121. Dizzy

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"Now ... you need to remind me of what this whole adoration thing feels like, I miss your touch." Avalon remarked. She crawled up the bed and he pulled her to him. His hands explored her body, hers explored his. Their lips connected as they shared soft moans. Daemon lifted her hips, pulling her dress off she pulled at his pants there wasnt enough time to take them off they rested around his knees, he tugged her panties aside and slid into her. 

"I told you..." he kissed her neck "...when I have you in my bed..." his tongue slid over her nipple "...I'd never want to leave." Her eyes closed as she completely surrendered, letting him pull her under to depths of intimacy. By the time she resurfaced —sated, exhausted, and thoroughly adored— Daemon's body was draped over hers. His body became her security. She teased her hands along his back, tracing each muscle.

Their legs tangled, when Kaida whined out, both tried to get up and Avalon felt them falling, Daemon's hand shot out to grip the wall, holding her to him with his other hand while keeping them from falling to the floor. Doesn't matter. They hit the wall and melt to the floor anyway. Daemon landed on his back, keeping Avalon protected on him. She laughed out as he gently rolled her over. He hovered over her, for a few labored breaths. Dipping his head, he kissed her neck while cupping her breast. Her hips lifted off the floor as if her body's entire purpose in life has been to feel Daemon between her legs. While his lips brush the swell of her breast, he released a soft chuckle.

Heat filled her cheeks. She was a lot of things, but immune to his physical touch was not one of them. She lost her words and her breath when his hot mouth devours her flesh. Her other breast. Her abdomen. Kaide had settled herself which was good because Daemon wasnt letting Avalon leave just yet. 

His right hand slid up her stomach, squeezing her breast again while his left hand gripped her leg, guiding it to the side while his mouth plants between her legs. She was plopped down into a bench at the bottom of the bed. 

"Dear godddd ..." she drawled out, she arched her back, and he pinched her nipple. Lick. Suck. One finger. Two fingers. She was dizzy. So ... damn ... dizzy.

He inched his fingers up her inner thighs as she sat on the bench with shaky legs and racing breaths. She closed her eyes, she gasped ... then moaned, lips parted, hips rocking into his touch.

One hand grabbed his hair while her other hand covers his hand on her breast, squeezing it. He pinched her nipple until her body jerks from the pain. A good pain. That pain crashes into an explosion of pleasure when his tongue and his fingers move faster, harder ... and just ... so ... perfectly ... but that was Daemon. 

She chanted out his name with a deadly plea, with the arrival of her orgasm. He slowed his tongue while lifting his hips and working the button to his pants.

With all the confidence in this world, and maybe a few other worlds too, he fit between her legs. Kissed her with breathtaking vigor. And drives his cock into her with a hard thrust.

"Fuckkk ..." she cried. He groaned into her mouth, but he doesn't slow down. Not one. Single. Bit. That had her eyes rolling back into her head.

She was going to have bruises on her back consistent with fucking on hard surfaces instead of their plush bed. If she happen die in the next twenty-four hours, that's not what the maester would write in his notes when he examined her corpse, but that's what he'll think.

"Gods Avalon ..." He breathed in her ear before biting her earlobe. "I want to fuck you all night ..." His teeth dig into her shoulder next. He angled his hips lower even lower until his pelvis strokes her clit with each thrust. Her fingertips curl into his back, her teeth into his shoulder

Again, she orgasmed a few seconds before a moan escaped him. He pumped into her harder than any man has done before him. Then he stilled. A mass of rigid muscles and bones going limp over her used and sated body.

The world's heaviest blanket. But she didnt want him to move. Would have cried if she lost that warmth and connection, she needed it, needed him. 

"My Avalon," he whispered against her ear. It was a sigh. Or maybe something more reverent, more desperate. Whatever the meaning, it gave her goose bumps. It filled her completely. 

Half of my Heart // Viserys Targaryen // Daemon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now