." Avalon begged. "Daemon please, I don't want to lose you."

"You could never lose me. I'm always here if you need me and you my little avalon don't need me right now." Daemon countered. 

"I'm always going to need you" Avalon corrected. 

He rested his forehead against hers and snapped his fingers three times. 

"I love you too." Avalon whispered hugging him tight. She snapped once.

"Always.'' he repeated fondly. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now