119. Snapper

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Daemon was on double duty, doo doo duty and basically any and every duty that Avalon assigned him with the twins while she attended to her work.

Daemon didnt expect this to be his life once he was the king but he was THE king. He was Avalon's king, which was in a sense better. Avalon did the boring things, the meetings the laws, the work with the lower city. Daemon got to lead the troops, clean up the scum and after he changed Kaida he was going to close up a fighting pit.

Avalon was appalled when Criston told her what he discovered. Daemon took his most trusted men, Criston and Harwin included and they wrecked havoc.

"Why couldnt I go with?" Aegon questioned. 

"Because you are my baby boy and I dont want you getting hurt." Avalon answered. 

"I'm ten and six mum." Aegon corrected. "I'm not a baby." 

"I know but you will always be my baby." Avalon corrected kissing his forehead. He grumbled out. "Did Daemon tell you what they were going to do?" 

"Kill a bunch of bad guys." Aegon offered. 

"They had children, fighting each other, killing each other for sport. They starved these children, had them sharpen their teeth and nails... Criston said they looked like wild and rabid animals." Avalon remarked gently, she shook her head at the thought. It was awful, disgusting, terrible.

"Mama," Daeron called out. "Can we make cookies?" Avalon smiled, Daeron always knew how to push the darkness away and bring in the light. 

"Aegon what do you say? Cookies?" Avalon questioned running a hand over his back. "Or are you too old to hang out with your mum and make cookies?" 

"I'm not too old," Aegon mumbled leaning into her. "I'm a man mum." he added. 

"My little man." Avalon agreed kissing his forehead. 


"Who's the stinkiest baby in the whole wide world?" Daemon said, kicking Kaida's legs back and forth. "You. Yes, you are. The prettiest, stinkiest baby there ever was."

"Daemon!" Avalon laughed out.

"Ah my love there you are." 

"How did it go?" Avalon questioned moving towards him. 

"The kids have been delivered to the orphanage, I may have said a thing or two about the crown helping them with fonds and food and such, thought that was something you would like." Daemon offered. 

"It was, it is!" Avalon agreed. "Thank you... and the men?"

"The rats are feasting on their organs now I suspect." Daemon remarked. "But thats not all."

"What? Oh no, why did you say it like that?" Avalon begged. 

"Davina adopted one of the kids." 

"Davina went to wreck havoc with you?" Avalon countered. "I didnt realize she was back." 

"She was fliting with Strong and I said be useful and she kicked some ass and a little boy claimed Davina as his, I think he even bit her but Davina picked him up looked him in the eyes and said yep. My kid now." Daemon informed her. 

"You are joking... right?" 

"No biting!" Davina demanded from the hallway. 

"Hell Daemon," Avalon murmured. 

"You know thats a bad word right?" Daemon mused as she headed out. 

"Snapper, stop it." Davina instructed. The boy wrapped his arms and legs around Davina's leg as she walked, her leg dragged as if she had a limp as she hoisted the boy along. "Avalon!" 

"You got a kid?" 

"I got a kid, he didnt have a name and he likes to bite. I call him Snapper." Davina agreed. 

"Hello sweet boy." Avalon coed kneeling before him. He clung tighter to Davina. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Snapper this is Avalon, she's good. She's nice. She's the queen so dont fucking bite her." Davina demanded. 

"You have such a way with children, Dav." Avalon agreed. 

"He loves me." Davina agreed. 

"He needs a real name," Avalon remarked. 

"You like Snapper, right kid?" Davina countered and he chomped his teeth at her. "See? He likes it." 

"Are you hungry, sweetie?" Avalon coed. "We made cookies," Snapper stared back at her before looked up at Davina. 

"I love cookies, say yes kid." Davina instructed. He nodded. 

"Can he talk?" Avalon questioned as they headed down. 

"He was screaming like a banshee when we got there but I dont know that he knows a lot of words there werent screamed at him for years." Davina remarked. 

"He needs a nice bath as well." Avalon remarked. 

"Hey I heard you had more kids, congratulations, they got eggs yet?" Davina remarked as Snapper let go of her leg and moved to the food engulfing a loaf of bread on the counter before moving to the cookies. 

"mama," Daeron said taking a step back. "There is a wild boy in our kitchen."

"Thats Snapper, he's mine." Davina corrected. "Snapper dont fight, don't you fight them!" Davina warned. He growled over the cookies and Alyssa jumped back. 

"Davina," Avalon begged. Avalon was grateful that this little boy got a mum like Davina that would handle him and train him but she didnt want her children hurt or traumatized while she was trying to turn him into a real boy again and not just a killer. 

"I will work with him on dragonstone." Davina remarked. "Bring him back a changed boy." Davina assured. Alyssa ran to Avalon clinging to her. 

"This is Snapper, he's davina's new son. She just adopted him." Avalon remarked. "He is still learning to adjust." she added. Snapper snapped pulling the food closer. 

"You can have it man." Dearon declared. "I'm not losing my fingers over a cookie." 

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